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Please keep in mind that you can live your life without G+ or a G+ alternative. You may not like it, (I know I don't), but you can.
Download your data.
You can continue to look for a G+ alternative long after G+ closes their doors.


  1. Timmy D You know? When I first checked it out it was pretty right wing nutjob heavy (No problem with right wing, just right wing with no concept of reality).. it does not seem like that is the case anymore.. Maybe because a lot more people have joined. I will keep it in mind.

  2. I am a Progressive left-wing and their are plenty of us there. Now GAB was a different story.

  3. Timmy D MeWe works, but I don't like it. OpenBook doesn't work yet, but I like it very much. I think there are simply no reasons for Facebook users to switch to MeWe. There are some reasons for OpenBook. OpenSource, privacy, cool user interface... If OpenBook has its finances under control, I think OpenBook will survive. I grant it to them!

  4. Matt Moore if you use the iOS app to browse, it might also be because they had to change their search to make the kind of posts that would violate Apple's App Store's TOS harder to find, rather than to actually ban and delete the nazi content.

    Finding an alternative after #GooglePlusShutdown is indeed an option, but unfortunately it does become harder to suggest that option to your Google+ contacts without a way to contact/inform them. :)

  5. I also think that it is better to live a few weeks without a network than to be tied to a wrong network. It's better to back up your G+ data, wait a while and then bet on the right horse.

  6. Excellent point, Matt Moore. Patience is a virtue!

  7. It seems to me that being "tied" to a network or anything else comes with time. It's fun to explore and experiment.

    So far, my experiments have found useful purposes for Facebook, MeWe, Pinterest, Flickr and most of all Blogger. I am thinking of investigating WordPress, too.

    I look forward to exploring these and other options, not out of desperation but out of curiosity and with some anticipation of success.

  8. Some wisdom at last! It's not a problem to me to try other alternatives... what can happens? if it's wrong I'll change. Best wishes to you!


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