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GSuite G+ Pro Tips by Eli Fennell

Blog author's note: updated 8 April 2019. We will continue to add to this list as we become aware of additions. Please use the Comment Form to let us know if we've missed something important either in the original posts or in their comments. Thanks!

Eli Fennell

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #1: 
To stop seeing any Suggested Posts from people in your Organization (if there are any; in my case, there are just a few and they all go back to 2017), go into Settings --> Amount of Suggested posts to show in stream --> and choose None from the drop-down.
GSuite G+ Pro Tip #2:
Allowing Anyone on G+ to send you Notifications will make it easier to see if someone has, for example, +Mentioned you. By Default, my Org sets this to Extended Circles, so I almost missed a user +Mentioning me when it was sent to Other Updates in my Notifications because we weren't following each other (yet).

To change this, go to Settings --> General and at the top you will see Who can send you notifications?. If this isn't set to Anyone already, choose it from the drop-down menu.

Also make sure that Who can comment on your public posts? is set to Anyone as well, and I recommend setting Who can see your "+1's on Posts" activity? to Only You (Circles are being phased out, so do not choose a Circle-based Setting for this) so your Followers (and others in your Org, if this is a concern) won't see your +1's. I used to leave this on, but be very sparing in using the +1 Button, but it seems best just to hide it now.

Your Org may restrict these settings, so your mileage may vary from mine.
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Poll Person's profile photo
I'd also turn on "Help people outside my organization find my profile in search results" under profile so it's easier for other survivors to find you
David Virden's profile photo
I don’t have a general section 0-0
Eli Fennell's profile photo
+David Virden It's the top section in Settings.
Kathryn Marie's profile photo
Good call. Mine wasn't right either. How about the pop-up every time I make a comment that it will be seen publicly?
Eli Fennell's profile photo
+Kathryn Marie Apparently that is an Admin Setting.
David Virden's profile photo
This is all I have


GSuite G+ Pro Tip #3: 
The Following/Followed By lists are very slow to update, as is the Follow button on Profiles. It does not mean you have not been Followed or started Following someone. One way to be sure if you are Following someone that has worked for me is to open G+ in a desktop browser, hover your mouse over their name to bring up their G+ Hover Card, and then click Follow on that card/check and see if it says Following (depending on which you are doing).
GSuite G+ Pro Tip #4: 
 Use the Mobile Web App instead of the Android or iOS app. It doesn't pop up that annoying message about being careful (well, if does actually, but you don't have to click or tap it away, and it sits beneath the Post out of your way). You can even Install the web app to your Home Screen from the Browser.


Julie Wills's profile photo
How about creating a community category for GSuite tips +*****? And maybe some others?
Julie Wills's profile photo
I complained about that to Googlers in meetings at least two years ago. It only affects the Android app, not the iOS app.

Time to Send Feedback, folks!
Julie Wills's profile photo
I've just submitted feedback again. I suggest we all Send Feedback whilst viewing this post.

You can't capture the pop-up itself in the feedback, as you have to dismiss it to get to the menu, but at least it will show the Pro Tip 😉
Rupert's profile photo
On iOS the message isn’t too invasive
Filip H.F. Slagter's profile photo
Yeah, this obtrusive popup is beyond annoying. I was hoping that turning off Restricted mode in the GSuite admin panel would suffice, but apparently not.
Filip H.F. Slagter's profile photo
+Julie Wills feedback submitted:
«Please add a setting (preferably on the user-level, rather than domain admin-level) to turn off the Be Careful this comment could be seen outside $domain warning that pops up every time you try to comment on a public post from within the Android G+ app.
Alternatively, make it unobtrusive by turning it into a static warning message underneath the textarea, as is done on the iOS app and the website interface.»

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #5

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #5: (continuing the sequence by +Eli Fennell)

If you do a search on desktop (e.g. using the dropdown to find posts by an individual in a particular community), those searches are remembered both in the search history on the desktop AND are also available in the mobile app (on Android, at least)..

Although it might not be immediately obvious what who 100885886882898824703 is in
Pro tip from:100885886882898824703
or which community 117457415418811355875 is in
in:117457415418811355875 Pro tip
is in this community, at least it can be done.

You can do the searches in the mobile app, but the more friendly drop down interface isn't there, so it was always a PITA extracting user and community IDs to put in your search.

