Originally shared by Anna Hippie Village
Big News on MeWe
Everyone, Join in MeWe now. As a man recommend this to MeWe, I am very proud, In fact, I didn't expect MeWe will do this. But MeWe will do this.
Also, I would like to say, Big thumbnail image for web article on smart phone was my suggestion too. Yes, I am Anna. I don't let you be free.
I agree. I am on mewe also and it is fun!
ReplyDeleteOK, one question - it was promised on AMA and other sources that MeWe will make public profiles/posts this year. Is this done already?
ReplyDeleteI've a foothold there, too:
ReplyDeletemewe.com - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.
Andrius Narbutas I guess It means two ways. But I guess you can copy to new timeline even though we can't change last posts.
ReplyDeleteMeWe has significant issues:
ReplyDeleteold.reddit.com - MeWe: A trip report
Seriously, +Edward Morbius ? IT EVEN SAYS OLD IN THE URL. Your past prejudice isn't valid now. There are changes happening at MeWe and that is precisely what Anna Hippie Village is posting about.
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Reid "old.reddit" refers to the old Reddit UI. Not how old the post is. The post was posted 23 days ago and last edited 20 days ago. Which is not old.
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Reid Please don't respond to criticisms without even bothering to read them. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt is old as the OP was about things delivered the day prior. MeWe made promises of things they would deliver in December and January. They have now delivered on every promise they made for December and are on track for January. I even got dark mode two days ago. Posting an almost month old retort shows your bias.
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Reid they promised public profiles/posts "this year" several times - so "They have now delivered on every promise they made for December " - is def. not everything.
ReplyDeleteOfc they have few days remaining =)
Andrius Narbutas yes they have. Create a page. TaDa you have your public profile and posts, and better yet you can keep it separate from your private ones.
ReplyDeleteI think that shot you tried to take is what we call a swing and miss. It also proves you are going on old information with your judgements.
What judgements, what you are talking about?
ReplyDeleteI do not have mewe, nor other social media page and just trying to check if they can be trusted or not.
I do not need page, IIRC MeWe had no public profiles/posts and this was promised this year. Can you simply answer "Yes" or "No" - can i have public profile/post on MeWe instead of talking random stuff about "old information"?
Just re-checked for latest news:
ReplyDeletegoogle.com - mewe "public" profile - Google Search
So far, all links with related info on 1st page (note - i searched for 1-week old info - updated and fresh) are talking only about " I really wish that MeWe would hurry up with allowing truly public posts (no need to register to follow)."
So, i guess, no public profiles/posts yet, or you got other info? Can you post link to any public profile on MeWe? Any post?
I'm not going to tie my activity with another corporation. It does not matter with small or large. MeWe is just another business. A machinery to make money. For now, they charge only for some options. It is not known how they will finance their services in the future. But somehow they have to earn themselves and for a new car for the CEO. Maybe even an economic account will force them to trade our privacy. As usual in this business…
ReplyDeleteSo I prefer to choose an open platform. Platform which is open to exchange of data with other social networks. Built based on clear and open code, where no any “surprises” are hidden. As far away, as possible, from the corpo…
Edward Morbius I concur.
ReplyDeleteAndrius Narbutas we are talking about something that happened two days ago and you are relying on a Google search? Google has to spider and then index things before it knows about them. How about looking at the actual announcement? You know the one posted as the start of this thread. She even made the post image a screenshot of part of the announcement text.
ReplyDeleteJohn C. Reid english is not my native language so i may be wrong, but "coming soon" is not the same thing as "already available".
ReplyDeleteI repeat - can you link me to any public profile and post? Thank you.
Andrius Narbutas They are called pages. Since they are only a couple days old there are not very many of them. Anybody can create a page, they are public, they have their own profile. There has been an announcement to this feature that has been pointed out many times. In fact it is that announcement that is the start of this entire discussion thread. So it is ALREADY AVAILABLE how many times does this same thing need to be said before people get it?!?!
ReplyDeleteYou are all a bunch of hypocrites and bigots in here, the very thing that you accuse the MeWe communities of being. This thread is a feature announcement from MeWe about a promise kept for features they said they would have before the end of the year. You all come in here to do nothing but bash on MeWe. If this announcement had been for Diaspora , or anything else from the Fediverse this bashing would not be tolerated by Edward Morbius but because he is also a bigot and hypocrite when it comes to available social platforms, he jumps into the bash fest.
