I guess most of us have made their choices.
There won't be any mass migration; not enough mass here, no masses moving to any there.
I'll leave this group (and stay available on G+ until it closes down).
There won't be any mass migration; not enough mass here, no masses moving to any there.
I'll leave this group (and stay available on G+ until it closes down).
Nope not yet
ReplyDeletenope.. business as usual. we know we boarded a train that's going down a dead end track lol...gonna ride it to the end of the line yet optimiscally meanwhile in the interim hope for the best at something really cool comes up that can really rival. mewe might be good for some people but not for everybody pluspora it might be good for some people but not for everybody the problem is what you have here it's all in one who the hell wants to keep joining four or five different places creating account everywhere trying to keep up with them..so over the next few months at least into the new year just going to wait and see what happens
ReplyDeleteCouldn't find anything to "replace" G+ as I wrote in a previous post of mine. Keeping up with Twitter / Instagram to post my work and keeping Facebook for some friends and family. plus.google.com - I Can't Find Any Place I deleted my Flickr, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Facebook Pa...
ReplyDeleteFriendica replaces G+ just fine for me. It does all G+ can do and more.
ReplyDeleteIt is reasonable to be discouraged, but there are still possibilities for large migration cohorts - it hasn't been two months yet; we have many months to go.
ReplyDeletebye, Felicia.
ReplyDelete"If you are not interested in hosting your own server, you can still use Friendica." -- oh dear...
ReplyDeleteHeinrich C. Kuhn
ReplyDeleteI've not made a final decision- yet.
I've researched MeWe enough to know it could be used for my community but there are others to look at...
In my case, I've just started looking at blogger and so far haven't run into any deal breakers so it may well be a possibility as well.
Time will tell.
Looks like to me, everyone is waiting to see where everyone else goes.
ReplyDeleteLeonard Harris True story :-D
ReplyDeleteSpeaking as a mod: the policy of G+MM is not to make decisions for people, but to provide an informational basis on which to make such a decision. So from Google+ Mass Migration, there has been no decision.
ReplyDeleteWe've suggested a schedule, at #PlexodusWiki, for migration planning. That is a four-phase cycle, of about 2-3 months each:
* Oct 2018 - Dec 2018: Coordination, planning, and exploring alternatives.
* Jan 2019 - Apr 2019: Execution.
* May 2019 - Jul 2019: Re-establishing community.
* Aug 2019 - ∞: Assessment of migration, rebuilding and expanding.
Speaking for myself, researching and observing practices: I've seen a fair number of active, healthy, constructive Google+ communities which have made migration decisions, or at least declared these (several are now engaged in disputes with various members over those choices). MeWe, Reddit, Facebook, Google Groups, and several other platforms have been noted. Some of those are being tracked on the G+ Notable Communities Database:
(I've entered most of these, users and community mods are VERY strongly encouraged to provide their own updates.)
Also speaking for myself: I'm actively exploring options and alternatives. I've no intent to make a decision before it is necessary to do so.
social.antefriguserat.de - Exodus Planning and Scheduling - PlexodusWiki
It has become clear that: 1) There is no replacement for G+; 2) Some communities may move as a group, but for the most part they will fragment; 3) the 'migration' will be more accurately termed a 'dispersal'; 4) We will all find our own places in a non-G+ world.
ReplyDeleteLeaves in the wind.
Kent Crispin
ReplyDeleteYou've nailed it.
I disagree with 1 but agree with 2 and 3. I will have to disagree with 4 because I believe a significant number will exit social media altogether.
ReplyDeleteKent Crispin Question: how might you measure any of that?
ReplyDeleteAlso: dispersal with the ability to interconnect would actually be a net win.
Ich sagte schon am Beginn... Es wird keinen 100% Ersatz für Google+ geben!!!
ReplyDeleteDeshalb... Solange es kein gleichwertiges gibt, werde ich meine Bilder auf Flickr stationieren!
Flickr ist fantastisch geeignet für Foto & Kunst aller Art.
