#Trump is struggling to whip something together to this effect at the last minute. After destroying the NSC committee designed to deal with global pandemics[1][2] , He finds Himself up the creek without a paddle.[3][4] [5]
The financial community is rightfully alarmed. Fears of both financial and social collapse are well-founded.[6]
Countries that locked down immediately avoided lots of death and economic destruction.
Nations like the USA and Brazil that procrastinated, denied and diddled around, shutting down a little bit here, a little less there and not at all in some places are getting slammed with lots of deaths and much economic distress.
In the USA, the federal response was… nothing. Russian agent #Trump[1] had no plan.[2] In fact, Trump threw away plans and personnel for dealing with pandemics[3] as part of His effort to undermine the health and power of the US.[4]
Russian agent “Trump’s pursuit of anti-science policy has been so effective that as the first cases of Covid-19 were breaking out in Wuhan, China, no meaningful science policy infrastructure was in place to advise him. As a consequence, America is suffering from a pandemic without a plan. Our responses are ineffectual and inconsistent. We are increasingly divided by misinformation and invidious messaging. And it’s not even over.”[5]
It seems the US approach has failed, except in the eyes of enemies of the country, both foreign and domestic.
Had almost any bloke (including me) other than Russian agent Trump been in charge, things would have been done differently in the USA. You have to hand it to Putin. He played agent Trump well.
Russian agent Trump has tarnished the image and diminished both the political and economic power of the USA permanently. His response to Covid-19 achieves the objectives of Vladimir Putin to perfection.[6] [7]
Who cares?!
When you’ve got Covid-19 it doesn’t make any difference to you how or where it appeared originally!
The origin story is not going to help any of your doctors treat you if you become ill. It will be a matter of scientific inquiry for some time and may never have a definitive answer. Even now, nobody knows with absolute certainty.
“…discovering how the pathogen entered the human population, and tracing how it flourished, will help the science and public-health communities better understand the pandemic and how to prevent similar or worse ones in the future.”[1]
Knowing where Covid-19 came from originally is not going to keep you from contracting the disease.
So forget it. It won’t make any difference to 99.9% of humanity. Only scientists and politicians attempting to inflame racial or ethnic hatred have any interest in knowing.
CDC testing recommendations are flexible, true. Here’s what the CDC has to say about this:[1]
“Revisions made on August 24, 2020
- Diagnostic testing categories have been edited to focus on testing considerations and actions to be taken by individuals undergoing testing
Revisions made on July 17, 2020
- Except for rare situations, a test-based strategy is no longer recommended to determine when an individual with a COVID-19 infection is no longer infectious (i.e., to discontinue Transmission-Based Precautions or home isolation)
Revisions made on July 2, 2020
- Added screening to possible testing types
- Removed examples – please refer to setting specific guidance”
On some matters, CDC can be trusted. On others, political interference is corrupting otherwise trustworthy sources.
In the case of the 24 August revisions, the disconnect appears to be that the recommendations give the appearance of putting all the decision-making responsibility on the patient, whereas the symptomatic patient should be consulting with their health specialists and letting them make testing decisions rather than attempting to play doctor themselves.
The CDC has little knowledge of local conditions affecting the availability or affordability of testing. It has no direct connection with individual patients and is in a position of complete ignorance regarding their personal health circumstances.
Fortunately, most patients will not bother reading CDC guidelines, whatever they are and will take the much more sensible approach of contacting local health experts (who are well aware of them and know what to ignore).
According to the article you cited, “…the share of Americans who are either “somewhat” or “very” concerned about infection has risen steadily since the virus began rapidly spreading in the U.S. in March.”[1]
The 538 poll does NOT “show that most Americans are not really that concerned about the Corona virus.” It shows most really ARE concerned.
No fake news here.
While many are not #Trump Worshipers, they are afraid to stand up to Trump’s congregation and tell them what they need to do to combat Covid-19.[1] Clue: it is usually the opposite of whatever Trump might be promoting at the time.
There are a few, however, that are breaking from playing the role of Trump water boy.[2] Wish there were more!
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