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Does anyone know the best way to save photos in posts I've +1-ed?

Does anyone know the best way to save photos in posts I've +1-ed? I've used the Friends+Me software and it grabbed a bunch of images, but I'm not sure if they include all the images I've +1-ed. And I've got the JSON files from communities, but I can't figure out if there's a file that includes those +1's.

Google's own Takeout says it includes +1's, but I think that's only for other websites that aren't G+.

Another thing I'm wondering is whether using a tool for archiving websites would be of any use.

I apologize if these are questions that have been asked already; I honestly don't have time to search the community right now on mobile and I've only got like one more day to do this, so... I have everything else, I just remembered all those posts I've +1'd but that I didn't share to my profile for whatever reason, and I want them!


  1. Molly, you might find the currently pinned post about archiving useful.

  2. Marysia Kurowski wow, ok, it sounds like quite a project (setting up the virtual machine and whatnot) but if it really does the trick (faithfully archives whatever you tell it to) then I suppose I'll have to give it a try!

  3. Molly S. I'm not sure if it will be easy to find the photos you're looking for when the virtual machine is set up; the "Available projects" are unlikely to be in the form that you're looking for, but if you know which communities you're wanting to get archived, and which collections etc, that could be the way to go; that's if they can be found amongst all the (presumably zillions of) "Available projects".

  4. Marysia Kurowski what I’m trying to do now is make a private collection with a bunch of my favorite posts so hopefully that’ll make them more easy to locate. But I suppose since they’re now in a collection, I could just use the regular +Friends+Me program to simply export the collection. I’m having to manually go back and find the best posts that I’d previously +1-ed, though

  5. Molly S. You won't be able to archive them to Wayback Machine if they're not public webpages. You'd need to make the collection public. If you gave the collection a dull name you might find that few people in these last hectic days will take a look 😃 But yes, +Friends+Me seems like your best bet.

  6. "All I've +1'd" is too much for me, I don't need it, but maybe others
    do and have; talk to people who have used the MeWe importer (pinned post) in the new G+ group, - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.

  7. Marysia Kurowski ah, right, I didn't think of that! For now I'll try the Friends Me thing

  8. george dark ok thanks, I'll look into that, too. Yeah I guess all the posts I've +1-ed is a little too much! But I wanted to have a record of them somewhere, just in case. As it is, I'm just going back through manually and saving stuff I really like

  9. Molly S. the Google+ Exporter do not enable you to download all images you've +1ed but images attached to posts in your feed.

  10. Friends+Me ok cool. I sent you guys an email because I can't get the appimage to work on Linux: I'm getting the error "no such file or directory" even though it's there, downloaded fully

  11. This should do:

    $ chmod +x ./Google+ Exporter-1.8.4-x86_64.AppImage
    $ ./Google+ Exporter-1.8.4-x86_64.AppImage

  12. Friends+Me do you mean chmod +x or a+x. That last one didn't work for me

  13. I'm still getting "no such file or directory" error. I even made the file executable, but no luck

  14. Molly S. what command are you executing?

  15. I'm just trying to run the program by entering in the file name like you put but it's just not working

  16. Molly S. then you're trying to execute a file with a different name. Execute these commands to the letter:

    $ chmod +x ./Google+ Exporter-1.8.4-x86_64.AppImage
    $ ./Google+ Exporter-1.8.4-x86_64.AppImage

  17. Friends+Me I copied and pasted exactly what you put in it still isn't working I've been communicating with somebody via email and I sent him the screenshot

  18. The filename in my downloads folder matches perfectly, too, that's the odd thing

  19. Molly S. There is the "+1s on comments" and "+1s on posts" files in the Takeout/Google+ Stream/ActivityLog directory in your Google+ Stream Takeout archive, but I'm not sure if that includes +1s on photos...


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