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Can you see my profile picture?

Can you see my profile picture?

It seems like G Suite is refusing to display it sometimes and just showing the default blue head instead.


  1. Trek to the sidebar, hover over Directory, then click on Directory Settings. (You need to do this on PC because mobile doesn't support that)
    Then you need to go to profile editing and allow changing pics
    After you do that, wait for it to kick in. Then you can change it from About Me.
    For some reason, pfp changes on the admin console don't have any effect.

  2. Ringo Where's the Directory button? On the admin console?

  3. Thanks for the heads-up Eli Fennell :)

  4. I don't see a pic for Monika Schmidt - either here or on the profile.

  5. I see pictures for all of the people in this thread except Monika Schmidt


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