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Showing posts from December, 2018

This is a great page (that gathers statistics) for understanding what network types Friendica "federates with".

This is a great page (that gathers statistics) for understanding what network types Friendica "federates with". For the non-techies, that tells us who we can connect with on other network types using only our one account :) If you have a Friendica account, you can connect with users who have accounts on the following network types (without needing separate accounts on each): diaspora*, GangGo, GNU Social, Hubzilla, Mastodon, Osada, Pleroma, postActiv, Socialhome and more Click through for more details.

Congratulations to the Federation/Fediverse for the milestone!

Congratulations to the Federation/Fediverse for the milestone! Prior to the original G+ sunset announcement, there were roughly 1.8 million users. The tally now is 2.5 million users reflecting a growth of 700,000 users in the last quarter of 2018. This only includes nodes that self-report so the size of the user base is greater! One can inspect closer looking at the numbers and the charts. Click the link for details.

For those wanting to see the global community (posts from different network types in the Federation/Fediverse or...

For those wanting to see the global community (posts from different network types in the Federation/Fediverse or what I call the federated web space), here is a page from the view of the node I am on: Tip: right click and select translate on the page if you don't have auto translation turned on.

This isn't a scientific study. I've only attempted it twice but I'd like to know what others have experienced.

This isn't a scientific study. I've only attempted it twice but I'd like to know what others have experienced. I've only posted URLs on MeWe a few times. For the most part, the app behaves as you'd expect... It accesses the web page and displays a link along with a key graphic from the site while permitting comments On the two occasions I've tried to share NPR articles, however, this hasn't happened. On the first occasion, after waiting a ridiculous amount of time, I succeed in posting the literal URL only. No amount of finagling could force the default behavior. The second time I gave up even trying to share graphical content. In both cases, the articles displayed perfectly on G+ (both were deleted from MeWe). I know sites don't always behave the way you'd expect them to so, perhaps, this is just the luck of the draw or a behavior peculiar to NPR. Thoughts?

Posting screenshots here so people can see what Friendica looks like - users have the power via themes under display...

Posting screenshots here so people can see what Friendica looks like - users have the power via themes under display settings to change the way it looks for them and how the content is laid out more than G+ and FB ever allowed. Feature-wise it replaces G+ and FB out of the box. In addition, I will make this an all in one post with the links for everyone from users to hosts. You can use the browser to access it or an app for mobile devices. Others don't need an account to see your public posts. You have full control over your content and privacy. First Steps (support and finding a node to create a free account): Features: Mobile Clients (Android, Sailfish, Windows, Linux): Advanced Tips from Me: 1) Use Groups to replace Circles so you can post to specific groups of contacts (friends). 2) Use advanced account type Community forum to replace Communities. (Th...

Found this conversation on MeWe between a user and MeWe staff. You may find the answers interesting.

Found this conversation on MeWe between a user and MeWe staff. You may find the answers interesting. MeWe user posts list of missing features: 1. Can't share post privately to our followers also includes able to share posts privately to selected users. 2. When resharing posts from followers/group there's no mention of the users/group name who the post been shared from. 3. Don't get it why MeWe doesn't allows to view our profile and group to public non MeWe users without signing up when we share the link. 4. There's no link options for posts. How to share individual post with the help of links. Posts can only be shared within MeWes system. 5. When sharing posts in group why the shared content is not seen on ones timeline. 6. No group classification. Like which is your owned group and joined. 7. No sharing counter. How many and who shared your post. 8. No option to disable comments and sharing. Mark Stronge of MeWe answers: All of your posts are private, shared to you...

This is from Reddit post:

This is from Reddit post: "This is actually done for new accounts now. The only reason I know is that my mom wanted to set one up about a month ago. And she did not put a picture up immediately. Facebook then sent her an email saying this same thing and that her account would not work until she uploaded a picture. It’s fucking crazy. " Edit: Facebook requiring a personal photo to confirm new accounts, which is being reported on Reddit. Thanks +Edward Mobius for clarification

Edward Morbius Your original post was not with the comment feature on....

