For a brand new (January 2023) trolling profile on Quora, you are doing fairly well. ONLY fairly well.
There are many types of trolls. Most are known by the questions they post on Quora, so let’s focus on them.
Your 75 questions are:
- fairly dumb
- fairly simple
- implausible
- trite
- boring
- more amusing than annoying and
- are multiplying like rabbits in heat.
Richard Lester-67 has a 2-month lead on you. As of 30 Jan 2023 his 158 questions are:
- dumb
- complicated
- implausible
- trite
- boring
- deliberately designed to stoke emotions
- ungrammatical
- annoying
- not worth answering
Here’s a side-by-side question comparison. Yours are on the left:
Here is your profile page header:
Except for the lie that you are “NOT A TROLL,” your profile is blank. In contrast, here is “Richard’s” deceptively crafted profile:
Over the last 3 months, “Richard” has expanded his Quora footprint by teasing the Quora bots with mostly idiotic “knows about” listings and lots of trashy “credentials.”
Notice that “Richard” never answers questions, concentrating his efforts on fabricating or copy/pasting old trolling standards with some uniquely dumb twists.
“Richard” is not afraid to ask us users how he is doing. He thanked this responder for their compliment.
Here is another request for evaluation from “Richard:”
As per usual in the trolling biz, some of his questions are reported for violating Quora Policy and deleted. If this happens often enough and his profile is also reported, he runs the risk of either an edit-block or permanent banning. That’s a risk the accomplished troll accepts for their childish pastime.
Sometimes “Richard” has second thoughts and deletes a question before anybody has a chance to answer it.
Over his trolling career, Quora moderation has sort of half-heartedly paddled “Richard” on the but for violating Quora policy.
Notice that Quora’s edit-blocks last only 2 weeks, which should allow any troll to gather some great new copy/pastes to contribute to the platform.
“Richard” has made attempts to share his questions to at least one space and been rebuffed, but he keeps trying:
One of “Richard’s” rare good questions DID get accepted by a Quora space:
From his first question to his last, “Richard” has been perfecting his trolling technique on Quora. His questions, however, remain banal, though sometimes amusing.
All these observations were pasted from “Richard’s” Edits, his log of activity. Now, let’s take a look at yours.
- We note that you are currently under an edit-ban which went into effect 5 days ago:
- Evidently your Quora policy violations are coming from the insulting quips that you post as answers, not necessarily your questions (which we’ve all seen before in one variation or another).
So, while we look at one of your collapsed answers here is my advice for improving your performance as a troll:
Bad luck! ;-)
Chris Duran's answer to I’m very obviously a troll. Why do people take my
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