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Any comments, which social networks have multi-column UI interface?

Any comments, which social networks have multi-column UI interface?
I even suggested some time earlier, that this could be added to "G+ alternatives" sheet, but not here.
Most social networks are mobile oriented (vertical, one post-width), so it's maybe OK on mobile, but completely waste of desktop space on modern widescreen monitors. On FB, tumblr and many other social networks i can see 1, maybe 2 sometimes posts in screen at once, anything else requires scrolling, scrolling, scrolling...
With G+ i can see 6+ posts at once, much easier to see a lot of info.

So far, i do not know who has similar interface. IIRC Hubzilla had some skin (?) which could allow multi-column interface. Anything else?


  1. Wastes space? You're kidding, right? You can't read more than one column at a time.

  2. J P Sousa Paula thanks, looks good. Anything more? ;-)
    Shawn H Corey well, if you are limited to single column - does not mean that others are too.
    In my G+ stream there are pics, gifs, etc - i can "overview" them all at once, open long text/very interesting pics in other tab, instead of endless scrolling.
    So, yes, waste of space and scrollbar.

  3. Filip H.F. Slagter thanks, i used styles on Mozilla, guess on Chrome it's similar, but it's not native mode - buggy scrollbar, history, layout.
    Sure it's better when it's native for social network =)

  4. has a multi column layout, but it's more a place to check out/share art than a regular social network. - Ello | The Creators Network

  5. I despise Instagram because of its way of heavily rely on mobile. I preferred G+ because it was fully working from both mobile and desktop (or laptop).

  6. Kerem Go IG being owned by Facebook doesn't help its case either...

  7. In the list of concerns, I'd put this low.

    Appearance and presentation is a Skin issue, not a Bones issue. That is, the site or platform creator can change this trivially, or, in most cases, users can do it themselves, through CSS hacks and extensions.

    I use Stylus for this, and have long hacked many sites, including Google+ itself. And for what it's worth, I much prefer single column views, though far wider than Google+ defaults. Google offers the single-vs.-multi view switch natively, but the width definition means diving into CSS.

    (And FWIW2, I can thank Google+'s godawful CSS for teaching me most of what I know about the subject, through fixing it.)

  8. Ann G Ello's "we're going to lay out the posts top to bottom in columns rather than across in columns, and scatter them brokenly across the page, and add new cards at random spots well above your present viewpoint in the page" dynamic is one of the things that drives me nuts about that site. Along with a general lack of attention to technical detail.

    I've also fixed that in CSS. Yes, you can change the order and orientation of content presentation. Almost everything is fungible.

  9. Edward Morbius I agree 100%. It's totally obnoxious. What do you mean I have to scroll back up to see what you just loaded?! I was just answering the question as posed.


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