Edward Morbius Your original post was not with the comment feature on.... Here's the translation you've posted in "G+er移転先連絡コミュ G+er Mass Migration" community ===== CUT FROM HERE Google+ 大移動についてのよくある質問 Q: Google+のサービス終了はいつですか? A: 2019年4月です。最初に発表された予定から4か月前倒しされました。 Q: おすすめの移行先はありますか? A: これという決まった答えがありませんが、このコミュニティは、どのサービスに移行するとよさそうかを選ぶ一助になるかもしれません。自分で自分にいちばんあっていそうな移行先を決めてください。 重要なのは、連絡を絶やさずにすむようにすることです。 主な移行先候補はこちらにリストしてあります。 Q: みんながどこに移行したのか知りたければどうすればいいですか? A: このフォームを使用している人もいます。 結果はこちらに投稿されています。 : 他には新しいサイト上でハッシュタグ #SignalFlare #googleplus #gplusrefugee などをつかって投稿しているひともいます。 Google+ の「プロフィール」ページかストリームの...

Early Google+ Adopter Needs A Place to Land

Early Google+ Adopter Needs A Place to Land Started flying Google+ because I did not like Facebook Have some collections created to store links to stuff of my interest - Check profile for an idea of what I want to salvage Any suggestions appreciated Exposed to DOD mainframes in 1969 stopped getting paid for IT work 2005

Data Migration: I'm strongly considering changing my recommendation

Data Migration: I'm strongly considering changing my recommendation Since the G+ sunset was first announced, I've been recommending people run a Google Data Takeout, if they are or might be interested in saving their Google+ content. The reasons for this were twofold: preserving data early before departures or deletions removed content they might wish to preserve, and to test out the process itself. The announcement was made nearly three months ago, and we have four months until the final G+ shutdown. Though there are some channels open with Google to improve the Google Data Takeout process and provide for usable conversions and imports to new platforms , there's a stark fact facing us. Google Data Takeout is unreliable, complicated, vastly oversized, and at best difficult to work with. For all practical intents IT DOES NOT WORK FOR ITS STATED PURPOSE. Google have communicated effectively nothing about this publicly. My read from the Google+ Help community is that G...

A Manhattan Project for Online Identity: NSTIC -- What is social media for?

A Manhattan Project for Online Identity: NSTIC -- What is social media for? Kristine Schachinger of Search Engine Journal has a particularly good G+ post mortem, and raises the spectre of identity platforms, IdPs. In particular, a US government initiative, the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. I'd posted that previously, it's highly recommended. In it, Schachinger focuses at length on the NSTIC, National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace. This was a 2010 initiative championed by then US President Barack Obama, to address the Peter Steiner problem: "on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog." (Or a Space Alien Cat.) She specifically highlights an excellent O'Reilly Radar piece by Alex Howard, A Manhattan Project for Online Identity, from which I'm drawing heavily. +NSTIC was seen as a way to address the "identity problem", but also faced the challenge that the government was seen as a poor choice for providing that ...

Is this one of many popular forms social media may take in the future?

Is this one of many popular forms social media may take in the future? Interest based social media experience has been around for awhile. Groups, forums, communities etc. What new avenues do you see opening for interest based social media experiences (that can possibly be scaled?). From the article: Fortnite has about 200 million registered players. And the game's parent company, Epic Games, has seen its value increase to nearly $15 billion. Axios, quoting a study from Common Sense Media, said 44 percent of teens playing the game say they have made a friend online by using it. And 39 percent say they have bonded with a sibling by playing the game. And Axios noted the game players are using Fortnite to communicate and socialize. In fact, they are spending more time on it that other they are on any other social networks. "Not only is Fortnite the new hangout spot, replacing the mall, Starbucks or just loitering in the city, it's become the coveted 'third place' fo...

