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are there any memers left? seems like everyone here is an adult or anormie :(

are there any memers left? seems like everyone here is an adult or a normie :(


  1. I would post memes but this a school account

  2. I used to meme but they were too heady. Jerks kept popping in just to call them Normie Memes.

  3. Here's one of my 'normie' memes. I shared this the day after Apple showed off iOS 7, and it got literally tens of thousands of Shares on Google+ and maxed out the 500 Comment limit in its first hour of existence, then spread around the web to other networks and websites, then got remixed into other memes. Like, I had people pinging me all over saying, "Dude, your meme is being Shared here and they don't even know who you are!"

    Most of my memes were like this: very timely, mostly geeky things that struck people as highly amusing.

  4. Of course, like I said, people, mostly very young people, started commenting with, "Normie! Normie memes! Normie normie normie!" type stuff, and when I checked on what they were sharing and calling memes, it was all like Broney, Cosplay, and Hentai stuff, and they figured that was what 'meme' meant.


    an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

    * a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by Internet users.

    So, I was kind of surprised to learn that there were people who thought meme had a very narrow meaning and didn't think what I did qualified. I guess there are Religious Zealots for everything.

  5. Me, but I outgrew that kind of petty talk.

  6. Not really. People like us usually do not have the money for a G Suite account, or their school disabled G+ in the admin console.

  7. Eyup. Used to hang around meme communities. Made a few bangers. It was pretty cool.

  8. Eli Fennell Well, I guess I’m normie, and I guess that’s ok. In linguistics a meme is the smallest meaningful unit of language. That’s the way I think of social media memes.

  9. Enjoy them. Create a few. Mostly just enjoy their economy.

  10. Jacob Grigley lmao same im too unoriginal to make oc
    Zackary Moyer pfft im on a school account too but i give no shits, people think this site is dead anyway they arent gonna check my account
    Eli Fennell that meme isnt too bad, ill give you a pass 👌yeah some people take memes way too seriously lol
    Chik Nuggets「тм」 never too old for memes my dude
    Gabriel Park true. im lucky my school district didnt block g+ :3
    Ringo David Virden hand over your memes and nobody gets hurt 🔫

  11. I also used to do Downfall Meme Videos But I dare not share that here, both for copyright issues around that video clip and, well... who the star of the video is. Not sure what my Admins would think about it.


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