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Here's an example of a hubzilla photo album -- I'm pleasantly surprised at the results:...

Here's an example of a hubzilla photo album -- I'm pleasantly surprised at the results:


  1. Purely photos and no text? I see gannets.

  2. Diana Studer Every individual photo has a "comment" box in the owner view. I just added a comment to one of the paired gannets pictures.

  3. Kent Crispin since I can't comment there - there are 3 species of gannet. I have seen our Cape Gannets, and it was interesting to see a second species 'live'.

  4. I'm used to blog photos with captions, alt text and searchable.

  5. Diana Studer BTW -- those gannets were photographed at the Muriwai gannet colony in New Zealand; they are australasian gannets.

  6. Nice. The photos too! Reminds me a bit of the flickr layouts, nice display. Only thing (compared with FB or G+) "lacking" IMM is the inability to "like" individual album photos. At least I couldn't, as a Pluspora viewer. I couldn't comment either, or I'd have said I especially like the Gannet lovebirds. Have fun! If it works for you, that's great. I think stockholders and the various petitioners should try to force G+ to do the right thing and finally just fix it! But hey, I know that's as likely as "good government". Happy Holidays!


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