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I've just found out about Aether:

I've just found out about Aether:

It's a Reddit-like set of discussion boards. It has multi-mod moderation. It's entirely peer to peer, so there's no corporate censorship or company like Google that might lose interest and kill your community. It supports Markdown formatting and images.


  1. It looks really cool. Kind of looks like a mix of IRC and Slack

  2. Garry Knight to be fair, it's only ~5 months old according to the changelog on the website linked. They're currently working on their Android app.

  3. its another closed group but this time it makes you download load a software.

  4. Bigattck Firecat It's the exact opposite of "closed group". It's distributed and decentralized (like Bitcoin or Bittorrent).

  5. FYI, source is here:

    I haven't tried it yet, but read all the docs and forums. It looks really interesting, although the restriction to text + links only (no embedded media) seems like a big usability limitation. - nehbit/aether

  6. František Fuka if i cant find a post from them online like twitter. facebook, google plus and reddit than its a closed group.

  7. Bigattck Firecat There is no "website address" that contains Aether posts. This is intentional, so that the relevant domain cannot be censored or spied on. You have pretty weird definition of "closed group". Is Facebook also "closed group" because you have to use a web browser or App to read it?

  8. František Fuka its closed group when no one can enter to see people post. That is the definition of censored. Also you dont need a broswer or app to see facebook, twitter, reddit post because you can also use other programs to do so it is not impossable to even code such a thing.

  9. "Discussions only saved six months". So no archive.

  10. Bigattck Firecat What??? Anyone (including completely anonymous, unregistered and untrackable users) can see what people post on Aether. Also, do you really imply that you could code your own program to access Facebook? You certainly could. But it's much easier to code such a program for Aether. :)

  11. František Fuka How to do that without installing another program or signing up because i do not find a way and it has no infomation on how to do it.

  12. Bigattck Firecat Are you really asking how to code a program without installing another program???

  13. One can read: “we're still working on our $(OS) app”.
    Where “$(OS)” is a placeholder in the code o this page. Everyone will see the name of their operating system here. So, we should believe that developers are working on creating an application for each existing operating system? What if someone try to visit this site using eg. AmigaOS system?
    I don't like to be cheated from the very beginning. I'm inherently non-believer…

  14. František Fuka look at ths: -

    It even says mst basic text message might take a while to reach people or not at all. It requires the progra to always be online and always be turn on. This is the most useless soical media there is. Its like facebook dd everything worng with communaction.

  15. I only wanted to let you know that you have no idea what Aether is, how it works and why it works like that. You still don't and you don't seem to want to understand it. So, good luck to you, that's all from me.

  16. František Fuka you seem the one who does not understand how peer to peer system works. if you are not online you don't a message. That is not how socal media works, no one has time or money to wait for a message, that is why it needs to be saved in a server, that is when we can see it.

  17. Bigattck Firecat You are crazy. Please go back to using your favorite social network where you can message while offline...

  18. Folks, please keep discussion poitive, contructive, and no personal attacks.


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