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Google just started mass banning/limiting Archive Team downloads.

Google just started mass banning/limiting Archive Team downloads. If your thing doesn't end up on the Internet Archive, talk to Google.

We need this corrected NOW.


Saving of public Google+ content at the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine by the Archive Team has begun


  1. What a bunch of ... Well that really is the unkindest cut

  2. They couldn't wait 1-2 more days before pulling this little-Richard-move?

  3. So, does this only affect the Warrior efforts Edward Morbius or also the manual /save/$url use?

  4. Do we know if this affects the Exporter that was built to crawl? (For personal downloading.)

  5. Probably overkill measure to make sure the wave of super late takeouts gets through

  6. Filip H.F. Slagter I'm not sure, though I can find out RSN.

  7. Filip H.F. Slagter It's not slowing the manual save submission process appreciably. Not sure of the IA's backends.

    (I'm resubmitting the large/recent Community list.)

  8. John Lewis Not sure, though it seems not to from what I can tell.

  9. -1 ~As Filip commented, they couldn't wait?
    I was just going to post - I've gotten my first 500 error in going to a post for which I received notice. The post is fine, and refreshing worked. Editing a post I got repeated "unable to update" or posts would not post. My countdown clock says one hour left until Mountainview Time "Zero". Maybe it knows something ... Just after midnight (EST/NY) and it just turned ONE April, not April 2.

  10. it may be unintentional, just imagine millions (ok, thousands) of people backing up their data. The takeout servers just could not scale wide enough.

  11. It'd be really funny if G+ was only perpetrating the biggest April Fools ever.

  12. I deleted contacts from G+ and have left communities. There is a need for caution in all things Google.

  13. Sapa Holliday Today is the day the Internet sucks very much. Ordinarily smart people lose their minds and post unfunny garbage because 1-Apr.

    But this one, if that be what this is... this one would be epic

  14. ❨❨❨David C. Frier❩❩❩ Yes I was thinking that, I am an optimist

  15. Sapa Holliday not at all funny. But it would certainly be a relief.


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