It depends what on.
The trick is to learn the algorithm.
The other trick is to find the part of the algorithm you find better.
I’ve been on quora for nearly a year, and whilst I say it’s been fun there’s some hard parts for beginners. Afterwards you can easily just make a new answer and with your tricks easily go viral.
For this demonstration I will be teaching you my tips and tricks for QUORA. Not YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, even Facebook or Reddit.
Warning! Please use this information carefully as this is the first time I’ve shared what exactly to do. I’ve gotten multiple viral answers from using my found tricks. Please at least give me credit.
I will be demonstrating my quora tricks since you’ve asked the question on this site.
When I first joined Quora, I didn’t realise the algorithm meant everything. And I’m terrible with algorithms, due to personal disability’s like autism I just can’t comprehend maths or algorithms. So I try to find my own tricks that no ones found and harvest before. But most importantly that they where easy and fit my preferences.
When answering an answer, you want to make to sure answer it with a image. Not any image, a relevant image that will catch the eye of the reader.
Most people I see in quora don’t answer questions with a image, unless it’s a yes or no question that can only be answered with a yes or no answer, then that’s when it’s okay.
But an image is what catches people in.
The first image is also the only image that gets shown at the top on your answer. So it’s got to be funny, or something odd.
And in most cases, relatable.
I like to answer questions like; “What image is able to get 1 million upvotes?” Or “Can you show me a funny joke?”
They can get you a viral answer or a total, down the drain singing that spider song, answer.
Either way you don’t lose.
Your answer gets 50 views, doesn’t matter. You’ve got more chances than possible if you have the time.
So in most answers to questions about a funny joke or image I like to use the same image. Not always the exact same image but the ones that are shown at the top of my most popular answer towards that subject.
Like this image for example.
It’s simple, to the point, small and only a few words to read but extremely funny.
Most times you also never add a image that’s like 600x600 or any that’s just a square box image or a PNG/transparent image.
For example.
You want to use a rectangular image. Somewhere around 1280x720.
You don’t have to always search for those exact progressive scans.
I like to write answers about Donald Trump or anything to do with the U.K. (my home nation) or the US. But mostly the political things.
And those types of answers are my most popular.
And to others, the exact same.
For example.
[3] Kyle Dring's answer to Will Prince Harry regret moving to the U.S.?
And those all have over 100,000 views except as of now the last link.
Quora has became a political site, although the same concept as when quora was first made, its just became more political. But that’s how things go, some don’t like the fact it’s happening but I don’t care.
If you don’t know much about politics and want to go viral here, then you will need to know politics. Not much, you don’t need to become the president of the United States of anything. I’m 14 and I mostly just express what I think about certain politicians.
Most Donald Trump, and those people, you know who you are, who follow me and have read a lot of my answers do know my hatred for Donald Trump.
Be smart. Or be stupid.
You don’t have to be the next Albert Einstein or Charles Darwin. All you need is this.
(Sadly I can’t show an exact representation of a human brain, due to quoras moderation having one or two hand full of snowflakes. But I guess it’s hard sitting and reading…)
Sorry, ranting.
You just need to be you. Nothing else. Yep, cliche but being the nice guy isn’t always helpful to being viral.
My answers get collapsed a lot, mostly because I’m true to myself. I don’t want to act like a goody two shoes for the good looks for the social media platforms as that’s just how people work these days.
I want to be myself and so should you. People will respect you more for that. Some people won’t because they’ve been manipulated by a chocolate orange with anger issues, but you’ll be highly respected if you’re true to the reader and yourself.
Sorry but that’s all I’ve got.
I learn more tricks and they come more natural to me that I literally cannot explain them to others. So that’s why this has taken ages to write.
I suggest writing many answers until you know what works for you I guess. But most definitely use my ideas. You might get a popular answer now and then leading to you being popular.
Good luck.
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