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 Vile, Gross & Hateful: WARNING: “Adult” language

Known for their attacks on their fellow Quorans, as per:

exposing s1ssy cvckold libtards · June 1
Take a look at this domb vi’lint nagur and libtard sissy cuckold.
exposing s1ssy cvckold libtards · May 31
Ingeborg Nordén you are not “well read.” You are uneducated enough to block me and my alt accounts. Such is proof you and your little friends are sissy cuckold libtards. Surely your male friends are weak and sissy cuckolds. Imagine sperm oozing from their anuses after their nights with their dominatrices. My other account Horman Norgoo was banned because of you. BECAUSE OF YOU. Sperm now leaks from the dead computer program’s anus after the Modbot had its fun with it. NOOOOo!!!!!!

Space: exposing s1ssy cvckold libtards ·

Posted by Joe Nagur May 31

Ingeborg Nordén you are not “well read.” You are uneducated enough to block me and my alt accounts. Such is proof you and your little friends are sissy cuckold libtards. Surely your male friends are weak and sissy cuckolds. Imagine sperm oozing from their anuses after their nights with their http://dominatrices.My other account Horman Norgoo was banned because of you. BECAUSE OF YOU. Sperm now leaks from the dead computer program’s anus after the Modbot had its fun with it. NOOOOo!!!!!!

Joe Nagur ·

Fat redneck uncle Jun 1

Cash Simmard is a domb vi’lint nagur which has been reported by me for banning. He isn't one of their leaders, so he isn’t on the list.Here’s A full list of all the leaders among the domb vi’lint nagur libtard sissy cuckolds for your block mute report:Loves using slurs on me, denies that liberal women and men have screwed up fantasies:Ingeborg Nordén Spams posts of my profile because he hates conservatives, secretly has a fetish for being a cuckold:Wilhelm Fridolf Libtard double-sided strap-on dildo wearer #1, FULLY SUPPORTS TERRORISTS:Knightmare-Ninja Libtard double-sided strap-on dildo wearer #2, is a HUGE bully:Mariah Da Messiah🥷 Libtard double-sided strapon-dildo receiver #1, probably a Jew (I call him Blitzershitzer Horowitzer):User-9539516888736310718

Comment Vandal:

The “Horman Norgoo” profiles were used as vehicles to vandalize random answers, sometimes with “Adult” images showing older males in comments. Quora edit-banned some Hormon Norgoo profiles temporarily, but many are active as of this post.

Results for Horman Norgoo profile search:

Horman Norgoo, Doctoratal Uncircumcised Penises & Large Penises, Gay Buttsex

Horman Norgoo, Doctorate Neuroscience & Philosophy, Harvard University (1980)

Horman Norgoo, Certified pasty obese molestermann

“Hormon Norgoo-3” changed their profile name but uses the new profile to engage in vandalizing answers with “Adult” images and allusions.

Meanwhile “Horman Norgoo-6 morphed into:

User name edited

Horman Norgoo/Turd Molester

#3378603042ThankReportJanuary 4, 2024 at 3:19:18 PM

Other “Horman Norgoo” profile name transformations are listed below. Their tendency to violate rules can be witnessed in their profile logs:


“Vespie” claims still more profile variants:

#8 was already banned, but was blocked for good measure:

#10 is a beauty! Its profile name got it into trouble, but Quora evidently has not received enough complaints about its content & description to ban the profile:

#12 has (at last) been banned & is now blocked for good measure:

#13 changed the profile name but got banned anyway:

#14 is banned & now blocked:

#15 is banned & blocked:

#16 ditto:

#21 Continues the tradition of the profile name change, but the purpose is consistent:

Lots to MBR here!

