Trolls trigger. That's what they do. There is no evidence that the individual who created this profile ever read Quora policies prohibiting hate speech. Don't wear out the Quora welcome mat using the Quora platform as a billboard. Troll elsewhere!
Trolls trigger. That's what they do. There is no evidence that the individual who created this profile ever read Quora policies prohibiting hate speech. Don't wear out the Quora welcome mat using the Quora platform as a billboard. Troll elsewhere!
There is a significant difference between a “conservative” and a right-wing agitator/troll attempting, according to your own words, to “trigger” liberals on Quora.
Your profile contains a number of hate-filled statements masquerading as “questions” containing outright lies and assertions known to be factually incorrect.
And your profile image is stolen without accreditation from theringer:
You are new to Quora and have mistaken this site for a POLITICAL BILLBOARD. Your questions are insincere and you are not seeking information.
There is no excuse for WHINING about Quora Policies you have never bothered to read in the first place! Get with the Quora program or take a powder!
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