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Once you do the takeout and you're given all the links, does anyone know if they'll still be active after this place...

Once you do the takeout and you're given all the links, does anyone know if they'll still be active after this place closes? OR will they all be 404 like when a profile deletes itself or is suspended.

Thanks in advance.


  1. Ooooo, good question, cuz Stan and I are gonna download our stuff soon.

  2. When G+ goes away, all of our profiles will cease to exist. The entire site will be 404. If you want to keep up with people here, you need to establish another online home and share the link to your friends before this system goes down.

  3. Pat Kight I'm not really talking about the people, more the posts and links given when I did the takeout procedure. Thank you for your response though.

    Heather Hult Yes, I'm curious. I know photo's and things like that are in various folders in the takeout but threads and posts in communities or my profile I'd like to know if they'd be saved. I'm thinking 404 as Pat mentioned.

    Kerry Jeon Thanks Kerry. :)

  4. Sue T. That's what I'm saying: Takeout gives you the data; if you want to, you can (probably) export it to somewhere else, like a website of your own. But all the links will stop working.

  5. That would make a lot of sense, wouldn't it? Othewise a million loose ends and broken links.

  6. Then, all confusing, what's the way?
    To go to blogger from G+!?! using simple Windows & chrome!!!

  7. Pat Kight When G+ goes away, all of our profiles will cease to exist.

    We don't know that. And there are strong indications that profiles will continue to exist. The profile data in (including avatar) is used in other places, so will continue. There is an open question on whether there will be a public profile display, possibly on a url like This exists at the moment, pre-dates G+ and currently redirects to your G+ Profile. Google need to reverse this so the G+URL survives but redirects to the non G+ URL.

    This is all informed speculation. We have had no official announcement of what will happen. If you know different and have a cite, please say.

    But that's profiles and the links to them in the Takeout data. The Community Takeout is just a list of links to posts and it's highly likely those posts will disappear.

  8. Ifinder Ifindi
    Blogger is where I'm moving my main community and my two biggest collections. I set up on MeWe and Blogger both... then polled my community as to which they liked better -
    MeWe = 32%

    If you'd like an example:
    User2User-LIVE! Member Blog

    User2User-LIVE!Member Events

    User2User-LIVE! Video Vault - User2User-LIVE! Member Events

  9. Thank you Andrew Hatchett
    Study your links and come back here to you soon
    Like to walk behind you for further
    Have you already migrated from G+ to blogger?

  10. Ifinder Ifindi
    I'm in the process. My two collection are no longer being updated on G+ and my community I'll run in parallel for a while.

    I should note that I am not trying to save anything that is already on G+ but rather was looking for a new home for the future.

  11. Andrew Hatchett
    1 Link > Following your Blog + subscribed RSS
    2 Link > To study more deeply to join that - Is it of your community?
    Thanks again

  12. Andrew Hatchett
    Have your collections migrated to Your Blog, please?
    (p.s., OH, noted, you're in the process of migration - is it?)
    Migration, seems a typical one, my first priority is migration of G+ post/collections to blogger, if possible with with Images, + s and comments
    Thanks to you lot

  13. Ifinder Ifindi
    The Member Events Blog will be a daily listing of links of Online LIVE events that User2User member will be hosting or participating as guests on. This is what that the collection looks like on G+: - Online Events featuring members of User2User-LIVE!

    Hope you find this helpful.

  14. Going back and re-reading the comments.

    - Posts Takeout. Includes full text, images and comments for all your posts. Including those in communities. They do standalone and are viewable standalone. However, the HTML version is full of links back into G+. So for instance every post has the link to the original post. Every profile name links back to the G+ Profile. You can still read the text, but some of those links will no longer go anywhere.

    - Posts Takeout collections. You can't Takeout just one collection. However each post does have the collection or community metadata attached. So you could filter the download after grabbing everything and unzipping it.

    - Community Takeout for Community Owners and Moderators (not users). This is just a list of links. It does NOT contain the full text of posts and comments.

    A lot of this stuff is not obvious until you go and actually try it. And Google has doe a terrible job of explaining it. So do a Takeout download of each bit. And two it twice, once in HTML to read now. And once in JSON for long term storage and maybe machine processing at some later stage.

  15. Tried takeout both forms html & Json, every time showing 'archive incomplete' or some error - tried takeout out even to Google Drive, that's showing nothing

    Archive Created on Available until Details
    2 products
    20.5 MB
    30 December 2018
    Archive incomplete
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    Google+ StreamJSON format
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    2 products
    20.4 MB
    30 December 2018
    Archive incomplete
    Sorry, but we weren't able to fetch all of the data that you requested. Products with incomplete data are indicated below. Also, your archive contains a list of the missing files. Please try to create your archive again.

    Find out more about Google Download Your Data.

    Google+ StreamHTML format
    Has errors


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