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It's sad but Google+ closes in my country they already start to disable Google+ accounts so I'm part of Google today...

It's sad but Google+ closes in my country they already start to disable Google+ accounts so I'm part of Google today to disable my Google+ account I could just access it through Gmail because I was getting notifications from Google+ on Gmail I'm on MeWe Twitter and Facebook with my same name and profile except on Facebook my profile is my cat


  1. Are you sure? They're not disabling accounts until April 2nd, but there have been a lot of temporary glitches today.

  2. I can't find you on mewe. Do you have a link so that I can follow you there? Or you can find me here:

  3. Marysia Kurowski I no longer have the application of Google+ since yesterday in my account Google+ Yesterday I managed to access my Google+ page by the post of my friends (es) because my G + account is set to receive notifications of post my friends (es) and Google+ community on Gmail I forgot to disable the communities one The address of my email I have to tease it here is the proof on 2 screenshots that Google remove me function G + yesterday

  4. Marysia Kurowski I have sent you an invitation

  5. Thank you, Natacha.

    Google+ removed access from mobile phones a few days ago. Perhaps that's where you were trying to get access from.

    In the last couple of days I've been locked out a few times in one browser, but there's always a way back in, using another browser or another computer or by clicking on a different link and navigating to where you want to go. It's not about which country you're in; it's happening everywhere :'(


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