Google+ Backchannel announcement
This is a project that's been in development over the past few days, and we can finally announce it. It represents a very positive and tangible step forward in working with Google. I'm part of the group, though I don't have direct contact with the Google and other individuals working on issues.
Please note that comments should go to the original thread so that Gideon can compile them readily.
Comments closed.
Thank you.
Originally shared by Gideon Rosenblatt
Request for Clarifications from Google on the Google+ Shutdown
I have developed a backchannel for getting feedback to the Google+ development team and am working with an informal team of volunteers to improve the flow of communications on Google+ shutdown priorities. This is the first public post regarding that process.
Our first priority -- and the focus of this post -- is getting clarification on a number of open issues having to do with the shutdown. Next up will be a focus on specific feature requests to improve Takeout and the resulting exported Google+ data. After that, we will turn to specific bugs that people are experiencing with Google+ Takeout data.
Your Feedback:
The Google Doc document linked to at the bottom of this post outlines a number of open questions for Google on the Google+ shutdown process as well as Google+ Takeout data. Please review it. If, after reading it, you have additional questions that you believe would benefit the broader Google+ community, please feel free to add that in a comment here.
To help us assess priorities, please plus others' comments that you believe are important.
I will be strictly moderating comments to keep the feedback on topic. To help us with this process, please keep your feedback pragmatic and focused on just the most important issues. The Google+ team is no doubt overwhelmed balancing many priorities right now, so we increase the odds of fixing things if we try to stay focused on what matters most. In describing your issue, please be concise and clear with your description (try to use the bullets in the document below as a model format). This will make it easier for us to incorporate your feedback for the Google+ team.
Sharing this post:
If you decide to share this post, (which I encourage you to do to help get the word out) please disable comments on your share and direct people back to this original post for their comments. It's just too much work to monitor and track feedback on lots and lots of different shares of this post. We will also have a few people sharing this post on a handful of communities and monitoring and incorporating comments from there.
To be clear, there is no guarantee that Google will be able to resolve all the issues that this feedback process identifies. With that said, I have reason to believe that the team is listening and that this informal feedback process is a worthwhile expenditure of energy.
It takes a community...
This process has taken, and will continue to take, a bunch of work by me and people like Julian Bond, Luc Jallois, Michael K Johnson, John Lewis, Edward Morbius, Bernhard Suter, and Filip H.F. Slagter. If you’re interested in helping, please let us know. We are particularly interested in people who have spent time digging into the Takeout data, but could also just use help getting the word out as we gather input from Google+ users.
The Document:
Comments closed, please discuss on Gideon's original post. Thank you.