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What should we keep?

What should we keep?

A reflection on eternity, ephemera, and on being 23.


  1. This hits me in in several places. I'm a digital strategist AND the family archivist. Along with mainly my father and my cousin, we've been digitizing, printing, and sharing copies of the documents and photos...sometimes "the best stuff" and sometimes "everything I could find about X" so at least there are multiple copies in multiple places. Let nothing be the last of its kind. At least until we have a sense of whether digital or not is likely to be the winning format. (I have my own suspicions, but I don't know. )

  2. Some years back the British Library was archiving a few carefully chosen blogs.
    How do social historians and biographers work with avalanches of digital? So different to a bundle of letters and a few crumpled photos.

  3. I took quite some old family photos with me when I emigrated after the last of my parents died. Unfortunately I don't know who is on a large amount of the family pictures since no names have been added on the back...

  4. I need to sort our old family photos, while my older sisters can still name faces for us.


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