Robert tested Hubzilla and Osada.

Robert tested Hubzilla and Osada. Originally shared by Robert Freeman-Day ====== Hubzilla and Zot options for Post G+ ====== We have all been talking about where to go and what to do once G+ shuts down. Many of us have taken off on the very first bandwagon that passed by (MeWe) without much thought on staying power, ethics or even if there was a real way to hone it. Others have been sticking around and taking a bit of time to talk it over and explore options. I have taken the explorer bit to heart and played with what I have been told is part of the same family of communication/publication software. I started this journey after some experience with #mastodon and #diaspora (G+ ers have been hearing mostly of #pluspora, but diaspora is the same). Many other Plussers have spent enough time with these and plenty has been written (from what I can see). This group of social apps has not been explored too much by the group, so I thought I would take a little crack at it. They are suites based...

A Searchable List of Sites & Platforms, from ActivityPub to ZeroNet

A Searchable List of Sites & Platforms, from ActivityPub to ZeroNet Currently 113 terms listed, most will have at least one post under them. Any submissions matching on terms will turn up in results. For those who are looking for a semi-organised repository of references, this is a first cut. Keep in mind that the Plexodus subreddit will survive the close of G+ . Discussion there is durable . At best partial Internet Archives snapshots can be made of discussions here. Happy Boxing Day!

Publishing a Website on Bitbucket Cloud

Publishing a Website on Bitbucket Cloud You can use Bitbucket to host a static website. A static website contains coded HTML pages with fixed content. Websites hosted in this way have the domain in their URL, for example, Publishing a static website on Bitbucket Cloud requires you to combine your account's name with the domain suffix. So, your account's name must be acceptable by DNS standards. Upper case characters and special characters are typically not acceptable. For example, if your account's name is happy_cat, you would need to create a new account with the name of happycat to use this feature because underscores are not allowed in DNS hostnames. Your repository name would be and the published static website is reached by this URL: ... Another static site hosting option.

Revisiting Open Source Social Networking Alternatives (2014)

Revisiting Open Source Social Networking Alternatives (2014) ...[R]esearching open source social networking alternatives online is a bit like reading about star couples in the entertainment tabloids; it's hard to tell who's dated who, who's on their own and who's still together. Diaspora's still around. (not to be confused with Friendica) became which is now but if you want to try it out you have to visit Ephemeral Me. There's which you used to be able to try out at but is now Diaspora and Tent considered getting together but decided not to. Still with me? Good, because is now part of GNU Social. There's Feedly which became the Stream Framework with SaaS commercial partner And, don't forget BuddyCloud or the Activity Streams standard. And that's just branding and relationship status, it says nothing about the actual quality, viability or status of these technologies. If...

Once a Running Joke, LinkedIn Is Suddenly a Hot Social Network. Here’s What Changed

Once a Running Joke, LinkedIn Is Suddenly a Hot Social Network. Here’s What Changed ...Not surprisingly, LinkedIn dominates business-to-business digital marketing, says Will McInnes, chief marketing officer for Brandwatch. “LinkedIn is the Facebook for b-to-b marketers,” says McInnes. “If you are an Apple, a Cisco or an IBM, LinkedIn is a great place to market your products.” And while it’s not in the same league as Facebook for consumer marketing, LinkedIn is increasingly part of the conversation among top brands, he adds. One reason is the sheer volume of data the social network collects. LinkedIn’s half a billion users share a lot of information—not merely their digital CVs, but endorsements, recommendations, blog posts, comments, likes, shares and follows....

Liker, a Facebook Alternative for Liberals, Is Hive of False Claims About Trump

Liker, a Facebook Alternative for Liberals, Is Hive of False Claims About Trump ...Now, Rivero wants to take the diehard liberals from Occupy Democrats—and anyone else he can get—onto a social network of his own. In early August, Rivero quietly launched Liker, an upstart that looks very similar to Facebook, if Facebook was only about politics. Like Occupy Democrats, though, Liker has quickly filled with fake information about Trump. Rivero describes Liker as the answer for Facebook users who feel that their own posts on Facebook are being ignored in favor of posts from popular political-themed pages. In return, Liker offers an obsessive focus on engagement—Liker users are numerically ranked according to the likes they’ve accumulated, with top users receiving gold or silver “stars.” ...

