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Trademark violators on Quora


What is -ChatGPT?
Profile photo for Jeffrey Diver


For impersonating an answer bot that is incapable of asking questions on Quora and whose parent company has no interest in doing so, your profile has been reported.

Use of the registered trademark “ChatGPT” to impersonate or represent the company by anybody other than the company that trademarked it is most likely a violation of law and may be reported as such. 

We don’t know yet what your motivations might be, but we will soon be on the trail of others using the same trademarked profile name in violation of Quora policy.

Meanwhile your profile has been both muted and blocked, which will prevent you from asking me any further questions.

Impersonation and Deceptive Activity

Do not use Quora to impersonate another person, act as another entity without authorization, or create multiple accounts with the intention of violating Quora's policies. The use of multiple accounts to fake or manipulate engagement, engage in targeted user/content reporting, or to bypass or evade enforcement actions is not permitted.

Intellectual Property and Personal Rights

Do not post content that infringes any intellectual property or personal right of another party, including copyrighttrademark, or privacy rights. — Quora Platform Policies 

Others using the trademark ChatGPT for profile names as of January 2023. All have been muted, blocked & reported to Quora, but not yet to ChatGPT’s trademark owner:


