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[Image & File Storage Features]

[Image & File Storage Features]
As I get closer to the end of G+'s run, I'm more concerned about image storage in relation the posts I make. I do art, and I also work in virtual worlds (like Open Simulator) and in both cases I want to make posts that show images (and to a lesser extent videos) of both. Now using G+ has spoilt me in that regard, in that it was easy just to upload a copy of an image directly to the post, and there was no extra cost for storing that. This was important to me because I'm on a fixed income, and paying a subscription fee for storage is something I have to consider carefully (one reason I don't use Adobe's Cloud apps). It was possible to copy the URL of the images on G+ to share elsewhere. Google Photo complicated things in that after it was split from G+ ,if you uploaded more than one image you couldn't add individual descriptions for each. It was possible to do that in GPhoto, but that was only useful when you were in GPhoto,, it wasn't in G+.

In any case, G+ still gave you free storage, but of course when G+ goes, so will those images. For me then, being able to have images in my posts at where ever I move to after G+ (currently MeWe and Friendica) is important. There are only two possibilities (and a mix of both can be done), using storage on your Social Media platform to store uploaded files, and using an outside service to store those and link to them appropriately.

So I'll be putting my findings on each of those strategies in the comments to this post. I'm not trying to promote any particular platform or service, merely list the options. Feel free to add your own findings on this.


  1. MeWe
    Initially you get 8 GB of storage for free for files you upload (which is collectively called My Cloud). You can upload Photos, Videos, Documents, and Sound Clips.

    Above the 8GB you can pay for extra storage at these current rates:

    50 GB $ 4.99 / month
    100 GB $ 9.99 / month
    500 GB $ 19.99 / month

  2. The Federation
    Social Platforms within the Federation will vary from app top app, and from pod to pod. For example I use Friendica (ISurfSocial) and Diaspora (Pluspora).

    ISurfSocial allows you to upload an image with your post, but I've yet to find a limit on that (please update this if you know) . You can also attach (upload) a file, but in general those can't be previewed and the help documentation suggests you only use these for things like Zip files. Otherwise you also add links to a web address, image, video, and audio files from an external source.

    Pluspora seems to change over time. When I looked ait last year there was no way of uploading a photo with a post, but there is now. Otherwise you need to link directly to images/videos/websites offsite, and they may not have previews, but just be a text link. I did notice that images uploaded here could be linked to and shared elsewhere.

  3. - Robot Check

    This is a 1TB external HD with an online back-up option. It costs $60... or what MeWe is offering for half the storage space and 3 months.

    Obviously, something is not right here.

    Even on Flickr the Pro plan is only $5 a month.

  4. Google Photos
    The reason I gave Google Photos an entry here is because, well if you're reading this post, you're either already using it or have access to it. When consumer G+ goes, GPhotos will still exist.

    Google gives you 15 GB for free for storage. The catch is that that 15 GB is spread over all your Google services, including GMail, Google Photo, GoogleDrive, et cetera. If you need storage over this. the current rates are:

    100 GB - A$2.49/month
    200 GB - A$4.39/month

    I live in Australia so it's given me $A, but either way this seems cheaper than MeWe. It wasn't obvious to me where to find out just how storage you use on Google, but the answer is that you can find it (assuming you're logged in) at,
    with an advert at the bottom for upgrading. - Sign in - Google Accounts

  5. Image Storage Reviews
    The following link goes to a review of 10 storage sites, including: Flickr, 500px, Facebook, Photobucket, Canon Irista, SmugMug, iCloud, Google Photos, Adobe Portfolio, Dropbox, and Amazon Prime Photos. It also has an overview about the features you should look for in such services. - The 10 Best Online Photo Storage and Sharing Sites of 2019

  6. Deviant Art
    There is also DeviantArt, which of course like TUMBLR, is its own social media platform. DA has survived because it has a culture that encourages groups and feedback . It's a place to show off your work and look for resources. There's also built in buttons to share your work to other social platforms. It's unclear what the limits are on free membership. DA offers CORE and SENIOR memberships but most of the benefits are about selling copies of artwork and running journals.

    I have heaps of "Llama awards" over there for tutorials I did ages ago, and I've been a CORE member for a while, but you can get away with a free one I'm sure. - About DeviantArt | DeviantArt

  7. I've been experimenting with using a wordpress blog as a tool for showing photos. I have a self hosted (in the sense that I pay for a host but manage the blog myself) blog - mosqueeto – Remembering Earth-that-was with a couple of examples of galleries and single photos. I don't know what the storage limits for a free account at are. $5/ month for an ad-free account. potential linkage to various other social networks, as well.

  8. Ich nahm ein kostenloses Flickr Konto [jetzt für max. 1.000 hochauflösende Fotos/Videos], das man jederzeit in ein völlig unbegrenztes PRO Konto, für ca. $50,- Jahresbeitrag, umwandeln kann.
    Das Flickr ist für Foto und Kunst aller Art sehr geeignet und sehr ähnlich, wie G+!!
    Es ist eine offene Gesellschaft von netten Foto und Kunst interessierten Menschen.
    Zusätzlich werde ich im März noch ein FRIENDICA hinzunehmen...
    Damit ich auch die, bisher auf G+ gewohnten Newsletter und App Infos bekommen kann. ;)
    Und damit ich, die jetzt auf offenen Netzwerken verstreute G+ Freunde, wiederfinden kann! :)

    Bist du mit diesem/deinem "Laura Ess" G+ Namen, auch auf deinem Friendica Konto zu finden? Beste Grüße : ))

  9. Andi Droid I signed up for the Pro Flickr today, and am prepared to see how it goes over the next 12 months. Like DeviantArt, I've had an account on both for years. I've had some images over at Photobucket as well, but might just downlod all of those now.