GitLab Pages: publish static websites directly from a repository in GitLab

GitLab Pages: publish static websites directly from a repository in GitLab ...To publish a website with Pages, you can use any Static Site Generator (SSG), such as Jekyll, Hugo, Middleman, Harp, Hexo, and Brunch, just to name a few. You can also publish any website written directly in plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Pages does not support dynamic server-side processing, for instance, as .php and .asp requires. See this article to learn more about static websites vs dynamic websites: If you’re using, your website will be publicly available to the internet. If you’re using self-managed instances (Core, Starter, Premium, or Ultimate), your websites will be published on your own server, according to the Pages admin settings chosen by your sysdamin, who can opt for making them public or internal to your server. Disclaimer: this approach is closest to how I plan to base my future online acti...

Pelican Static Site Generator, Powered by Python

Pelican Static Site Generator, Powered by Python Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python, that requires no database or server-side logic. Some of the features include: Write your content in reStructuredText, Markdown, or AsciiDoc formats Completely static output is easy to host anywhere Themes that can be customized via Jinja templates Publish content in multiple languages Atom/RSS feeds Code syntax highlighting Import from WordPress, Dotclear, RSS feeds, and other services Modular plugin system and corresponding plugin repository ... and many other features.

Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites

Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites Simple No more databases, comment moderation, or pesky updates to install—just your content. How Jekyll works → Static Markdown, Liquid, HTML & CSS go in. Static sites come out ready for deployment. Jekyll template guide → Blog-aware Permalinks, categories, pages, posts, and custom layouts are all first-class citizens here. Migrate your blog →

GitLab Pages: Websites for your GitLab projects, user account or group

GitLab Pages: Websites for your GitLab projects, user account or group Create websites for your GitLab projects, groups, or user account. Use any static website generator: Jekyll, Middleman, Hexo, Hugo, Pelican, and more. Connect your custom domain(s) and TLS certificates. Host your static websites on for free, or on your own GitLab instance.

Ghost (blogging platform)

Ghost (blogging platform) Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in JavaScript and distributed under the MIT License, designed to simplify the process of online publishing for individual bloggers as well as online publications. The concept of the Ghost platform was first floated publicly in November 2012 in a blog post by project founder John O'Nolan, which generated enough response to justify coding a prototype version with collaborator Hannah Wolfe. The first public version of Ghost, released October 2013, was financed by a successful Kickstarter campaign which achieved its initial funding goal of £25,000 in 11 hours and went on to raise a final total of £196,362 during the 29-day campaign....

The Rise and Fall of Blogging, Twitter and Facebook (2007)

The Rise and Fall of Blogging, Twitter and Facebook (2007) ...In the past year it’s started to morph into something else. There’s been a rise in something called microblogging (sometimes called tumblelogs), where services allow you and me to post and share little snippets of information about ourselves, whether it’s what we’re doing, thinking, reading or listening to, where we are or who we’re talking to. The best known of these is Twitter, but there are others: Jaiku, Pownce, for example. These microblogs may not look much like blogs – they’re just streams of 150-character consciousness, from the mundane to the slightly less mundane, to which other users subscribe — but for a lot of people they perform the same function: link them into a broader social network where they can both broadcast their doings and find out what others are doing too. As we in Asia found with SMS, North America has found that an enforced limit on the number of letters you can use in a message is a blessing, not...

Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks ...Create your own deep interest network where your members can meet. Instantly connect people to drive engagement and keep them coming back....

Starting a blog in 2017? Don’t.

