Collections as well as Communities are on the move! In the absence of help from Google, I am moving my Collections post by post. By the way, the comments on this post are well worth reading, thanks to many knowledgeable responses on Blogger, Wordpress and helpful G+ people!
Originally shared by Jeff Diver
Reassurance is derived from one of the featured cards in [ http://bit.ly/YourVictorianCompanions ] on FLICKR. This will be the new home of our Google+ Victorian Companions Collection. New trade cards will be featured here on FLICKR. Follow us there!
I find it amusing that I never finished moving my old tumblr blog of cocktails to my Google+ collection. Now, tumblr is still in existence and I have to decide whether to update it with all of the posts to my collection or move both of them elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI've been moving mine to Blogger
ReplyDeleteBrian Holt Hawthorne
ReplyDeleteWenn du ein kostenloses Flickr Konto hast... Du kannst deine Tumblr Website einbinden. ;)
Don McCollough I changed the focus of my efforts from arnoldpostcardcollection.blogspot.com - The Earl J. Arnold Advertising Card Collection 1885 , a blogger-built site, to Collections and got a much better response in terms of comments from G+. Now I have more than one blog going on blogger. Given Blogger's small size relative to Wordpress.org, however, I am thinking of duplicating some of my efforts on Wordpress. Google management has handled G+ so poorly, I have lost trust in the organization as a whole. Google management may look at the stats for Blogger and decide to cut that loose, too.
ReplyDeleteJeff Diver yeah, I'm thinking about possibly starting WordPress as well. I'm still early in the overall process so it really wouldn't hurt
ReplyDeleteJeff Diver
ReplyDeleteAh!,... Es ist interessant, lieber Jeff.
Ich habe bisher noch keine Erfahrung mit dieser Art Blog~Konten... Aber ich sah einen Beitrag von blogspot und einen Beitrag von Wordpress.
Es scheint mir, auf dem Wordpress war sehr viel Werbung...
Deshalb wollte ich einem Freund das blogspot empfehlen.
Ist es doch besser das Wordpress zu nehmen?
Ich dachte, der Freund, der bei einigen Fotos sehr viel Text schreibt...
Könnte vielleicht als Ersatz für G+ ein kostenloses Flickr Konto nehmen...
Dann zusätzlich ein blogspot und den blogspot Link in die entsprechenden Fotos auf Flickr einbinden.
Die thematischen Sammlungen, die der Freund hier auf G+ hat, könnten ja auch bequem auf Flickr als Alben geführt werden.
Vielleicht ist es mit dem Wordpress zukunftssicherer!??
Bravo Jeff Diver Don McCollough
ReplyDeleteTest - Migration from Google+ to Blogger, post(s) (in Collection) one by one
Hope, Early migration may help avoid last minute panic/rush/crackdown
Can any one Try & Test, please ? - How, is it simple ?
Ifinder Ifindi it's a "your mileage may vary" situation depending on the collection you're moving. Mine aren't large and are rather simplistic, so manually while there's a low number isn't too bad. You can check the links in mine to compare the collection and Blogger sites.
ReplyDeleteThank You Don McCollough
ReplyDeleteJust, first like to know - one main collection, only 27 posts
Is it possible, how to do try/test, please ?
p.s. is it enough to put in the Google+ post, the blog URL with a / at the end ?
Ifinder Ifindi you just make the blog and start making posts on it using the ones from your collection. Just get in there and mess around with it yourself to better get a feel for how it works.
ReplyDeleteWell, thank You Don McCollough
ReplyDeleteHave already a blogger blog - but dare not to make it a mess with, please, if not correctly known
Andi Droid "Future-proof!" You have made an excellent point. We humans drew cave paintings that lasted over 10,000 years. We wrote on rocks that survived 3,000 years. The books we wrote 2,000 years ago influence our life today. Trade cards published 120 years ago are what I feature here and elsewhere. Today, however, we cannot be sure anything in the electronic world will survive much beyond the publication date!
ReplyDeleteThat's progress?!
I don't know anything much about Wordpress except that it has a much larger user base than Blogger. I am learning Facebook, Flickr, Pinterest, etc. with some difficulty. Wordpress? Later!
Don McCollough Bravo! Glad to hear from someone who "gets in there and messes around" somewhat the way I do. I'm all for the intuitive, standardized interface.
ReplyDeleteJeff Diver I still regret that I never pulled the data off my old magtape at College before I left. Other than that, Inhabe nearly everything that I have created on computers. My data from 8”, 5.25”, and 3.5” floppies got migrated to Zip disks. My Zip disk archives were migrated to CDs. My CD archives were migrated to DVD, and then shortly thereafter to hard drive. My hard drive archives have all been uploaded to my Google Drive. My plan is to keep migrating old data to whatever is the newest hotness, keeping it accessible for my entire life. When I die, if anyone cares, they can do the same. Personally, I won’t care at that point.
ReplyDeleteIfinder Ifindi I wish I could be more helpful. I began using Blogger back in 2015 because I suspected Google would make it easier for folks to search materials posted using Google products than others. I don't think the initial learning process was too difficult. I'm not a Blogger expert, however.
