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The link to G+ will be gone. But the string to search for it won't be.

Originally shared by Patrice Brenner


A good idea?

To link the old G+ profile in the new social media?

Then you can use the downloaded contact data to find your contacts again later.

No matter where one ends up in the next time.

Eine gute Idee?

Das alten G+ Profil in den neuen sozialen Medien zu verlinken?

Dann findet man, über die herunter geladenen Kontaktdaten, auch später seine Kontakte wieder.

Egal wo man landet, in der nächsten Zeit.


  1. That link will most likely break on April 2nd. So, probably not a god idea.

  2. Jovica Popovic
    The link to G+ will be gone. But the string to search for it won't be.

    So it is only a unique identifier.

  3. Save your profile page with a pinned signalflare post to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

    You can use the !wayback DuckDuckGo bang search (you'll be prompted to save pages).

    Or the address, prepended to your page URL.

    Also: the "/u/0" part of the URL posted above should be removed -- that's used by G+ to keep multi-account sessions separate, but becomes separate profile identities at the Wayback Machine.

    (I've saved your profile using the "save" link URL above.)

  4. Edward Morbius Could you please explain where the GpMhJuebiAc comes from in your second link?

  5. Marysia Kurowski That's the post identifier within the URL.


    "" -- the G+ website

    "/+patricebrenner" -- a custom user URL. Otherwise, users get 21-digit numeric IDs beginning with "10" or "11".

    "/posts" -- Indicates user posts

    "/GpMhJuebiAc" -- the ID of the specific post in question. A 12-byte mixed-case Latin alphabet string.


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