I am leaving this community, because it has become as toxic as the things you all accuse MeWe of being. The only thing MeWe is, is private. They don't involve themselves because they keep their promise of not tracking you. To weed out groups that you hypocrites think are undesirable, they would have to monitor things they have promised not to, and in doing so be no better than Facbook and Google. Edward Morbius like to say he wants to keep political discussions out of this community, but that is only half true. He wants to keep Governmental Politics out. He is more than happy to choose a side on the politics of which social media platform deserves more respect than another. He is quite happy to promote the Fediverse while linking to disparaging things about MeWe in a thread that was created by a user to announce a feature.
You all need to look in the damn mirror. A feature announcement turned bash session on the product, and supported by the is shameful indeed.
This is not what i asked. MeWe founders promised public posts/profiles, not pages 2.99$/month/each.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, you probably better go, bye.
John C. Reid by all appearances you have not yet bothered to read what I'd linked above. Which is not old, and which is not principally concerned with public vs. private presentation of groups within MeWe, but of the nature of MeWe's groups themselves.
ReplyDeleteWhich is something that doesn't change on a dime, or based on new feature releases announced-but-not-yet available.
I'm the author of the article, it's based on my direct experiences on MeWe, 24 days ago, and continues to reflect the present state of the site.
There's something at best very peculiar about MeWe's groups and content. If you look into the categories it lists for groups and at the top groups listed, they are ... not typical is the best way to put it. A selection, again of the first-listed groups within these categories, and membership in parentheses:
Activism: QAnon+++ (2,572), PATRIOT PREPPERS USA (2,430), Deplorables Republic (2,48), The War Drummer (1,898), Patriots for a United America. (1894), Anonymous (1,700)
Classrooms: Are YOU Awake too? (1331), CRT (Crystal Resonance Therapy) Student Support (28).
Clubs / Associations: RCBS Reloading Equipment (685), Boat Owners United (670), The Caliber Canteen (Reloading/ Firearms Buy/Sell) (505).
Colleges and Universities: SEC Football (832), Christian Apologetics: Campus Apologetics Alliance (221).
DIY: Homesteading DIY (5843), Prepper Living (3110), Knucklehead Homesteading (2102), 1911 owners forum (1,474).
Education: Q-Anon Patriots (1,616), InfoWarscom (1,217), Constitutional Liberty for All (907), Prepping, Homesteads skills and Community (887), Shamanic Community (756), Truther Talk (665).
Environmental: Geoengineering, Chemtrails, HAARP (455), ShareYourLove (253), The Seasons (193), Near Term Human Extinction Love (174).
Friends: MEWE FRIENDS ( NO NUDES ) (2,416), FIREARMS UNLIMITED...MEWE Version (1,517).
Science: Consciousness (1,327), Steven's Private Alien/UFO Group (668), BIGFOOT HAPPENINGS (538).
Wellness: Minds Awaking Consciousness Restored (1,855), Hemp Earth (1,164), Mind-Body-Spirit (993).
What I didn't include above is the Politics category. There are 403 political groups on MeWe. The first 20 or so give a pretty clear idea of flavour. Again, membership is in (parentheses). Note that half the total political Groups memberships are in the first 21 groups, the first 6 are 25% of the total.
1 Donald J. Trump 2016 - Present (11486)
2 The Conservative's Hangout (8345)
3 Qanon Follow The White Rabbit (5600)
4 Drain The Swamp (4978)
5 Libertarians (4528)
6 United We Stand Trump2020 (4216)
7 The Right To Self Defense (3757)
8 Alternative Media (3711)
9 Hardcore Conservative Patriots for Trump (3192)
10 Bastket Of Deplorables4Trump! (3032)
11 Return of the Republic (2509)
12 Infowars Chat Room Unofficial (2159)
13 Donald Trump Our President 2017-2025 (2033)
14 Berners for Progress (1963)
15 Sean Hannity Fans (1901)
16 The American Conservative (1839)
17 I Am The NRA (1704)
18 Tucker Carlson Fox News (1645)
19 We Love Donald Trump (1611)
20 MAGA - Make America Great Again (1512)
These continue along a similar vein at length.
A full listing of the categories, top groups within each, and the full Politics listing is in the Reddit post. "Old" refers to "old Reddit style", not the age of the post itself: 29 November, 2018.