So to find Pro tips in this community, you can use
in:117457415418811355875 Pro tip
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GSuite G+ Pro Tip #6:

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #6: The +Mention system is currently a mess, as old Consumer accounts haven't entirely been removed yet. To help people +Mention you right, find your User ID Number (the string of numbers in the URL of your Google+ Profile Page when visited from a browser), put a + sign before that, and put it in your Profile Tagline. That way, another user can grab it from your Profile Page or Hovercard and easily use it. See below for example.

Taglines are planned for removal, so this is a temporary way to help each other out, but hopefully by then the +Mention system will have been fixed.Photo
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Eli Fennell's profile photo
Eli Fennell's profile photo
It worked.
Mark Barrus - GSuite's profile photo
Great tip! Thanks +Eli Fennell

On another note, I've been using the Android app, and can't figure out how to use the web app from my phone. I open Chrome and try, but it brings me to the Android app.
Eli Fennell's profile photo
+Mark Barrus Go into your App Settings, Advanced, and clear the Defaults that open links to Google+ in the app.
Mindey's profile photo
Great tip! Thanks!!
Monika Schmidt's profile photo
Thanks for the tip +Eli Fennell :)
Julie Wills's profile photo
And/or start at in the browser.

Eli's to works for any so that you've set to open by default (including for any pattern of URL).

And you can still choose to use a mix of the app and web by not saying "Always" when you use it the first time.

Personally, I prefer the app, and I've got used to dismissing the warning - so much that I barely even register it any more.

But please do remember to Send Feedback about it +Mark Barrus +Mindey +Monika Schmidt
Julie Wills's profile photo
It's worth noting that the 21 digit number is your Google ID. My understanding is that it can also be used by other products.

I haven't tried it, but I believe it could be used to start / send and invitation to a Hangout with somebody whose email address you don't know, for instance.

BTW, for those of us with custom URLs, pasting that into a browser now resolves to the 21 digit version .
Alan Stainer's profile photo
+Julie Wills my custom URL went away with my consumer G+ account. Ah well, at least I have the luxury of also having a GSuite profile. :D
Ann Pollak's profile photo
Done. Thanks again for the tip.
Eli Fennell's profile photo
+Alan Stainer Yep. Same here.
Thomas Slider's profile photo
Added my +NUMBER to my tagline, thanks +Eli Fennell . :)
I wish I could have transferred my custom URL too... oh well. :(
Eli Fennell's profile photo
+Thomas Slider Yeah, me too. But this is better than nothing.

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #7:

GSuite G+ Pro Tip #7: Notifications are somewhat spotty between users right now. One way to help ensure a user sees your Comment or Reply on a Post is to +Mention them. Luckily, +Mention suggestions in Comments automatically suggest the User who shared the Post and anyone who Commented on it. There is also a Reply button to make this easier. Example:

If +Mark Barrus - GSuite were to Comment, "Great to see you!", and I want to ensure he sees my reply, I would put, "Thanks, +Mark Barrus - GSuite!" instead of simply, "Thanks!" Additionally, if it were a discussion with a group of users, and I wanted to be sure they all saw my Comment, I would Reply/+Mention each of them. Hopefully this Notification situation will improve, but for now a user may miss Comments or Replies that do not +Mention them.

 GSuite G+ Pro Trip #8:

GSuite G+ Pro Trip #8: To see as many Posts as possible from the people you Follow, make sure that the Circle Volume of your Following Circle is set to full. This can be adjusted in People, Following, Circle Settings, and choose More for the amount of Posts to see. This is set lower by Default.

If you have people in any other Circles besides Following, move them into Following, because Circles will be sunsetted. After that, the Circle Volume Setting also may not matter depending on what replaces Circles, but for now, with so few users, seeing fewer Posts than you should from people you Follow in your Home Stream is an undesirable behavior by the network.

Optionally, you can also set Circle Notifications to get Notifications of new Posts if you wish, but be sure you really want to do this before you try it (or you may be quickly overwhelmed). Again, there is no way to know how the removal of Circles will ultimately affect this.
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Eli Fennell's profile photo
+Mark Barrus - GSuite Yes, thank you for adding that.
Brian Holt Hawthorne's profile photo
Thanks for this tip. Since I never used the Following circle, I had it set to None. No wonder I hardly saw any posts in my stream!
Jason Newman's profile photo
Ah! Thanks! I forget that all of my "optimized" settings got poofed away on my personal account along with everything/everyone else.
Jason Newman's profile photo
(we're probably gonna need a sticky/onboarding/new survivor post somewhere)
Mark Barrus - GSuite's profile photo
Possibly a shared file in Drive, or just a tips and tricks section where posts could be shared or reshared to, etc.,