Starting a blog in 2017? Don’t. ...Starting a blog on the web in 2017 means missing out on the biggest opportunity this side of the Internet: creating your own deep interest social network. It’s a newer, better, and — most importantly — easier option for creating a thriving, community-powered brand your audience will opt into faster and love more deeply than anything you can create via even the most modern blogging platform.... If you have an idea, unique take on the world, or desire to start your own business, your 2017 “blog” needs to be mobile, social, and valuable from Day One. It’s no longer about lecturing at your audience, it’s about hosting a party where people want to meet each other — not just listen to you... I will note that the author here has something to sell you, a bridge her new start-up .

Human Connnection: Voices of Social Change

Human Connnection: Voices of Social Change Human Connection is a nonprofit social network that connects information to action and promotes positive local and global change in all areas of life. By people – for people. Our goal is to reshape the public exchange of knowledge, ideas, and projects completely. Our functions are designed to bring people together, offline and online, so that we can make the world a better place for our children....

Neocities: Making the Web fun again

Neocities: Making the Web fun again goal with NeoCities is not to turn it into a GeoCities parody site, though I don’t really care if people use it that way. The purpose of this project is not to inspire nostalgia. It’s to rebuild the platform for us to be able to be creative again. To have sites that we can do whatever we want with. This is not nostalgia speaking. We really did lose our platforms for creativity and rich self expression online, and I want to help bring them back. None of the technology we have developed has obsoleted what made the old web magical. It did not take away the joy of creation. It’s still fun to make web pages, you can still share it with every internet user in the world 24/7. And when you don’t have to attach your real identity to everything you do, it still doesn’t matter how old you are, what you look like, or what your social class is. If you have a library card and a few hours, you can make a web site on NeoCities....

What's going to happen to those social logins?

What's going to happen to those social logins?

Choosing a pod - Diaspora Project Wiki

Choosing a pod - Diaspora Project Wiki ...There are many possible factors you could consider when choosing a pod, but here are the typical things you want to consider as a newcomer: * Open signups: You can only join a pod that currently lists signups as "Open". (Remember, they all connect to the same network, you're not missing anything!) * Software version: Ideally you want a pod which is kept regularly updated to the latest stable version of the Diaspora software. * Physical Location: You may want to choose a pod based in a country which you believe has good policies on data security. This is completely up to you. (Also keep in mind that a pod hosted on the other side of the world from you might respond slower than a pod closer to you.) * Domain Name: A pod can literally have any domain name, and technically the name doesn't matter much since you'll be connecting to the same network no matter what. However, your pod's domain name will be part of your Diaspor...

The Death of Google+ Is Tearing Its Die Hard Communities Apart | Steven T. Wright

The Death of Google+ Is Tearing Its Die Hard Communities Apart | Steven T. Wright ...For these Google+ enthusiasts, the process of digital relocation has become a very serious endeavor. Just ask John Lewis, the software developer who built a 3,500-member group on Google+ that’s dedicated to finding a replacement for these uprooted users, dubbed the “Mass Migration” community. A cursory scroll reveals intense discussions about what social media platform the users will flock to next, with debates that dwell on the relative strengths and weaknesses of individual platforms. Lewis and his raft of dedicated moderators have even organized Reddit-style AMAs for the CEOs of these sites to essentially pitch themselves to the skeptical community....

Like almost everything else these days, the so-called “sunsetting” of G+ all comes down to the bottom line:

Like almost everything else these days, the so-called “sunsetting” of G+ all comes down to the bottom line: In a rat-race to the bottom line the winner will surely be- a rat. But with the demise of G+ there will only be losers: millions of us Plussers, who will be unceremoniously thrown overboard and cast adrift into cyberspace in April without any instructions yet about how to save our data or how to export it to another platform. I've forged some very important friendships there, and the thought of losing contact is utterly depressing. Given all the work and enthusiasm Google employees put into G+, I'm sure that they’re not exactly thrilled about it either. What I’m trying to say is, as it all comes down to the bottom line, and G+ hasn't generated enough revenue for Alphabet, does anyone out there believe that Alphabet would consider a subscription-based G+? It would represent a public relations coup for the Google brand if people were prepared to pay to stay on board...

