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What is the official mobile application for Pluspora (or Diaspora)?


  1. "Official" according to whom? Diaspora* is an open-source platform, anyone can contribute to the project (including creating mobile apps for it). That being said, the most commonly used one that I know of is "dandelion*" which is not available to the Play Store, but is available through F-Droid (an open-source application manager).

    Pluspora, being simply a node that is running the Diaspora* software, would not have its own application separate from Diaspora. (Unless someone created one and hard-coded "" as the node, which would be silly, because that would be restricting the rest of the Diaspora* universe from using it for no good reason.)

  2. Cristian Motoiu I didn't say that dandelion* was the only D* app available, only that it was the most commonly used one that I know of. :) Like I said, it's an open source platform, anyone can create a mobile app for it.

  3. Cristian Motoiu The Diaspora Native Web app works too.

    You may want to try both anyway to see which one you like better. They both have some minor quirks where some features of the actual website are missing, but they're not exactly the same. I confess I chose dandelion* primarily because it offered me more color choices, but also because the dev is still actively improving it, and is very responsive.

    If you want to try out dandelion*, you can get F-Droid here <>. Just download the apk file and tap to open it. It will guide you through the installation process. Then search it for dandelion*. Again, it will guide you through installation.

    Alternatively, you can install dandelion* without using F-Droid, but if you do, you won't get any update notifications for it, and you'll have to reinstall it every time you discover an update. You can download its apk here <>.


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