ReplyDeleteAgain: we expect advocacy. But not denial of obvious facts or extreme failures at reading comprehension. No matter how manifest these may be on any particular site advocated.
old.reddit.com - MeWe: A trip report
Edward Morbius Yess… I have read the full list you posted. It's a long list of reasons why I'll be kept away from MeWe. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteNot that I want to really jump in on this conversation, but just to clarify my expectation of a public post on MeWe is not the same thing as a Page and making posts from there. A public post is a post I can make from my profile that is public, and not just restricted to my contacts.
ReplyDeleteBefore people go off on huge rant trying to justify one thing over another, it's a little bit important to be able to take into account what differences one might mean by a "public" post.
Too much time spent arguing over 2 different things that it becomes a waste of a perfectly good wall of words.
The owner of G+ Harry Potter said that he is migrating that group to something called "MeWe"".
ReplyDeleteAt present this G+ group has over 980K membership.
That is relevant news, and not the only big move to MeWe.
Another major player is shifting over to Pinterest. And so on.
The Harry Potter story cycle is about growing up, courage, friendship, magic and wizardry, karma, and good versus evil. With lots of classical Greek tragedy thrown in.
Not that I [ as a big fan ] am pushing that stuff.
Anyone here can sneer at or condemn the Harry Potter material. . .or civic nationalism, economic nationalism, Steve Bannon and so forth.
See also:
The Herbal Medicine
789,363 members
Follow our Groups at MeWe
The significant point is that MeWe claims to be a committed free speech platform. . .and that perhaps some tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of hard core Harry Potter fans will migrate to the upcoming MeWe reinstantiation of G+ Harry Potter.
I originally brought news of the platform shutdown to this specific HP group very early, mentioned this GMM group, MeWe, Gab.com and so forth.
I have now reached somewhere near [ a nominal ] six million G+ people. Today my G+ migration post on a humor group [ N > 200K ] got twenty two reshares and over one hundred upvotes in a few hours.
I am reaching people, and I am helping them.
My goal is to build bridges of communication.
Bridges work for anyone who walks them.
I am perfectly okay sharing either G+ or MeWe [ later ] or Gab [ later ] with the following:
Nazis, Marxist-Leninists, Islamists, Democrats, irrational people, European Union supporters, and psychotics.
From my standpoint these are all barbarians and outsiders, and very problematical.
But that's life. That's what we have to deal with. This is known as 'emotional intelligence'.
I never said anyone should like Harry Potter, or herbal medicine, or Buddhism, or mysticism, or civic nationalism. Or pictures of nature or animals. Or music or poetry.
Or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or yoga.
Or Vitamin C.
Either a person gets stuff like one or another of those or they do not.
Not my concern.
I just build lots of bridges.
Right now I am certainly one of the main community organizers on G+ for Several major categories.
Including medical herbalism and public health.
I reach sets of millions of people in several different categories.
And nobody has to bring me Milano cookies for that work.
Maybe over recent weeks I turned on a million or more people to MeWe. Maybe a lot less, or maybe even more.
MeWe still fails to meet certain key criteria as a global platform and that severely impacts my work as the main Buddhist teacher and community organizer on this social platform.
I am the ONLY effective Buddhist teacher for the millions of people on this platform.
As everyone knows.
I have to find the Buddhists tons of good stuff, and I am already propagating here a number of Buddhist online journals and other key strategic resources not otherwise known / discussed.
The point is that MeWe is useful and not evil, as with evil Fascistbook and evil Tweezer.
Even tho MeWe lacks language support for Chinese and Hindi, and Sinhalese and Thai and so forth.
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
I think and work in completely global terms. I make connections to large groups of Africans, Native Americans and so forth.
ReplyDeleteI cannot afford to be narrow, or short-sighted, or emotionally reactive to people of different cultural or political alignments.
For better or worse, my work is to try and communicate.
Sometimes it works.
Too bad so many people completely fail to understand the significance and critical importance of free speech and western civilization.
That is a very basic failure for any claimed human being.
Some of us do get this stuff.
Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
In a time when society is beginning to actually tear apart.
Not that anyone here has to worry about that.
The Remedy For Free Speech Is More Free Speech
Spill Ink Not Blood
Nous Sommes Tous Charlie
Liberte'. Egalite'. Fraternite'. Laicite'. Acutalite'. Authenticite'. Solidarite'.
Albert Camus:
"We have nothing to lose but everything. So let us begin."
wcangel I don't see an HP group with 490k members. Which are you referring to?