ReplyDeleteI am also experimenting with Google Sites, [ sites.google.com - Arnold Galleries ] I know less about Sites than I do about Blogger, but the software seems to knit things together fairly well.
As with much in the digital world, if something is easy enough for someone like dumb old me to learn (however slowly), everybody else will probably be a quick study!
Jeff Diver I may have to experiment with those too
ReplyDeleteDon McCollough Andi Droid Brian Holt Hawthorne Ifinder Ifindi I'd love to visit your Blogger or other sites if you would provide the URLs. I learn by watching what you are doing!
ReplyDeleteThank You (s) Jeff Diver Don McCollough
ReplyDeleteYou may agree generally old Bravos are kindy, - but of course patience is needed to guide dummies
Then, please, how to migrate a post of collection into Blogger blog ?
Jeff Diver
ReplyDeleteHa!,... Die Unzuverlässigkeit ist ein großer Rückschritt.
Und wenn es zu viel Unzuverlässigkeit gibt, dann werden sich viele Leute zurückziehen und wieder andere Möglichkeiten des Miteinander wählen. ;)
Es ist die private Zeit und Energie, die wir investieren!
Auf Dauer will kein Mensch um seine private Zeit und seine eigene Energie betrogen sein. :)
Wenn die Googles & Zuckerbergs den Bogen überspannen, dann wird es sich am Ende für diese nicht auszahlen.
Leider haben sie es noch nicht begriffen!!
Ich denke, der Google Beschluss wird noch nachteilige Folgen für die großen Spieler haben.
Und falls das MeWe explodiert... Wird das Nachteilige für die großen Spieler schneller kommen, als momentan gedacht.
Oh!,... Wenn ich dir bei Flickr behilflich sein kann, lieber Jeff, immer gerne!! :)
Wie schon erwähnt... Beide Zugänge [Browser oder App] haben ihre Vorteile.
Wenn du über Browser gehst...
Auf die Benachrichtigungsglocke...
Im Benachrichtigungsstream, am oberen Rand, neben dem Wort Benachrichtigung...
Das blaue FlickMail zeigt dir den Eingang von Flickr Interner Mails für dich! Klicke auf die Blaue Schrift!
Am unteren Rand, klicke auf Aktuelle Aktivitäten ansehen ...
Du siehst nach Aktualität geordnet, deine Aktivitäten!
Alle Bilder in denen du mit deinen Kommentaren bist...
Und alle deine eigenen Bilder, in denen du die Kommentare [Schriftblase Symbol] oder auch das Favorisieren [Sternsymbol] der Anderen, in deinen Bildern erkennen kannst!!
Klicke auf eine kleine Kommentar~Schriftblase...
Das betreffende Bild öffnet...
Gehe mit dem Mauszeiger auf den betreffenden Kommentar...
Darin rechts den kleinen grauen Antwortpfeil klicken... ;)
Ah!,... Auf diese Weise habe ich schon einige Kommentare für mich gesehen, die ich in der App nicht sah!!!
Oh!... Ich werde dir eine Flickr integriertere E-Mail senden... Dann kannst das auch gleich testen! ;)
Andi Droid Thanks so much! Your posts are very helpful!
ReplyDeleteIfinder Ifindi Thanks for the URL! I wonder if Google Sites might be a better solution for you than Blogger. You might want to explore sites a bit.
ReplyDeleteI shall have to see how you got that "Follow" button on there. It's one of the Blogger features I missed, I guess!
I have yet to explore how to migrate from Collections to Blogger, but may try that for one of my larger Collections. So much to learn! One step at a time, I guess....
Jeff Diver
ReplyDelete... ;))
Jeff Diver Unfortunately, I've been in a bout recently where G+ spam filters were removing mentions of my blog urls as spam and deleting them. Though the pinned post on my profile has the links.
ReplyDeleteI am on blogspot. Which is free and without ads. Unless I choose to use ads.
ReplyDeleteWordpress confusingly comes in a free (WITH compulsory ads) version.
And a paid, without ads, version.
.org or .com but both Wordpress
Diana Studer Wordpress is considered more "professional" and is taken more seriously than blogger/blogspot, so if you're going for a blog where you are more serious about using it to generate revenue and followers, WP is the one to go to according to the trend, whereas blogger is more of a just for fun thing
ReplyDeleteDiana Studer
ReplyDeleteAh!,... Ja, ich sah eine Seite von blogspot, es sah gut aus, ziemlich übersichtlich...
Und ich sah eine Seite von Wordpress, es war etwas verwirrend, denn überall war unterschiedliche Werbung...
Von den beiden würde ich, auf den ersten Blick blogspot bevorzugen, liebe Diana.
Falls Google plötzlich beschließt, das blogspot zu schließen...
Könnte man dann alle Beiträge bequem nach Wordpress übertragen??
