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I am just getting "Error 500" when I attempt to download my takeout archives (same error in multiple pages/accounts)

I am just getting "Error 500" when I attempt to download my takeout archives (same error in multiple pages/accounts)

Anyone else experiencing this problem?


  1. Probably network congestion, my internet is not streaming at all.

  2. Yes less I cut copy then paste none of it worked for me

  3. It seems to be related to pages (I exported the small ones for testing). The main account does download but all the pages give this error.

  4. Download already. Expected problems on the last days.

  5. File feedback.

    (I've done so based on your post.)

  6. This has been happening for me for two months, my solution was to highlight copy then transfer to word it was tedious but it solved my issues...hope 5his helps could do the same thing transferring to cloud

  7. Another option is to create a new archive, and request delivery to Google Drive (or another online delivery option: DropBox, Microsoft One, etc.)

    This avoids the need for an immediate download.

    The free tier of Google Drive offers 2GB correction: 15 GB storage, which is sufficient for most, but not all, users.

    I've shared your post to the Google+ Help community for visibility.

  8. The problem seems limited to pages (a.k.a., Brand accounts), not to the main accounts.

    I ended up using G+ Exporter. It's easier, has many more options and provides for a more complete and usable archive when combined with a local Wordpress installation. - I carried out my last data export from G+ and with little more than 24hrs to ...

  9. Okay, I recall experiencing this issue as well. I had to mess with the URL to get it to try to download it with the right account. I think I had to manually add in the /b/brandID part into the URL to get it to work.

  10. Alternatively try doing it from an incognito session, especially if you normally have multiple profiles signed-in to your browser.

  11. Edward Morbius I tried that export to Drive and Google refused, claiming I didn't have enough space (I never used the Drive, as in ever, before) then tried to extort $ to expand storage space.

  12. Edgar Brown
    idem for me . ...errors

  13. The G+ exporter route is easier (and a bit addictive) I ended up downloading a couple of my favorite communities, and I am now in the process of exporting some of my friend's feeds.

    I should probably keep an eye on my internet data cap...

  14. Edgar Brown I ... resemble that remark.

  15. Edward Morbius really, I am/was pretty sure Google Drive offers 15 GB storage for your free Gmail account. The storage is shared between Gmail and Drive.

  16. Those who've done the two promotional security checkups some years ago, might have one or two extra gigs of storage btw.

  17. Edgar Brown if you are still having trouble downloading:
    1. Do not click the link in the email to download
    2. Open an Incognito or Private Browsing window in your browser (or otherwise sign out of Google)
    3. Sign in at
    4. If the Takeout is for a Google+ Page, switch to the Page’s Brand Account identity
    5. Click the Manage Archives button
    6. Download your archive

    The download does not handle it well when you are signed into multiple Google Accounts or if you are downloading from a Brand Account/Google+ Page. I've had no trouble when I follow those steps.

  18. Peggy K Yep, Email download error. Works fine straight from takeout as you say.

  19. What Peggy K says above... I also had trouble with my G+ Pages, recognising the links are broken, went via "Manage Archives" for each page directly in Tedious, but works.


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