Google+ Mass Migration short FAQ -- version 1.1 Dec 20, 2018

Google+ Mass Migration short FAQ -- version 1.1 Dec 20, 2018 Q: When is Google+ shutting down? A: April of 2019. Four months earlier than originally announced. March 7, 2019 for Google+ APIs , including Google+ Sign-in and integrations for web & mobile apps . Q: Where should I go? A: There is no single answer! This community can help you chose where to go, but you decide what fits best. Where your personal contacts go matters most. Major alternatives are listed here: Q How do I know where people are going? A: Some have used this form: The results are posted here: Others are using #SignalFlare posts, and #googleplus and #gplusrefugee hashtags on thei...

I got my username choice email today for Openbook.

I got my username choice email today for Openbook. I doubt its still available, but I am going for @ Matt. (no space). Otherwise I will be @ MattMoore. It does appear that Openbook will be a bit like the old G+, circles and all and Alpha access looks like it will happen sometime in the next month (They say March in the Indiegogo, but yesterdays update says differently), so enough time to evaluate even before Google's early departure. I was beta for G+, and remember the experience of meeting new people, integrating existing technologies in new and fun ways, etc. I suspect that will be my experience with Openbook, and I encourage everyone to check it out.

Reddit and Community -- What works, what raises flags (2014)

Reddit and Community -- What works, what raises flags (2014) I've been pondering what makes communities for a couple of decades, most recently over the past couple of years largely on G+ (a failed attempt in my book). I've gotten some really good ideas from a number of people there, many of whom are increasingly (or fatally) frustrated in their attempts to find a good community alternative. Among the better concepts... A bit I'd written over four years ago now, on positives and negatives associated with Reddit specifically. One item covered is the issue of moderator capture or squatting, a/k/a moderator hijacking. This is in the news again with a takeover of a high-profile subreddit by an extremist and hostile group of moderators:

After trying numerous other sites, I’ve figured out one of the things I like so much about Google+ that is missing...

After trying numerous other sites, I’ve figured out one of the things I like so much about Google+ that is missing from so many others: asymmetrical following. Here on Google, if I follow someone because In interested in what they post (or add them to one of my circles), there is no assumption about whether or not they would have any interest in what I say. Facebook (and now MeWe) support something similar with “Pages”, but for people and their profiles, the only option is symmetrical “friends” or “contacts”. [Update: Apparently Facebook now allows following people as well, without adding them as friends. If only Facebook hadn’t proven itself to be an untrustworthy host... ] [Update2: I can’t find the feature to follow someone without doing a friend request on Facebook.]

Ello appears to be now wholly controlled by Los Angeles based TalentHouse, who are peculiarly silent on involvement...

Ello appears to be now wholly controlled by Los Angeles based TalentHouse, who are peculiarly silent on involvement and locations I've found no official announcement, and the contact and other site information at Ello go out of the way to obscure this information, but the site has apparently been completely transferred. The last of the original staff, Mark Gelband, Amber, Mayah, and Colin, are no longer with the operation. The "productupdate" hashtag has not been used by Ello in six months: Most recently: Contact information on TalentHouse is not available on Ello, though it may be found elsewhere: TalentHouse T&C specify "Unless otherwise agreed, arbitration proceedings will be held in Los Angeles County, California, United States," though they are governed by "the laws of the State of New York". The "Business" side of the house describes w...

PlexodusReddit: Post Tag and Search hotlinks page

PlexodusReddit: Post Tag and Search hotlinks page To help in navigating the /r/Plexodus subreddit, there's a page with "link flair" (think "post tags") and specific site & platform searches pre-defined. You can find that here: There's still little discussion, but a useful repository of articles on topics of general interest. And, as a reminder, *the forum will survive the demise of Google+* . Carrying on discussions there may be a Good Idea.

