Google+ Mass Migration short FAQ
Q: When is Google+ shutting down?
A: April of 2019. Four months earlier than originally announced.
Q: Where should I go?
A: There is no single answer! This community can help you chose where to go, but you decide what fits best. Where your personal contacts go matters most.
Major alternatives are listed here: https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/Established_G%2B_Exodus_Communities
Q How do I know where people are going?
A: Some have used this form: https://goo.gl/forms/EnkYfrY9HYKkr7iy2
The results are posted here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GYSUTGpmz-2trxhvNyEv_rnNF1GvEf4OW0Lct7KxEiY
Others are using #SignalFlare posts, and #googleplus and #gplusrefugee hashtags on their new sites.
Also check a user's About page or pinned posts on their streams for forwarding information. Create these yourself for others to find.
Q: Can I save my G+ content?
A: YES! https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout/custom/plus_pages,circles,stream,plus_one,profile,plus_communities
• Select JSON format where possible for each item.
• Select the archive format, zip file is suggested default.
• Select an archive chunk size. If unsure, leave the default of 2 GB.
• Select your delivery or storage option.
Other tools for archiving exist. Currently https://gplus-exporter.friendsplus.me is the only one we've tested.
Q: Something went wrong creating / downloading my archive!
A: See reporting and troubleshooting tips: https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/Data_Migration_Process_and_Considerations#If_you_have_problems
Q: What should I be doing as a G+ Community owner / moderator?
A: Communicate and coordinate with your community:
Q: Should I delete my Google+ account or Communities?
A: You could, but we don't suggest it. Doing so will remove all content you and others have made, making it much harder for others to save their work.
Q: Can I simply convert to a G Suite / Corporate Google+ account?
A: Short answer: No.
Long answer: https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/FAQ#Q:_Is_there_any_way_to_continue_using_Google.2B_after_the_sunset.3F
Q: What if I have more questions?
A: See the full FAQ: https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/FAQ
Source: https://social.antefriguserat.de/index.php/User:Dredmorbius/G%2BMM_FAQ
G+MM community: https://plus.google.com/communities/112164273001338979772
Still, please, lot of confusion - meeting errors, at download/takeout/or 3rd party apps
ReplyDeleteTrying, but couldn't, needed migration from G+ to blogger blog
Some say select HTML, and some JSON ?
Which correct ?
Thank you for this. Brevity makes for an accessible start.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt, we are nearing conclusions, let brief the bridges, please
ReplyDeleteEdward Morbius Thanks for a very useful summary of our situation! Some of my material is going on Facebook, some on Flickr. Where am I going? Nuts! :-) The reminder about hashtags for refugees, in particular, was helpful.
ReplyDeleteDankeschön für diesen... Ich denke, es kann für viele sehr nützlich sein, lieber Edward und ich werde es teilen!! Allerbeste Grüße : ))