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The apps deliver curated partisan news feeds on what are effectively private social media platforms, free from the...

The apps deliver curated partisan news feeds on what are effectively private social media platforms, free from the strictures and content guidelines imposed by Silicon Valley giants.

The NRA app has 150,000 downloads. Apps monitored by AggregateIQ, a subsidiary of Cambridge Analytica.


  1. News doesn't like to be centralised. It breaks free. That goes for real or fake news.

  2. Custom RSS/Atom feed aggregators? You can pretty much do this just with a curated OPML feed list.

  3. Do you seriously consider this an alternative to G+? Worldwide? Good joke!

  4. Armin Kunaschik I've encountered a fair number of trolls who might find a good home there. But it might leave them feeling useless after awhile. It's good to have examples of what people are not looking for?

  5. Bill Pusztai Facebook is the centralized news source I was referring to. If I have to explain the rest of it, you either can't get it or don't want to.

  6. ....further isolating a segment of people from mainstream society.


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