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Tried PlusPora and MeWe for a month.

Tried PlusPora and MeWe for a month. Confirmed that there is no alternative of G+... MeWe is much more active than PlusPora but still not comprable to G+. :(


  1. nope that's what I was afraid of but I really don't like those other facts or excuses for sunsetting it the social freeside with no ads as they say people spent only 50 seconds per day spent on G+ apparently they must have been looking at the business side or else you're making a quick excuse to get rid of it. I've spent many times board 20 minutes scrolling through the feed in addition to posting stuff so he'll who the hell knows..but still got quite a few more months to figure things out so I have to wait and see I guess.
    like I said even if it would cost a fee say $5 a month like they did with Hangouts I would love to have Google Collections Google communities as a separate app I'm all for that

  2. I agree with you. So far, there is no other platform like G+

  3. Yes me too. I'm ready to pay a little fee to keep Google+...

  4. Lana Maia it’s a shame google doesn’t hear this

  5. Stripes The Tiger Google has big power for everything. but they were never capable for social. They don't listen users. Everytime they make new products and kill off. Even messaging apps i just stopped to count how many apps they've made. I just don't trust G+ anymore...

  6. I am still curious to see what they do with G+ for us G Suite users.

  7. Brian Holt Hawthorne Me, too. Public G+ was a great benefit for all GSuite users. Whatever they have in mind is bound to be less useful.

  8. Lana Maia
    There ARE alternatives but NO replacements for G+.

    All we can do is try and find one that allows us to customize it to suit our individual use case as closely as possible.

    So far I've found that both MeWe and Blogger are the two that come closest to allowing me to re-construct my community on another platform.

  9. Have set up on both as well. MeWe feels very closed, unlike Pluspora. I find MeWe easier to navigate but not as newbie friendly for finding people of similar thoughts to connect with/follow.

  10. I think we'll all need some encouragement. True, there's no place like home, but there's some adventure in store once you leave your cozy home. You never know, you might find something unexpected and exciting.

  11. A reminder on objectives:

    The goal is for those of us who’ve cultivated a significant personal social network on Google+ to carry that forward to some new platform(s).

    The platform itself does not have to be a direct analogue of G+, though it should offer at least a reasonable set of similar features. - Goals - PlexodusWiki

  12. Edward Morbius Huh. Not really my goal. Sure, it would be nice to keep in touch with some of the people whom I have met on G+, but that’s not my primary goal. My goal is to find a place where I can meet new interesting people over the next 7 years or more, in the same way that G+ allowed me to meet new interesting people over the last 7 years.

    If I just wanted to stagnate and keep in touch with people I already know, I’d move to Facebook.

  13. Brian Holt Hawthorne These aren't mutually exclusive. There are some people on G+ I'd like to stay in touch with. And a considerable number I'd prefer not to, truth be told.

    Finding a new home, where at least some of those I admire will be, and which will attract more of a similar general nature is what I'm trying to express in that.

    And there are definitely communities that are looking to move together, of any number of stripes.

    Is that closer to what you have in mind? Or still no?

  14. Edward Morbius Yes. “Finding a new home where at least some of those I admire will be, and which will attract more of a similar general nature” is pretty much exactly it.

  15. Brian Holt Hawthorne I take it you may have had some experience with Facebook.

    >If I just wanted to stagnate and keep in touch with people I already know, I’d move to Facebook.

    Is there some way not to stagnate on Facebook? Did you try this? In what way did it fail you?

    I've started a new Group on Facebook. Membership and posts are filtered. Any advice for those of us determined to make Facebook work for us?

  16. Jeff Diver If you want to make FB work for you, be prepared to pay for it. The only way to get your posts shown to even a reasonable percentage of the people who follow your page or like your profile is to pay Facebook to boost the post. Facebook won’t even show my son’s posts to my wife in her stream unless she goes directly to his Facebook profile and manually looks for posts.

  17. Jeff Diver you said, "Any advice for those of us determined to make Facebook work for us?" Ya, see a therapist, ha ha. No, seriously, fb management are morally corrupt, the strategy is to manipulate users. I say get the hell out of there. Really, you're dealing with bad people who run the place.

  18. Brian Holt Hawthorne Amazing! I tried boost once and was unimpressed with the results. Thanks for your input!

  19. Bill Brayman Morally corrupt? It was the righteous G+ Google management that let me down. Not only that, but they have a pattern of doing this to their faithful every now and then. Casually. It's like being a beta volunteer all the time. You just get comfortable and...whoosh! The rug gets pulled out from under you.

    I'm not challenging your assessment. Facebook may definitely not be for me. However, I think I owe it to myself to give it a try. So far, I'm quite uncomfortable, but I'm going to try it for one or two of my G+ Collections while also putting some on Flickr. I may make more use of Blogger, too.

    Counting me, one of my FB Groups has 3 followers already! Whoopee! Yet somehow I feel circumscribed, hemmed in by walls on FB. I don't like the fact that folks have to join FB in order to see my posts. That may be true of all social media, but I really "feel" the walls of the Facebook silo in a way I didn't on G+.

    Thanks for your response!


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