ReplyDeleteTrivium: There are 1825 public Harry Potter communities on Google+. Another 157 are private. The public communities have 1,405,463 memberships, in total, with a mean of 770, a median of 4, and a maximum (oh, there it is) of 980,480.
wcangel Ce n'est pas "Nous Sommes Tous Charlie,
ReplyDeletec'est "Nous portons tous des gilets jaunes" maintenant.
wcangel Civic nationalists like Steve Bannon are the only practical hope of western civilization. I support these people too.
Edward Morbius
ReplyDeleteI just posted to G+ Voices Of Africa [ N > 128K ].
Twice in the last twenty four hours.
The second response emphasizes Steve Bannon politics, meaning civic nationalism.
So here is the global view.
You asked for it.
A little history lesson for you, to bring you up to speed.
Happy New Years!
Is The United States A 'Racist' Country? No, Of Course Not!
For many generations 'race' was a major issue for the United States.
This was primarily with regard to Native Americans and African Americans.
Those histories are well known.
It can be said that in 1964 that America was in large part a racist country.
Over the course of fifty years that changed dramatically.
Today America is demonstrably FAR from racist, and that can be easily shown.
First and foremost, the broad overall population of adults elected Barack Obama, and did so twice, in 2008 and 2012.
That in itself largely settles the issue.
We really did think that was a positive constructive step.
Hindsight shows that Barack Obama ruined basically everything he touched, including Syria, Libya and Mexico.
( Mexico as in the Fast And Furious gun smuggling program managed by Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder, and massive bloodshed for many years due to transnational criminal organizations operating in Mexico.
Syria as in airlifting fifty tons of military arms to Al Nusra Front jihadis in western Syria, and protecting all the massive daily oil caravans of Islamic State from US military airstrikes.
Libya as in breaking Libya with military intervention. )
Anyway, there are a number of objective measures today that show America is not a 'racist' country, or a sexist country for that matter.
There was massive racial violence in 1992 triggered by the police beating of Rodney King in Los Angeles. This large scale rioting occurred to various extents in seven cities, and a chunk of Los Angeles was burned to the ground. There was quite a bit of shooting in Los Angeles, mostly African Americans shooting at Korean American shop owners and the Koreans shooting back.
In Los Angeles the police essentially were out of action and failed to address the rioting. They were not at that time oppressing any groups in Los Angeles.
Also when US National Guard troops were moved into Los Angeles, at first they had no ammunition whatsoever.
There was a lot of racial violence in Los Angeles over a period of days, and it was essentially all African American rioting, looting and burning. With some very reasonable Korean community fightback.
Close to one thousand buildings were burned to the ground.
That was the last major instance of race violence in the USA, and it was not in any way 'white nationalist' violence or police aggression, it was basically all African American.
Many people today talk about 'race politics' in the United States. This is primarily a political stance and political/ social attack made by Democrats and Cultural Marxists.
This attack is waged against 'white people' and political conservatives for the purpose of shutting down civic nationalism [ meaning patriotism ] and generating broader public support for internationalist socialism, open borders and so forth.
By civic nationalism I specifically mean the political program of Steve Bannon, a major political strategist who worked closely with Donald Trump, another major civic nationalist.
Civic nationalism is the opposite of racial politics and right wing politics. Civic nationalism emphasizes a win-win approach for ALL Americans, meaning American CITIZENS, of whatever skin color, economic status, sex and gender.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
Those who support national borders are NOT racist per se. What are truly racist are the political and social demands that foreigners and economic migrants have priority over native populations, whether in America or Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is that neither the US nor Europe can support large scale migration. The economic costs of The Borderless Nightmare in Europe will break the social welfare systems of several European nations in the coming several generations. And severely damage the public infrastructure of the United States.
Opposing that is not 'racism'. It is purely a matter of pragmatic policy and lifeboat ethics in a time of massive overpopulation and in the coming time of serious resource wars.
The simple fact is that without national borders there can be no nation. The political and social and legal strategy of the Democrats and the Cultural Marxists is essentially bolshevik and their program is to destroy American law and American borders. Whipping up race politics is a primary driver for their program to destabilize and destroy the Republic.
The same is also true in Europe. The European Union is internationalist socialist and anti-nationalist. The EU supporters emphasize racial politics to shut down the civic nationalists.
Both in America and Europe the civic nationalists will fight back. It will get very messy.
Expect open political warfare. But the fundamental issue is not race. The fundamental issues are nationalism and internationalist socialism and bolshevism.
And many societies are today at stake.
I see a shark, I see much jumping. Time to ignore this thread.