Worth watching.

Worth watching. Originally shared by Marco Modano Circles! Lists! OMG, i am in love! Bittebittebittelasstsiedasnichtversauen

Hallo!, liebe Community,...

Hallo!, liebe Community,... Es war keine gute Idee, das ich die zwei Hashtag "SignalFlare" und "gplusrefugee" in meine Beiträge schrieb. Meine Beiträge, einer fast seit Beginn meiner G+ Zeit, in eine Community geteilt... und bis vor einigen Minuten, oben auf meiner Profilseite festgenagelt... Und ein gerade neu in eine Community geteilter Beitrag,... Sind jetzt plötzlich und für mich völlig überraschend verschwunden. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wohin diese meine Beiträge verschwunden sind, in die ich beide Hashtag einfügte. Ich habe auch keine Ahnung warum diese Beiträge jetzt plötzlich verschwunden sind. Hat ansonsten noch irgend jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht,... Nach der Verwendung der beiden Hashtag??? Beste Grüße :-)

JPGs in Takeout.G+Stream.Posts.JSON

JPGs in Takeout.G+Stream.Posts.JSON I've just gone down a rabbit hole and now I'm confused. I was puzzled about the location of images that are currently stored in https://$ and are then referenced in the JSON. But then I noticed that my takeout download has 1000 or so img9999.jpg files that are from somebody else. I do kind of recognise them and I think what might have happened is that somebody commented on one of my posts with a link to a large Google Photos Album. But why should these end up in MY takeout file? There's also a large number of images that do belong to me, but they're stored in Google Photos. And I just made a link to them in various G+ posts. They weren't uploaded to G+ specifically. So why are they in the G+Posts Takeout archive? None of these photos are visible to me in or in my Photos store, or in my local synced directory. I wonder if this is part of the source of the HUGE takeout ...

Any comments, which social networks have multi-column UI interface?

Any comments, which social networks have multi-column UI interface? I even suggested some time earlier, that this could be added to "G+ alternatives" sheet, but not here. Most social networks are mobile oriented (vertical, one post-width), so it's maybe OK on mobile, but completely waste of desktop space on modern widescreen monitors. On FB, tumblr and many other social networks i can see 1, maybe 2 sometimes posts in screen at once, anything else requires scrolling, scrolling, scrolling... With G+ i can see 6+ posts at once, much easier to see a lot of info. So far, i do not know who has similar interface. IIRC Hubzilla had some skin (?) which could allow multi-column interface. Anything else?

Is 2019 the year you should finally quit Facebook?

Is 2019 the year you should finally quit Facebook? ...If you’re still on Facebook after everything has happened this year, you need to ask yourself why. Is the value you get from the platform really worth giving up all your data for? More broadly, are you comfortable being part of the reason that Facebook is becoming so dangerously powerful? Are you comfortable being on a platform that has, among other things, helped incite genocide in Myanmar?...

Literally Just A Big List Of Facebook’s 2018 Scandals

Literally Just A Big List Of Facebook’s 2018 Scandals If you thought 2018 was tough for you, imagine being a staffer in Facebook’s public relations department. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg began the year by pledging to fix the company's problems, but instead 2018 turned into 12 months of mea culpas, self-inflicted scandals, and screwups. “This has been a challenging time,” a Facebook spokesperson told BuzzFeed News for a story detailing internal infighting and finger-pointing. “But we are more determined than ever to continue making progress on the issues we’ve faced.” Fair enough! In the meantime, here’s a look back at the year that was:...

Data takeout finally successful without error at the 4th attempt.

Data takeout finally successful without error at the 4th attempt. This time I made sure I only selected posts (exclude photos and everything else) but still come up with almost 400GB anyway. I guess I'll just use the G+ Exporter app then.

Bill is here and would like to keep his following...

