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The State of Solid for Social

The State of Solid for Social

The promise and premise of Solid can be boiled down to these core concepts:

The user retains control of their data as it is stored on their own pod instead of a centralized service
"Pods" are datastores that are under control of one user.
they can be hosted by the users themselves or part of managed hosting
It is a logical entity, not necessarily a single installation/server
if it is offline, the data is gone from the web, unless some cachine is implemented (not yet specified)
get your own here:
Data can be linked across Pods, so the comment from A can point to the picture of B
These links also apply to people to map the social graph
The architecture makes it easy to use the data in different web services and to move from service to service.
Notifications ensure that these links become visible...

More at link...


  1. Ok but it sounds like the state of solid for g+ migration is that there's nothing there yet

  2. Chris Welty That's pretty much the story. Lots of promise, but not a safe bet presently.

    Timing matters in these things.

  3. Brian Holt Hawthorne Christian is the dude to follow on this. He's the host of #PlexodusWiki, and there's a little thing called the Darcy Project we're working on which relates to the larger picture as well.

    (Or rather, Christian's working on it while the rest of us are bogged down in other stuff, though it's all part of the same picture, really.)

  4. Edward Morbius Not quite sure where or how to follow him...

  5. Brian Holt Hawthorne Any way you can. What I'm saying is that he is the authority.

    Christian Buggedei here.


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