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Doubtful: X responsible

  Question  added by Do you think X should be responsible for enforcing content moderation and removing deepfakes? #3422662583 ThankReportJanuary 27, 2024 at 6:32:03 PM Q:   Do you think X should be responsible? A: You can stop right there, bot!  X’s owner is irresponsible. He has shown himself incapable of telling the truth. He worships Himself. X is guided by His personal lack of honesty.  X and “responsible” do not belong on the same planet, much less in the same sentence! Q:  Should X  be responsible for enforcing content moderation? A: YES: ALL SOCIAL MEDIA will be moderated.  Momentarily, private corporations are moderating it in the world’s democracies  while the government severely restricts social media in dictatorships. As of 2024, the European Union is imposing some governmental moderation [1]  upon social media operating within its borders, because corporate moderation
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Yet another example of hate speech freely expressed on Quora

  Open Racism: Why Human Moderators Like YOU Matter! Please block AND REPORT this profile to Quora for Hate Speech. A classic! Q:  Why? A:  Probably for many reasons: Quora’s bots are not good enough to catch this sort of thing. The perp had not requested an answer from a troll hunter. Hopefully this hater’s call to violence came to an end today, when Quora forwarded his request to me for an answer: At least  the question  was caught and deleted by Quora: The profile, however, is up to us. Dare we suggest that permanent banning would be appropriate? Here is how I reported it to Quora: You may use the image above, too. I find it best to include images in my reports if I can. Comments welcome!

This is hate speech

  I was a polling officer in the 2020 elections. I saw with my own eyes that Obama voted for Trump. I am explaining this for the first time on Quora. Are you surprised? Jeffrey Diver Faculty at  School of Hard Knocks  (1950–present) 14m Question  added by I was a polling officer in the 2020 elections. I saw with my own eyes that Obama voted for Trump. I am explaining this for the first time on Quora. Are you surprised? #2510652512 ThankReportOctober 30, 2022 at 5:54:23 AM Q:   I was a polling officer in the 2020 elections ? A: Not according to your credentials. Q:   I saw with my own eyes that Obama voted for Trump ? A: NO. You saw no such thing. Nobody did. Q:   I am explaining this for the first time on Quora ? A:  You are sharing hallucinations and telling fairy tales, maybe, but  you are “explaining” nothing. Q:  Are you surprised ? A:  Considering that you are not on Quora to gain and s

Illegal activity at Quora

  Report Illegal Activities to Quora, Please! REPORT  that you “have a safety concern.” Unfortunately, there is no direct option to report illegal activities as such. If Quora turns a deaf ear, then you can report illegal activities to the appropriate government agency. [click image to enlarge] Six months  ago,  Fighter  pointed us to this network on Quora and suggested we report it to Quora: