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tl;dr Stop just complaining about MeWe, it's not productive, instead be sure to also start recommending something...

tl;dr Stop just complaining about MeWe, it's not productive, instead be sure to also start recommending something other than MeWe that works better.

(edited the tl;dr: I don't mind complaints if they're used productively to point people to other places that work better. Complaining just because you can isn't productive to the people trying to figure out where to go, not where not to go)

Ok community, let's play a game. People have split opinions about MeWe. Those that seem to like it like it for the familiarity of the system, the way it works, and the fact that it feels "complete"... ish anyway.

It's a bareable... or really, so far, the only substantial replacement for G+, especially for communities. (edit: that I know of... which is where I'd like to be enlightened as well)

Now the people who dislike it, and there's enough of them with legitimate concerns that are really vocal about it on every post about MeWe... instead of yet again rehashing that argument (or especially copy and pasting arguments and links), recommend an alternate site that has features similar to G+ that is a good replacement instead of MeWe.

If your recommendations are good, people will check it out. Otherwise, your complaining isn't contributing to the current dilemma of having to move somewhere by April 2nd.

Time to put up or shut up. We don't really have time for whining threads and utterly repetitious drivel anymore.


  1. I already have posted links and I don't really appreciate having to hear about Mewe all the time either, just block people if you're tired of hearing it. It's a public community and we have every right to post our opinions here as long as we're respectful to each other, this post comes close to crossing that line.

  2. Of course you have a right ability to post, which is why I'm not going to block or ban people from commenting on my posts.

    But the point of this community isn't to hate on a social network, it's to help people migrate to a better one.

    So if the only comments people can offer are to keep hating on a network, especially on posts of people who actually move there, that's not actually helping. Or being on topic.

    So if that's the case, just suggest a better alternative. Make it productive for people to have to read these comments, because it's only going to get worse as time passes as more and more people figure out where they will move, including to MeWe.

  3. wara zashi ...what game are we supposed to play?

  4. Also, it's a "public" community run by self selected mods on a platform run by a company with censorship ability. It's not a right, it's a privilege to be able to post here. One that can be taken away without any of your rights being violated.

  5. Openbook is the only real alternative, there is no 8GB limit, the CEO is working hard on features (no one thought the community feature was going to be added), Openbook doesn't bash on facebook all the time and knows what it wants to be. The only reason it hasnt been populor is because it hasn't launch or finish things, as well as people's past experince with kickstater. I trust Openbook more because it is being transparent with their work, something no other soical media has ever done before. Certain answers to Openbook has not been answered that i can understand but i'm sure it will when the time has come, you can even ask them if you feel the need to do so.

  6. Bigattck Firecat Launch and the ability to actually migrate to it feels so key for people to be able to do while they still have the ability to reach their contacts/community. I'd love to try it out, and to make it a place I could migrate to, but alas, it's not available yet...

    I would definitely be trying it out once it's ready. I hope it's soon. It's hard to move people to a new platform, let alone do it twice (or more) in a short period of time.

  7. Gary Gregory The "give me a decent place to host my community instead of just complaining about MeWe cause people are moving there regardless of the complaints because there's nothing else they can figure out easily" game. But that title seemed long.

    And your comment was flagged as spam...

  8. wara zashi it was probably because the comment was too short. The purpose of criticism is much less to be negative, and much more to give users opposing viewpoints to help them make critical decisions.

    I think Mewe is the ticket, and everyone should go there. Unfortunately, mewe is promoting itself in ways that aren't as strong as they could be, so I criticise them on that front.

  9. Gary Gregory I read your post and it was a good assessment that enables the reader to make their own weighted decisions. But there have certainly been other posts and comments which dive further into far more personal hate for policies masked as critique which keep getting repeated as fact.

    I do think while it is important to have good critique about why something works or doesn't. For this community, it's really important to know where people can go to as well. A good critique can allow the reader to make their own decision with the facts available, the bad ones seem to keep railroading people without really helping them find a place to end up at...

  10. Personally I still think that for large enough communities, the best alternative is a self-hosted one in the form of a forum or CMS. Unfortunately that requires some expertise, investment (both timewise and monetary) and monthly/annual payment by the communities staff (hopefully with donations by the rest of the community to help cover the costs).
    While the costs for a large enough community don't necessarily have to be too difficult to overcome, the required skills and/or required time to get everything set up and, more importantly, keep it running, unfortunately are often a speedhump or even a blocker.
    There are hosting providers out there though that offer the installation and (semi-)automatic updates of various forum and CMS software solutions through their control panels (I know mine for instance offers that option through CPanel).

    It might not seem a worthwhile solution, especially when coming from G+ where every is 'free', without ads and where everything server-side is managed by a third party, but it does come with some benefits:

    • You have larger control over which data is harvested, tracked and monetised.
    • Your data is yours, and while you're responsible for the backups, you can also export, process and move your data elsewhere if necessary.
    • You're less reliant on third parties when it comes to the future of your community. Sure, your hosting provider could go bankrupt or have a cascading hardware failure, but if you've been keeping regular backups, the data loss should be minimal, and once you find another hosting provider, your users don't suddenly need to get used to a different interface.
    • You control what your community looks like. You're far less likely to suddenly have to deal with a UI overhaul because $SocialMediaPlatform decided they want to make their ads more prominent, and hide the relevant user data.

    Sure, you perhaps need to do more marketing to get a steady influx of new users, but it could also mean you'd be less likely to have to deal with trolls.

    I'm not saying it's a solution for everyone, but I do think it's one that far too few communities are actually considering.

  11. Bigattck Firecat "x is the only real alternative" Yes and no. Thus far G+ offered a fairly unique set up and no other platform yet has been able to offer 1:1 identical while being federated. Several are close, but still need improvement as they are very new still, and others don't seem as actively updated as far as the UI/UX. I'm not saying Openbook will be bad, only that there's no one magic bullet to this situation. I'm hopeful that a few months after G+'s public shutdown that the plethora of alternatives will be a bit more honed so that users will be able to achieve more of what they want from 1 or 2 rather than 3+ (unless they like being in more than one place. If that works for someone, more power to them).
    I've signed up for Openbook a while back, and I'm looking forward to giving it a test drive to see how I like it.

  12. wara zashi It's a privilege that I have not abused, not too sure why you think you have the right to tell others what they can post 🤔

  13. But, I can fix this easily for both of us, goodbye ✌️

  14. What turns me off is that every post saying "I'm going to MeWe" is a giant ad.

    Regarding an alternative for a community -- every wordpress blog is a potential community, and a blog could be set up to explicitly support a community. The mechanism is completely straightforward -- community members register for the blog and the administrator can define their role: another administrator, editor, contributor, author, subscriber. They can collectively decide how they want the site to look and how they want it run. And it can look very much like g+, if you pick the right theme.

  15. MeWe got rapidly on my nerves with their #Not4Sale and constant "next gen" bragging

  16. Younes Layachi same here. They're trying to be something they're not.

  17. Filip H.F. Slagter People are ignoring the sself hosting option probably not because it doesn't work or doesn't offer the most flexibility, but because it's a lot of work that could otherwise be invested into the actual community.

    For a larger community, perhaps there's a specialist that can do that part and the "owner" can focus attention on the community, but with smaller ones, where one has to be the jack of all trades, it's tiring. It's tiring just running a community, let alone having to maintain and improve the backend, and you know... the day job.

    But if there was something relatively painless, it helps. And as long as there are other places that help to cater to make that concept painless, it will attract people (G+, MeWe, Facebook, etc).

  18. Interesting how it's ok to bash MeWe on the heels of a prohibition on attacking options. ;) That said, I'm no defender of MeWe - only of free choice, nor do I enjoy either hate-speech or presumption of everyone's guilt when there are in fact nice quiet and safe enclaves between the walls of the "garden". Much I absolutely dislike, but some of that is what others most love (emphasis on chat, e.g.). Last time: "we vary in our wants and needs"!

    That said, here are some observations I posted on MeWe. Disclaimer/context: I've lived the last 8 years very immersed in G+, mostly for the social sharing (within circles mostly, but with photography and professional articles posted publicly). Two months ago I planted a flag on both MeWe and Pluspora. Very quickly the blank space filled with contacts and feed based on my interests (hashtags), especially on Pluspora, which I find very much like G+ in terms of variety, tone, and (now exploding) activity. Lots of good photography, tasty music videos, sharp commentary (articles and cartoons/memes) about social issues. Things I enjoy. And it is searchable, with (existing) public post options. The whole Federation concept is intriguing too, and offers some protection against unilateral tinkering, a la G+ or Facebook.
    MeWe seems to be the destination for many groups and communities, as it is built for that - "groups and chats" is one of their marketing logos, along with the more annoying banner ads proclaiming NextGen, etc.

    So here is my last commentary on what I see as OPTIONS - with the caveat that YMMV - "your mileage may vary" and no two goals and set of needs are identical. Some focus on blogs, new or existing, some are trying to relocate existing collections and/or albums. Some want to extract every ounce of data, either "to have" or to re-enliven elsewhere.
    Some have existing web-space to host things (from Flickr to Blogger to personal web pages), others have no spot for this, and have been shopping to see what's out there. But it's over.

    (March 7, the notifications widget dies - check your calendar - that's soon! The next day OpenBook is said to start. Unknown how people will be notified, via G+. Or, IMHO, if it launches beta 1 April, that's a day before the G-bomb hits and starts wiping out everything. Cutting it a bit close? But that's just an aside....)

    So here is my latest distillation of thoughts, my primary task being to immerse myself in both Pluspora and WeMe, testing out albums, groups, formatting, sharing, chat, all the functionality the two offer.
    In the end, I need the two to cover both the people and activities I have enjoyed "here". Pluspora is similar to G+ overall, in terms of comfortable social and artistic sharing (but takes a bit more effort, without a like or + button for comments, requiring typing - no emojis like MeWe). MeWe to me is almost an exact Facebook, calling itself the anti-Facebook. (Well, privacy and ads situation is superior, and OTOH you know the issues about comfort with ownership philosophy, etc.). I think many people will love MeWe because it is simple, intuitive, easy chatting w/emojis, groups galore (with big infusion of G-plussers of late), and super-busy. Good for people who like lots of animated cats and princesses too.
    "Different strokes for different folks". My commentary (after this tome!)

    Posted to G+ Expats group on MeWe - which I've joined, along with G+ photographers and nature photography/videography. Strongly recommend checking out the "welcome committee" pages for new arrivals from G+, the G+ refugees pages on MeWe, and those sharing the #gplusrefugee tag on Plus/diaspora*. MHO in the end:

  19. Seeing several comments/queries here about the new alerts by G+ and "what to do". If you've not been following it somehow, but are active on G+ (or had been), seriously you should sample some of the now-archived and very informative discussions on the "Gplus Mass Migration" community, with everything from commentary on the "roll-down" and how it is being handled, to practical tools and discussions by developers and other super-techie types about "takeout" of data, exporting to new homes (mostly for bloggers) and also what the options are for a "new Homeland" after Google not only destroys our community but unceremoniously wipes out our memories (from posts, communities, collections, etc.) so that our digital histories from 8 years or so, are extincted. ("Evil").

    So for the big or technical details, visit Google+ "mass migration" and "refugees" discussions/communities.

    While one side (IMM) is focused on the technical and practical issues about data migration, a lot is about our attachments to the people and activities, which is where I have focused (being a social scientist with a very long and broad presence on G+). I think @Hendrik Boom offers good advice, insofar as prioritizing ways of staying connected to beloved people and groups. (Groups, communities, etc., being redefined for most.) Make those plans now before all the .apis/ apps/ links/ functionality go dead, straight up ahead. Save some souvenirs. Some are trying to reassemble Humpty Dumpty in toto, every comment, thread, +. Technically possible, as people rush to export voluminous data (mostly .json files), while some rescue/back photos which may or may not be backed/posted elsewhere. But aside from trying to put years of experience into a bottle - as if one could ever replicate all the real-time joys, laughs, and discussions - for myself and others I counsel about this, I suggest "saving souvenirs" of the best G+ stuff, even screenshots of raging threads or cartoons or music themes, photo displays, "Collections" tiles, whatever. Like the stages of mourning (some already "acceptant", others just anger &/or denial with no concrete plans for life after our world is destroyed), having good memories is important (how many and what form varies). While still alive, G+ seems to be enjoying a spurt in last-visits among old-timers and those seeing links now to "where I was" and "where I am now".

    Finally (I am sooooo talked out, but once typing figure I should say it all).... There is a lot of discussion about "porn", robots, Nazis, etc., in the broad discussions of "where should we go?" after G+ kills off its family. The main destinations are "here" (the walled garden which is growing fast and implementing changes in response to huge growth and new perspectives from Gplus immigrants) and the diaspora* aspects, especially (for forced emigres from Gplus) "Pluspora", which does have a large and growing G+ immigrant population. While only MeWe has chat, emojis, etc., which some phone/text lovers are thrilled by, pora* offers public vs."circle"/aspect limited posts (~"circles"/aspects) but no "groups".

    So it's decision time for many, and I agree with the estimates that most refugees are ending up on Pluspora or MeWe, while some acclimated to pora* pods are choosing other, more inter-connected "instances". Some of the main voices on G+ are discouraging MeWe because of the aforementioned "robots, porn, and Nazis". My response - to @Andi Chakravarti and others (in no way being a defender of MeWe, just reporting) - is that (1) I've never seen "porn" on MeWe, but was getting tons of it (of late) in response to Gplus public posts, mostly around BBC feeds!

  20. (2) Robots, hate, small-mindedness, and all types of greatness are everywhere, and will spread around still more with G+'s "sunset". Here I haven't gotten direct porn but yes, I see the presence of robots very much, especially in terms of contact requests, even before I'd made any posts and nobody ostensibly knew me from Adam. I wish I could "ignore" them. But I do, and I've learned not to join many public groups, as that exposes my existence to said bots, some of which dwell in groups. There are some very active photography groups on MeWe, like G+ with chat. Without robo-spam. (moderated) So... "Caveat emptor", as they say.

    Sorry to go on... This is basically a summary of volumes of discussion, a little from me, much from the mega-forums on Google. Things are in flux, "here, there, and everywhere". At least MeWe and Pluspora are listening, and trying, and have members actively participating. YMMV.

  21. Whilst I agree with the sentiments I have to say I learned something about a site in a passing offhand comment from a moderator.

    Whether it was right or wrong it caused me to change my action.

    It was a reputational comment but nevertheless I was grateful for it as I could not afford to be associated even with the reputation..

    If its a widely known reputation then fair enough if it (like me) helps peeps come to an informed decision.

    If it's just a "personal slag down" then jump all over it.

  22. I think the problem with +Char G's passing comment, and she wont see this since she's blocked me, is the sentiment that by blocking me, she's done a favor for both of us. That somehow, her unilateral decision is pretty much the only thing that matters so it's the only solution that will work.

    Anyway, pass on the sentiment to her if he actually feels like showing us the merits of where to actually go as opposed to complaining about where not to go, she's always welcome back.

  23. Small interjection merely for clarification
    Char G is a her, not a he.

  24. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  25. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  26. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  27. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  28. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  29. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  30. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  31. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  32. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  33. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  34. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  35. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  36. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  37. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  38. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  39. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  40. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  41. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  42. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  43. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  44. Michael Fenichel two small notes on your essay:
    the 'prohibition on attacking options' as you put it, only applies for posts like SignalFlares, where they announce where they or their communities are moving to; people can still voice their opinions on platforms in other topics, either inside or outside this community.
    As one of the purposes of this community is to give people a way to inform others where they can be found next, it's important they can do so without being attacked for making that choice, whether others consider it ill-considered/illconceived or not.

    Also, if I understood correctly, you seem to be under the impression that Diaspora* has no chat?
    While the website-integration might not be available on all instances, and it might reportedly still be buggy on those that do, Diaspora* does offer chat through the xmpp protocol, and there are several free (mobile and desktop) standalone clients available:

    It does look like you'll need to manually add your contacts though. So there's definitely room for improvement.
    Since I'm not looking for another chat medium, I have not looked further into it though.

  45. Filip H.F. Slagter too bad you can't make groups in Disapora/Pluspora

  46. Gary Gregory You can in Friendica and Hubzilla.

  47. Gary Gregory Looks like Isaac Kuo is trying to work on something for Diaspora and groups...

  48. Yes, I am working on Moderated Hashtags (like Communities) in diaspora.

    Also, there already exist Group accounts in Friendica and Hubzilla, as noted.

    I haven't gotten multi-column working in Group account view in Hubzilla/Friendica yet,'s a bit complex due to the way they do things.

    But if you view the local copy of a Hubzilla/Friendica Group in diaspora, my multi-column enhancement works.

    Still, if single column stream is your preference (or good enough for your purposes), then Hubzilla/Friendica is a solution that works today, out-of-box.

  49. Isaac Kuo Do you own Pluspora (just asking, cool if you do, it looks cool)?

  50. Gary Gregory No, the admins on pluspora are a couple of other Plussers -
    Di Cleverly and David Thiery. They welcome anyone who wants to get involved, and they're aware of the work I'm doing on pluspora enhancements.

