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Would you Like to Guest Post Here?

What is going on after G+?

But You do. Treat us to current information on this blog by writing a guest post.

Use the contact form under the "hamburger" icon (3 horizontal lines) to email the owner with your proposal.

"Strut your stuff!" Your proposal should (very briefly) showcase your expertise. Links to your Blogger profile, if you have one and historical online presence will be reviewed.


1. No money. There will be no charge to you for posting. We will not pay you for your post.

2. Relevance mandated. Google+ was a social network. Your post must have something to do with social networking.

3. Evaluations, comparisons and reviews welcome. But you don't have to write them. Using the contact form, point us to good links. We'll share them here and credit you with your suggestion. Spreadsheet comparisons of social media are particularly useful.

4. Promotions prohibited. No ads, please. Just the facts. What works? What doesn't? Let us know.

5. Short posts best. This is a visual medium. Fewer words & lots of images, please! No more than 3 or 4 paragraphs at most. People are looking, not reading.

If invited as a guest poster, your email will contain a message from Google:

Blogger email inviting recipient to contribute as a guest blogger

Click on the link "accept invitation" in the email. If you do not have a Google account, you will be asked to create one here.

Upon clicking "accept invitation" in your email, you will be taken to the dashboard for this blog and asked to supply your Google account information.

sends your information to Blog Owner

Click "Accept Invitation" and your name will be added to the Guest Authors List.

New to guest posting? We recommend Brian Dean's Definitive Guide to Guest Blogging 2019