    Yes, I'm Laura Ess in a number of places on the net, but at Friendica, yes.

  10. Not a Photographer or an Artist, but my photos are on my blogspot. I compress my photos via FastStone for the blog (against scrapers) so the quality may not be acceptable to Laura Ess

    My blog is not monetised so I don't pay for any services (except internet access)

  11. Laura Ess
    Oh!,... Sofort das kostenpflichtige Pro Konto!?
    Darf ich fragen, was für einen Vorteil hat es, wenn man sofort mit dem Pro Konto startet??
    Nun ja, ich nahm das kostenlose im Oktober, noch vor der Regeländerung... Damals war das kostenlose Konto noch mit 1 TB Platz verbunden. ;)
    Bis zur Jahreswende konnte man das kostenlose dann, mit einem Preisnachlass für den ersten Jahresbeitrag, in ein PRO Konto umtauschen.
    Ich behielt mein kostenloses, da ich bisher noch keinen Bedarf für über 1.000 Bilder habe.

    Leider konnte ich dich auf Flickr nicht finden, liebe Laura. Ich sah zwei ältere, ähnliche Namen Einträge und einen, mit deinem identischen Namen von 2017.
    Ich hoffe, dass ich dich im März bei Friendica finde!! Beste Grüße : ))

  12. Diana Studer
    Oh!,... aber deine Fotos sind doch gut, liebe Diana, also bist du Fotograf!!!
    Alle meine Bilder beschränke ich immer auf eine Lange Kante von etwa 1.000 Pixel. Ich würde niemals meine original Bilder teilen. Die Datei wäre zu groß und das Laden auf unterschiedlichen Geräten würde oftmals zu viel Zeit und zu viel Datenvolumen beanspruchen.
    Die lange Bildkante von 1.000 pix sind völlig ausreichend und mit integriertem Copyright schützt es sogar noch etwas vor dem Bilder-Raub. ;)
    Beste Grüße : ))

  13. Andi Droid mine are only 700 pixels - adequate for the transitory life of visual content in a blog post. Fast loading is a priority or we lose readers.

  14. Diana Studer
    In der Tat, liebe Diana, du hast vollkommen Recht und es ist nicht nur für Blogbeiträge...
    Ich hatte meine Bilder, in den Jahren bei G+, auf 800 Pixel begrenzt. Jetzt habe ich, für Flickr etwas erhöht. Denn insgesamt sind die Ladezeiten, für größere Datenmengen, in den letzten Jahren schneller geworden. Und der Unterschied zwischen 700 und 1.000 Pixel wird nur unwesentlich sein.
    Die großen original Fotos sind zwar am großen Monitor, bis in die kleinste Kleinigkeit sehr nett anzusehen...
    Aber viele sehen inzwischen am Smartphone und auf dem kleinen Display kann man die kleinsten Kleinigkeiten gar nicht genießen!!! ;)

  15. Andi Droid May I ask, what's the benefit of starting immediately with the Pro Account ?? (google translated)

    Ah, well I have way over 1000 images on Flickr, which is the cut off point for the free version. You can't upload any more images on the free account if you have 1000 or more images. I have a number I've used in other locations, like webcomics and tutorials, so I wanted to maintain them. At the same time I've downloaded copies of everything there using the built in Flickr backup.

    Diana Studer Ah, most of the time I keep an original full size image on my desktops (and NAS) at home, and I create much smaller images to upload to social media. For example, with Facebook there's no point in uploading an image bigger than about 900px wide, because FB reduces the size down to that or smaller when it displays it. One reason I went with Flickr is that I'm using Friendica (ISurfSocial) and that uses BB code for formatting. Flicker has a dedicated BB Code generator for linking to its images, and you can specify what size you want to display, while linking to a much larger original.

  16. Andi Droid Guilty! I often use collages on my blog. Fine on the laptop I use. But for the readers skimming on a cellphone that blurs down to 16 blocks of 'colour'. I hope they come back to read on their laptop later.

  17. Laura Ess
    Oh ja, liebe Laura, über 1.000 Bilder, dann verstehe ich natürlich!!! ;))
    Entschuldige bitte, irrtümlich hatte ich vielleicht falsch verstanden und dachte, du beginnst erst ganz neu und mit nur wenigen Bildern, bei Flickr.
    Gerne würde ich deine Bilder dort, auf Flickr sehen... aber leider kann ich dich dort nicht entdecken!!!
    Beste Grüße : ))

  18. Diana Studer
    ... ;)
    Ich kenne einige, die besitzen inzwischen keinen PC/Laptop mehr. Diese sind dann oftmals nur noch mit Smartphone im Internet.
    Ich selbst bin überwiegend mit Tablet...
    Deine Collagen haben eine gute Ladezeit, liebe Diana. Aber es ist etwas mühsam, auf dem 10" Display anzusehen. Alles andere von deinem wunderbaren Blog kann ich gut lesen und ansehen!! :))

  19. Laura Ess
    Oh ja!, Dankeschön liebe Laura, jetzt kann ich dich dort sehen! ;)
    Meine Güte, ich wünschte, wir wären Nachbarn... Du könntest mir dann sicher oftmals bei diesen ganzen technischen Internet-Dingen helfen, die mir immer viel Kopfzerbrechen bereiten. ;))
    Ich würde dann zum Dank etwas mit den netten Hunden spazieren gehen. ;DD
    Euch allen eine glückliche Zeit und ein fantastisches Wochenende voller Fröhlichkeit!! Ganz liebe Grüße : ))


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