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Community Owners and Moderators Migration Survey

Community Owners and Moderators Migration Survey

The question of how to migrate G+ Communities is one we've been wrestling with. Simply contacting mods is a significant hurdle. Though we know some of you are here in G+MM. We'd like to get a better sense of who you and your communities are.

Update: We're thinking of switching this to a Google Forms collection, though entries can still be submitted as comments below.

Please respond to the original G+MM post in a comment with the following:

Your community name(s) & description(s):

G+ Community URL(s):


Status: public, private

Principle language (English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Thai, etc.,):

Membership: open, ask to join

Approximate 30-day post volume:

Approximate 30-day comment volume:

(Both available from "Insights" under "Manage" button.)

Community age: (years)

Your role: mod, owner

Do you plan to migrate? Yes, No, Undecided

Current migration status: none, discussion, trial, committed, completed (G+ community closed/deleted)

Data migration considerations: none, posts, comments, images, video, other (describe).

Target platform interests: forum, blog, microblog, social, email, chat (text), voice/video chat, media (images, audio, video), data, formatting (e.g., JaTeX)

Existing platform(s) (as above):

Existing non-G+ platform URL(s):

Options under consideration (name, URL if minor/little known):

Planned decision commit date (if any):

Other factors for consideration:

Additional notes / questions / suggestions:

(Copy/paste and edit for best results.)

We're compiling this information for the #PlexodusWiki, particularly the Migrating Google+ Communities and G+ Notable Communities Database pages:

If you are not a community mod, please do not comment, but please do share this to your Communities / moderators. (Once only.)

If you are seeing this reshared elsewhere, please respond in the Google+ Mass Migration (G+MM) original post.

We have been compiling quantitative data on G+ Communities. Highlights:

Number: 7.9 million.
Mean membership: 128
Mode membership: 1
Median membership: 2
Maximum members: ~6.8 million
95%ile membership: 118
Public: 91%
Private: 9%
Open membership: 55% (183 members mean)
Closed membership: 45% (23 members mean)
Communities <= 1 member: ~3.9 million (45%)
Communities > 1k members: ~57,000
Communities > 10k members: ~12,600
Communities > 100k members: ~2,400
Communities > 500k members: ~158
Communities > 1m members: ~54
Top-200 communities 2016/4 no longer existing 2018/11: 69.

(Data based on 12,00 obs. random sampling of G+ sitemaps records 22-23 Nov., 2018, 2016-4-16 CircleCount rankings, and 26 Nov 2018 reassessment of CircleCount top-200 communities.)


Thank you.


  1. A reminder: survey responses only in comments. Others will be deleted. This is to both preserver response space (500 comment limit) and make future data capture easier.

    If you do have questions or comments you absolutely need to make, submit them to this thread instead:

    Thank you.

  2. Your community name(s) & description(s): Artificial Intelligence

    G+ Community URL(s): Artificial Intelligence

    Members: 235,183

    Status: public

    Principle language: English

    Membership: open

    Approximate 30-day post volume: 88

    Approximate 30-day comment volume: 50

    (Both available from "Insights" under "Manage" button.)

    Community age: (years) unknown - owner is pretty inactive; Gideon Rosenblatt can you advise?

    Your role: mod

    Do you plan to migrate? No

    Current migration status: Proposed, no "seconds" heard.

    Data migration considerations: none.

    Target platform interests: n/a

    Existing platform(s) (as above):

    Existing non-G+ platform URL(s):

    Options under consideration (name, URL if minor/little known):

    Planned decision commit date (if any): open to user input until the end, but none received to date

    Other factors for consideration: There are numerous alternatives for following news and discussion about AI - the community is not serving a unique niche.

    Additional notes / questions / suggestions:

  3. Your community name(s) & description(s):

    G+ Community URL(s): Living off Grid

    Members: 60,251

    Status: public

    Principle language English

    Membership: open

    Approximate 30-day post volume: 32

    Approximate 30-day comment volume: 124

    (Both available from "Insights" under "Manage" button.)

    Community age: (years) 6?

    Your role: mod; owner is Michelle Martin

    Do you plan to migrate? Undecided

    Current migration status: discussion

    Data migration considerations: undecided.

    Target platform interests: forum, social, media

    Existing platform(s) (as above):

    Existing non-G+ platform URL(s):

    Options under consideration (name, URL if minor/little known): MeWe, Cake

    Planned decision commit date (if any):none

    Other factors for consideration: users are following the "move" topic but providing little input. Relocating appears unlikely - other existing communities and blogs serve comparable use.

    Additional notes / questions / suggestions:

  4. Landscape Photography Community - original landscape photos
    Landscape Photography
    Members: 1,520,000
    Open - Hold for Review in Place for new members
    Post Volume: 6036
    Comment Volume 18,270
    Age: Since day 1 of communities
    Migration: Yes, we will migrate
    Migration Status: Considering options
    Data Migration Concerns: None - We will start over
    Target Platform Interests: Porn/spam free, categories, events
    Other Questions: Once we make a decision on the next platform, we will tailor it to best meet our needs. Then we will encourage our members to join the new platform.

  5. Your community name(s) & description(s): Funny Pictures Community - Sharing fun, laughs, and good times

    G+ Community URL(s):

    Members: 399,600

    Status: Public

    Principle language: English

    Membership: Open with Hold For Review enabled

    Approximate 30-day post volume: 276

    Approximate 30-day comment volume: 696

    Community age: Unknown

    Your role: Moderator

    Do you plan to migrate?: Undecided

    Current migration status: None at this time

    Data migration considerations: None - Members would be free to repost content they had shared previously from G+ or wherever else they source their material from granted that it followed the rules and guidelines set forth for what is permitted.

    Target platform interests: Porn/Spam free, categories, media (images, video/gif), formatting (basic text formatting such as bold, italic, underline, etc.).

    Options under consideration (name, URL if minor/little known): N/A

    Planned decision commit date (if any): N/A

    Other factors for consideration: This type of community is not unique, and there are others that do this just as well or better for longer.
    Funny Pictures


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