Am I better than Richard Lester (The Troll)? E-MAN-255 : NO. For a brand new (January 2023) trolling profile on Quora, you are doing fairly well. ONLY fairly well. There are many types of trolls. Most are known by the questions they post on Quora, so let’s focus on them. Your 75 questions are: fairly dumb fairly simple implausible trite boring more amusing than annoying and are multiplying like rabbits in heat. Richard Lester-67 has a 2-month lead on you. As of 30 Jan 2023 his 158 questions are: dumb complicated implausible trite boring deliberately designed to stoke emotions ungrammatical annoying not worth answering Here’s a side-by-side question comparison. Yours are on the left: Here is your profile page header: Except for the lie that you are “NOT A TROLL,” your profile is blank. In contrast, here is “Richard’s” deceptively crafted profile: Over the last 3 months, “Richard” has expanded his Quora footprint by teasing the Quora bots with mostly idiotic “knows about...