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Some Google Plus users begin migrating to the MeWe social media platform


  1. Begin? I'm already well-established there. ;-)

    It's an excellent platform. The only reason I'm still here is many of my friends still haven't yet moved off of G+.

  2. I've been there for a few weeks now. I completely agree with the comment about emojis - they ruin it for me.

  3. Can I give access to my content on MeWe to people not member of MeWe?

  4. Antonio Candido not yet, but they're actively adding features. That one is top of the list.

  5. Ich denke, man kann es nicht mit Google+ vergleichen!!!
    MeWe ist eine ,,geschlossene Gesellschaft", aber es ist ein Not~Ersatz für die Zeit nach dem Aus von G+.
    Genauso gut ist Flickr ein Not~Ersatz, für die Zeit nach dem Aus von G+.
    Ich habe jetzt ein Flickr Konto, als zweites Standbein.
    Es ist für Foto & Kunst aller Art, auch Video, sehr geeignet!!!
    Es ist sehr ähnlich, wie G+...
    Man kann bequem Sammlungen [heißen dort Alben] und Community's [heißen dort Gruppen] anlegen!!!
    Das kostenlose Konto bei Flickr, ist frei für 1.000 Bilder/Videos, in bester Qualität.
    Das eigene Bild/Video belastet nur einmal die Summe der Stückzahl im eigenen Konto...
    Man kann es dann jedoch unzählige Male weiter in Alben, Galerien und Gruppen teilen. ;)
    Die Bildpräsentation ist dort einfach super fantastisch!!!
    Man kann Kommentare schreiben...
    Man kann Plusse geben [dort sind es Sterne und heißt Favorisieren].
    Insgesamt ist Flickr sehr ähnlich wie Google+!
    Das Konto hat vielfältige Möglichkeiten der Kontokonfiguration...
    Man kann zusätzlich andere Websites in das eigene Flickr Konto einbinden!!

    Wer ein Flickr Konto versuchen will...
    Bitte!, eine beliebige, eigene E-Mail-Adresse wählen...
    Dann direkt über den eigenen Browser das Konto mit der eigenen E-Mail-Adresse registrieren!!
    Es kommt dann eine automatische Routine Weiterleitung zu einer Yahoo Registrierung...
    Das muss man nicht machen!!!...
    Einfach nur auf das blaue Feld weiter klicken...
    Und schon ist man auf der eigenen Profilseite.
    Bitte!,... auf das kleine Avatar, oben neben der Benachrichtigungsglocke klicken...
    Dann ist man in den ,,inneren Profilseiten"...
    Dort bitte alle Seiten über Menüband erkunden und die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der Kontokonfiguration nutzen!!!!!

  6. Kai Jansson Comparing any given alternative to G+ is moot. Google+ will cease to be in under 9 months.

    The valid comparison is between potential alternatives, on their comparative merits.

    This should be obvious.

  7. It definitely can be compared. You can count indefinitely the number of bugs and issues on Google+ that haven't been addressed. Complaining about emojis is just grumpy old man syndrome

  8. The way posts in Me We are not public for the time being, makes it useless for me, I'm in LinkedIn now.

  9. Joan Egert FYI, LinkedIn generally throws up a registration wall, in my experience.

  10. Holger Jakobs Of course MeWe could fail and go away. The same is true of anything, whether run by a corporation for as open source. Have you used Usenet recently? Sure, at still exists, but it is now just a festering pile of auto-spam, porn, and file sharing.

    Avoiding MeWe because the startup might fail someday is like not buying a dog because they don’t live as long as people.

  11. Edward Morbius sorry, can you explain that further, I'm not very experienced in this terms.

  12. My one wish is that MeWe would list content from all groups I subscribe to in a chronological list like G+ rather than having to read new content from one group then go to the next.

  13. Andy Lane unless they open up to public..

  14. Prue Stopford yes, it somehow gives a non-serious image.

  15. This article is almost two months old (Oct 11th). And has been shared in this community before.

  16. Stripes The Tiger neither me and I am trying..

  17. Stripes The Tiger Joan Egert I'm not keen either...

  18. Kai Jansson I've not found an equivalent…

  19. I was there and then I deleted it. Not the same quality of people / content as we have here :(

  20. The desktop version of that is just a twitter clone. No multi-column layout like G+ has. :/

  21. Edward Morbius There is one exception, you can watch company profiles on LinkedIn without registering/login. Other than that you are totally correct. I would like to see Mewe opening up to the world outside Mewe.

  22. MeWe is the only platform which is similar to Google+.
    It's a lovely place and if you don't find your favourite communities, just create them!
    We are a nice circle now and I hope many will come to MeWe!!!

    My plea (!!!) to Google is:
    as Google+ will be deleted and we lose everything, can you please change your Spam rules?!!! Please, Mr Google, let us place adds in our favourite communities that people who are dear to us know where to go after closing of G+!!!!!!!

    For now we have to pin posts in our profiles and ask every person to go with us!

  23. Anton A There's a fair bit of LinkedIn content that is available, though personal profile / resume pages generally require you be signed in. I ... resist that.

    (I need to check that I've purged all my LinkedIn profiles, I don't trust the site any more -- a tech-oriented hiring site being under Microsoft's control raises pretty clear and blatant conflicts of interest.)

  24. I lost interest in LinkedIn when M$ bought them. My students and I stopped using Minecraft for the same rea$on.

  25. Brian Holt Hawthorne That's why the next social network must not be dependent on a single company, but decentralized! Like Diaspora, Mastodon, HubZilla, Friendica and the like.

  26. Holger Jakobs Usenet was not dependent on any one company. Sure it still exists in theory, but it is just an open sewer at this point.

  27. I am trying with Me WE but it's above me: the emojis, the avatar and the design of the interface are (for me) simply childish.

  28. Joan Egert Prue Stopford
    There are lots of people who like this!

  29. Antje Rübenach I know! I'm just too old for it, I think lol!!

  30. Prue Stopford
    The older you get the more you should like such things...
    Keeps you happy and young!
    Adds colour to your life..... 😁

  31. Antje Rübenach I’m a white beard and I love the emojis in MeWe instead of just being limited to +1. Sometimes you want to say 😟 or ✅

  32. Brian Holt Hawthorne So you're reverting to Egyptian hieroglyphs for communication?

  33. Antje Rübenach yes for sure but it's not my case.

  34. Brian Holt Hawthorne instead of emojis I like to comment by myself

  35. ThantiK “Reverting?” What kind of cultural arrogance is this? Next I suppose you will claim that English is a superior written language to Chinese.

  36. Joan Egert Why make it either or? Sometimes I have something interesting to add or ask in a comment. Other times I just want to give a quick bit of feedback. A “+1” is so limiting for the latter.

  37. Brian Holt Hawthorne
    Sometimes emoji, sometimes comment....
    Sometimes both......
    I like MeWe.... It's a child... allow it to grow...
    G+ started small too!

  38. Admiral Taptap you have until August of next year. Jumping on the next bandwagon this early is a recipe for disappointment.

  39. ThantiK
    Well, at MeWe you can say now instead of "+1" "👎"......

  40. Joan Egert
    Perhaps you're not old enough yet....
    Lol....... 😁🤣

  41. Mewe is not comparable to G+, but looks nice. I'm testing alternatives and mewe seems one of those best.
    Please find me on mewe who are already there. - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.


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