GitLab Pages: publish static websites directly from a repository in GitLab ...To publish a website with Pages, you can use any Static Site Generator (SSG), such as Jekyll, Hugo, Middleman, Harp, Hexo, and Brunch, just to name a few. You can also publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Pages does not support dynamic server-side processing, for instance, as .php and .asp requires. See this article to learn more about static websites vs dynamic websites: If you’re using, your website will be publicly available to the internet. If you’re using self-managed instances (Core, Starter, Premium, or Ultimate), your websites will be published on your own server, according to the Pages admin settings chosen by your sysdamin, who can opt for making them public or internal to your server. Disclaimer: this approach is closest to how I plan to base my future online acti...