One of the few bright spots of this whole change: no more spammers.
I've always said that all I needed was a couple of dozen interesting people to converse with. We have more than that here, but have not quite accumulated enough active users to have a couple of dozen.
I've always said that all I needed was a couple of dozen interesting people to converse with. We have more than that here, but have not quite accumulated enough active users to have a couple of dozen.
And no more bots.
ReplyDeleteWas so tempted to "sex sex sex" this :P
ReplyDeleteThere's actually quite a few porn bots left that used G Suite for some reason but they're all basically just posting into the void
ReplyDeleteSurely they'll stop soon though with nobody to see them anymore
Poll Person Huh. I haven't seen any since the End.
ReplyDeleteBrian Holt Hawthorne You won't since they're posting in empty communities now but you can find them in search (not that you'd want to)
ReplyDeletePoll Person lol
ReplyDeletesex sex sex sexxy time me ruv you rong time
ReplyDeleteWas that more familiar? lol
ReplyDeleteMost of the people who I interact with have gone to MeWe, so that’s basically where I hang out. I’m still a little gun shy about getting invested here. The shutdown was super clunky and I know people who never got a good Takeout archive.