Ich denke, um aktuell auf dem laufenden zu bleiben, werde ich dann Twitter in mein Flickr Konto einbinden...
Und zusätzlich vielleicht noch ein blogspot Konto beginnen, damit ich längere Gedanken und Informationen schreiben kann. Und den jeweiligen Link unter meine Fotos in Flickr setzen.
Bei Blogger bin ich mir jedoch sehr unsicher!!!
Denn es gehört Google und ich habe jetzt nach dem Beschluss zu G+, kein gutes Vertrauen mehr zu Goggle!!!
Ich denke, wenn ich ein blogspot Konto nehme...
Zeit, Gedanken, Arbeit in das Konto investiere...
Dann könnte es mir vielleicht auch dort jederzeit erneut mit einem Google Blogger Konto passieren, dass Google vielleicht plötzlich den Beschluss für ein Blogger~Aus fasst!?
Der Google Beschluss für das Aus von Google+ hat mein Vertrauen in Google sehr nachhaltig gestört!!!!!
Ich sehe an diesem Google Beschluss, dass Google sich seiner Verantwortung gegenüber den Nutzern einer sozialen Plattform nicht bewusst ist!!!
Oder, was noch schlimmer wäre, vielleicht will Google seiner Verantwortung aus gewinnträchtigen Gründen auch einfach nicht nachkommen? :-/
Für Twitter und Blogger Konten werde ich aber noch etwas abwarten!!!
Einerseits denke ich, auf den sozialen Netzwerken wird es bis zum nächsten Sommer noch diverse Änderungen geben...
Andererseits hoffe ich noch immer, es wird bis zum nächsten Sommer eine bessere G+ Alternative geben... ;)
Abschließend denke ich inzwischen leider, die fantastische Google+ Gemeinschaft wird tatsächlich wie Blätter im Herbststurm zerstreut werden. : (
One could still stay in the community just to keep up with the development of migration tools, and to learn about new solutions being suggested as well, or to find out where some of the people you know / once knew, go to.
ReplyDeleteFilip H.F. Slagter
ReplyDeleteOh JA!!, natürlich bleibe ich...
Aber es ist notwendig für die Sicherheit, ein zweites Standbein zu nehmen...
Weiterhin aber dennoch hier bei G+ bleiben...
Die Dinge beobachten, Alternativen untersuchen und Erfahrungen austauschen!!!!!
Andi Droid I was more responding to the OP's decision to leave the community;)
ReplyDeleteFilip H.F. Slagter
ReplyDeleteOh!,... ich verstehe!! :)
Ich denke, es kann für Alle sehr sinnvoll sein, in der Community zu bleiben!!!!!
Sicher kann man sich nicht immer beteiligen...
Sicher kann man auch nicht jeden einzelnen Beitrag immer verfolgen...
Aber es ist eine fantastische Community!!!
Und es ist ein fantastischer Ort für beste Informationen...
Und ein Ort für einen hilfreichen Austausch der Gedankensortierung!!! :))
note that "diaspora" = "dispersal". they're actually the same word, etymologically.
I still believe G+ will shutdown and re-emerge on YouTube. YouTube Groups2😁🙏
ReplyDeleteJohn Douglas Porter a death knell embedded in the name already.
ReplyDeleteThe entire market has been dominated by a few players so there's been almost no pressure to develop alternatives. There's just no competition to migrate to. And certainly not a single solution. I think we'll see the market mature a bit over the next few months as people decide what they wanted out of social media and features get added. There's never going to be a Facebook killer.
ReplyDeleteDiana Studer Or a survival strategy.
ReplyDeleteThere are several human cultures notable as diaspora communities.
All of the ones outside of Africa, for example, and many of the ones within it.
Michael Rainey Just imagine Facebook announces its shutting down... I wonder how many "alternatives" would show up in just one night!
ReplyDeleteAnd we are the techies. Sad kinda.
ReplyDeletei also need some good friends not the masses :-)
ReplyDeleteVictor Bezrukov it is the flintstone spark here. So many people I have found via conversations on David Amerland's posts.