    They're still figuring out how to do some sort of donation system to help with the server costs; right now it's simply out of their own pockets.

  51. Gary Gregory Many of the Google Plus Refugees seem to misunderstand what pluspora is. Simply put, pluspora is a website running the Diaspora software. - Pluspora misunderstanding

  52. Mike Noyes wow, I was going to add my own clarification in that topic of why some Diasporians get upset by calling it Pluspora, but that topic turned into a political clusterfuck.

    So, I'll do it here instead:

    I think the issue some Diaspora* users and especially contributors have with Pluspora users praising Pluspora, rather than Diaspora*, has to do with it seeming like them thinking that just Pluspora is responsible for the network, ignoring the work the Diaspora* devs and long-term users have put into the software that Pluspora uses, and the existing content that the Diaspora* network is sharing with Pluspora.

    It's a bit like saying your local $carbrand dealership momAndPopCars made it possible for you to drive a car; sure momAndPopCars set up a shop nearby you that looks familiar and comfortable and they sold a car to you at an affordable price, but without $carbrand you still wouldn't have had a car to drive in, nor would momAndPopCars have a dealership to sell you that car.

  53. Though to be honest, I knew of Diaspora even in the early days of G+, but never bothered to join it till we were forced to and Pluspora offered a little bit of a refugee community.

    And to be even more honest, if Pluspora was running mastadon or some other different thing, I would have joined that too. The point I think I'm trying to make is that it's almost never about the technology, but really about where you can go that you feel "happy", whether that's interacting with people or even just the UI.

    Tech people sometimes fail to grasp that concept.

  54. wara zashi User interface very important. MeWe is cheerful and easy to make groups etc. Its a bit pushy on chat boxes, but its comfortable to use, so I get your point about having to get cracking somewhere.
    Somewhere with a more sophisticated feed page would be better... still checking them all out.
    I thought I would like Minds, but cannot see how to format test!!!

  55. I'm on Minds but I haven't really given it a fair chance yet. The boosted posts are too much of a distraction so far and it's showing me a sampling of the type of people on Minds... and that doesn't make me feel good.

  56. wara zashi Amelia Hoskins I left Minds when I found it to be Alt-Right Platform central. It doesn't help that boosted posts of "White Genocide" show up in your feed.

    Plus, Minds was removed from all apps stores, so Minds pretended as if it was fighting against censorship.

    They can't fire Minds because they quit, essentially.

    MeWe is doing a better job keeping the crazy under wraps in comparison.

  57. Gary Gregory Thanks for thoughts. I havn't used Minds enough yet; only a few posts. I wont like it if I cannot format text to bold and italics. Not found that yet. But at least its long form.

    I'm not bothered by 'alt-right' as in UK we need that to get our Brexit and in USA they need to stop the nonsense of the Democrats. (You might think they are okay).
    Others have written they wont touch MeWe with a barge pole due to 'alt-right' and "Nazis" which is ludicrous. (The only nazi types are funded anti-fa thugs.)
    It sounds like I shall be okay on both of them, and we can block aggressive posts. I'm literally blocking almost everyone who offers to be friend on MeWe, and getting them daily, despite non action there.
    Thats creepy to me: they all seem to be military surgeons!!!. Quite honestly that puts me off using social media, background creepers.

    Its a bit sad that we now have the splitting of society based on a perceived evil, when in fact those posting alt-right ideas, are just observing whats actually going on - beyond many peoples' perception.

    Trump and Brexit are splitting the people, because both happened at same time and received a lot of attention.

    The guy from Minds did say he was fighting censorship. Sounds quite open source.
    I don't know why there isn't a good British platform by now; though many Brits on Twitter, my current base.

  58. Amelia Hoskins I agree with you, in that we don't need crazy (Alt-Right) to fight crazy (Antifa) and vice versa. And both sides are crazy.

    Sounds like a platitude until we look at what's going on. And everyone is so convinced we need to push back on hate in the most hate centered way that we forgot about positive solutions. No one wants to be a hero.

    We need more of a balance and genuine understanding of everyone's politics and why they support them.

    Everyone's fighting their stupid war while the media eggs it on, the politicians laugh and the businessmen profit. It's a useless class struggle between the mentally ill on both sides, and everyone else is getting dragged into it.

    Trump and Brexit are just symptoms of sick people fuming toxicity from their respective ill societies.


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