Jeff Diver
ReplyDeleteFollow button ? - supplied by blogger
Thanks your advice & guidance
Jeff Diver thank you. ☺️
ReplyDeleteAndi Droid yes - over 9 years - I have followed from the sidelines - as bloggers move - from blogspot to wordpress and vice versa and on and on. Can be done. (Perhaps with informed help when there are glitches)
ReplyDeleteDon McCollough I have seen that - must be Wordpress. Not convinced myself.
ReplyDeleteDavid Kutcher uses blogger as a basis for many of his client's professional websites. It can be combined with a domain ... and then the possibilities in his company's hands are almost limitless.
As a blogger down the years I see the problem issues around Wordpress. Security hacks and pharma spam drove one blogger to stop blogging. And the ask someone to help you do whatever, which is straightforward for us on blogspot. It seems there is a thriving industry around Wordpress and those workers drive the demand.
Diana Studer I've read articles about WP being hacked and such. My issue us that Google has a track record of killing it's products despite how popular they may be. I'm hopeful that they keep Blogger up and running while also updated.
ReplyDeleteDon McCollough Diana Studer Google's sudden death syndrome is also my concern. Do you know of anyone who is maintaining a presence on both Blogger and Wordpress? (This is an open question for all who read this.) I'd like to compare, as this is something I am considering.
ReplyDeleteJeff Diver have you tried asking David Kutcher what he would advise for your family archive?
ReplyDeleteDiana Studer Thanks for the tip!
ReplyDeleteDiana Studer
ReplyDeleteDankeschön, liebe Diana... Dann würde ich das blogspot momentan vorziehen, da es aufgeräumter aussieht und man im Notfall problemlos nach Wordpress umziehen kann! ;) Ich werde es meinem Freund, in den nächsten Tagen empfehlen. :)
Vielleicht überlege ich mir auch so etwas zu machen, wenn ich etwas mehr kontinuierliche Zeit aufwenden kann. ;))
Einen wunderbaren Tag voller Fröhlichkeit, für dich und allerbeste Grüße : ))
Ifinder Ifindi Excellent reference! Just what I needed. Thanks so much for the URL!
ReplyDeletePS in April 2017 I changed to blogger's new Soho template - which gives a fresh minimalist look. Compared to the WP vs Blogger look linked above.
ReplyDeleteeefalsebay.blogspot.com - To False Bay in September
Between David Kutcher and Peggy K I have two reliable brains to pick for Blogger updates and issues.
Ifinder Ifindi thanks for your link. That is a quiet, sensible, and informed choice. (Which lands where I am ;~)
ReplyDeleteIfinder Ifindi Thanks for sharing this! (It's my blog.)
ReplyDeleteThere are many good choices for your content, but Blogger is underrated and worth a serious look. As Jeff Diver notes, there are really two different things called WordPress. Very different.
Diana Studer is right, I'm using an old theme for that blog. Long story. The new ones are really quite elegant (and 100% responsive).
I am hopeful that Google will come though with a tool to transfer from Plus to Blogger. The long goodby is still more than half a year away, it's early days for this transition.
Adam Auster it was the 100% responsive that tipped my choice. (I only use a laptop, to blog and read - but Analytics tells me I have readers on tablets too - good. And on cellphones - not so good as I like to use photo collages. Sigh)
ReplyDeleteAnd secondly that someone like David Amerland has a very minimal, lean and mean, look for his website.
Oh! Glad to meet/see You here Adam Auster
ReplyDeleteRegards with Thank You
Diana Studer
ReplyDeleteIch habe es gerade besucht, liebe Diana. Ein fantastisches Aussehen und ein wundervoller Inhalt !! ; ))
Andi Droid Vielen herzlichen Dank!
ReplyDeleteDiana Studer
ReplyDeleteSo gerne doch, liebe Diana und ganz mein Vergnügen!!
Eine schöne, friedliche Vorweihnachtszeit voller Fröhlichkeit, für dich, mein Freund und allerbeste Grüße : ))
Jeff Diver "Google's sudden death syndrome" is not an irrational fear given the historical record!
ReplyDeleteBut I am optimistic about the future of Blogger. It has been around forever, keeps introducing new themes and features, and even survived Google+!
Jeff Diver
ReplyDelete1) More over Blogger can accommodate Google+ Collections by Labels
2) Can post via mail
3) there is provision with assigning facility to inheritors like a Will
Is it correct Adam Auster ?
p.s and Google analytics is a big plus
Ifinder Ifindi (1) technically true, you can group posts by category. The presentation is not the same as G+ of course. (2) There are some problems with post by email, makes me think that Google isn't supporting it. So yes but. (3) I think the last-will-and-testament thing is available for Google accounts generally, including Blogger.
ReplyDeleteWhat Google ought to do is to write a G+ to Blogger migration tool ASAP. It's on my wish list (on my blog) for 2019!
Ifinder Ifindi & Adam Auster Thanks for your info on Blogger features. Much of the software I use has lots of "nooks & crannies" that I have yet to explore. I learn what I need to get by and then am pleasantly surprised by the discovery of additional capabilities.