Bill is here and would like to keep his following... I recommend his Christmas CD, It is so to Bill to =]8¬_D Originally shared by William Shatner ‪I’m going to be in my Fan Club forum if you care to join me.‬ It’s free to join and I’m going to reveal some of the upcoming promotions that will be exclusive to Fan Cub members in 2019.

Big News on MeWe

Originally shared by Anna Hippie Village Big News on MeWe Everyone, Join in MeWe now. As a man recommend this to MeWe, I am very proud, In fact, I didn't expect MeWe will do this. But MeWe will do this. Also, I would like to say, Big thumbnail image for web article on smart phone was my suggestion too. Yes, I am Anna. I don't let you be free.


FWIW Originally shared by Lars Fosdal First post in a series, on how to capture and export your Google+ content. An upcoming post will deal with how to transform and import that content onto a new platform. Time is ticking and the deadline for exporting is looming closer every day. The current word is that some of the G+ APIs will disappear already at the end of January, while the service itself will shut down at end of March.

APIs will stop working from Jan 28th!

APIs will stop working from Jan 28th! This might affect external tools to archive content. Originally shared by Martin Vogel Nicht vergessen! Im August April März Januar beginnt hier die Abschaltung. Sichert Eure Daten!

Should I blog or should I microblog? ¿Porque no los dos? Pterotype

Should I blog or should I microblog? ¿Porque no los dos? Pterotype I've seen many people approach the question of "what platform should I use" as if there was only one answer . There is not. And that is both for G+ users as a whole and for you personally . There's no need to be locked into a single message delivery and receipt system , which is what most media platforms boil down to. And best, you can interconnect between systems, playing off their strengths. In the ancient times of August, 2015, I did a little exploration of where interesting content might be , by searching for a list of "global thinkers" compiled by Foreign Policy magazine, across about 100 sites, including social media, traditional media, alt media, and numerous other classifications.[1] There were some expected findings (Facebook is ginormous) and surprises (Google+ really isn't that intellectual, as measured by that metric). Two of the biggest surprises were that tiny litt...

Google+ Mass Migration short FAQ -- version 1.1 Dec 20, 2018

Google+ Mass Migration short FAQ -- version 1.1 Dec 20, 2018 Q: When is Google+ shutting down? A: April of 2019. Four months earlier than originally announced. March 7, 2019 for Google+ APIs , including Google+ Sign-in and integrations for web & mobile apps . Q: Where should I go? A: There is no single answer! This community can help you chose where to go, but you decide what fits best. Where your personal contacts go matters most. Major alternatives are listed here: Q How do I know where people are going? A: Some have used this form: The results are posted here: Others are using #SignalFlare posts, and #googleplus and #gplusrefugee hashtags on thei...

Updated #PlexodusWiki FAQ: Google+ API Shutdown

Updated #PlexodusWiki FAQ: Google+ API Shutdown I've added information on today's announcements to the FAQ. Eyes on this for errors / ommissions / simplifications appreciated. A reminder that we've got an extensive FAQ, as well as a shorter one, and much other information at AnteFrigusErat ("before it was cool", in Latin). Thanks.

The Plexodus Subreddit

The Plexodus Subreddit A reminder that an off-site resource and discussion site for G+ Mass Migration and Plexodus topics exists and will remain viable after the Google+ sunset . This has largely served as a repository for links, though it's also a good platform for writing longer, and more structured and formatted articles than Google itself ever allowed, with the ability to edit them after posting, a feature Diaspora lacks. You're encouraged to join or just browse the content. This is one of the Plexodus Network of sites.

Request for translations: Short FAQ

Request for translations: Short FAQ We've got a short FAQ for distribution, as recently posted. It's now been translated to German. I'd like to have additional translations. Informally, I've been seeing a lot of G+ content and communities in: Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Malay/Indonesian, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Hebrew, and other languages. I've listed out some major targets at the link below. Please if you can offer a translation we would hugely appreciate it. Do not worry about the Wiki markup, that can be added afterwards. Thanks.