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Can anyone tell me how to make a MeWe page


  1. It's pretty easy.
    Pop onto the site, select join, input the requested data, wait for confirmation email. Follow the link on said email & you are in.
    Takes a bit to play around & get used to the set up of the site, but the navigation bar is at the top & it's all self explanatory. Start setting up your profile then click the home/MyWorld icon in the upper left.

  2. How about on the app? Trying to see if the option is lying around somewhere.


  3. When you are in your account, at the top there are links e.g. Home, Groups, Chats, Pages, Events. Just click on Pages - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.

  4. Yes, they pre-announced it would "probably" be $1.99, but eventually decided for $2.99, per month...

  5. Kind of ruined it for me to charge for pages

  6. Christian Nalletamby Don McCollough I don't see their model as being viable long term.

    It'll be a hard sell to get members to fork out money for all the bells and whistles.

    G+ folding is MeWe's and other smaller sites big chance to gain membership quickly.

    Once the "new toy" gets old, I can't see them attracting millions to create a busy and robust social site.

    Then, again, I'm not privy to their ongoing marketing plan.

    At this point, they put an add in a major newspaper doing basically what every other startup does...selling privacy and other issues...mostly comparing to fb as their whipping boy.

    And what usually happens to any startup that really is a threat to fb? They get bought out and fb continues on its way.

    I'm really going to miss G+. It's a superior social site that was poorly managed and marketed from day 1.

  7. al m Their model will grow, because it fits current demand.
    People are ready to pay, to avoid:
    1) Ads.
    2) Data in the hands of 3rd parties.

    In the future, Federation and Fediverse might get more important, because of decentralisation, and real independence.
    For now, they lack features.

  8. Christian Nalletamby > People are ready to pay, to avoid:
    > 2) Data in the hands of 3rd parties.

    Except, apparently, when those "3rd parties" might include certain undisclosed intelligence agencies. At least one other user wrote to the creator of MeWe inquiring whether his funding included intelligence agencies; however, that developer, while answering all other questions, ignored that particular question.

    Personally, I consider intelligence agencies potentially to be far more dangerous than any other type of 3rd party. Other such 3rd parties are only after your capital; intelligence agencies are out to police and control your life.

  9. Christian Nalletamby I getcha, yet ads is a proven business model.

    My understanding is data collection, and possibly selling, happens just about every time we visit a website... and/or at least giving up info through tracking cookies.

    MeWe seems to be a suitable site for smaller groups with similar interests to connect, but doesn't fit my needs with community least at this point.

    Pretty sure I'm going to rebuild on fb until something better catches my attention.

  10. al m The small fee for a profile page helps to keep the spam bots and junk off the platform, too. Free is nice, but free is a bar that even bots can get over. Someone wanting to bot will have to pay for it, which gets to be expensive for low level trolls and their minions. Seen a guy with 50k on Twitter, imagine he has to pay over $100,000/mon on his bot army.

    But I won't pay for the feature unless I know IF MeWe has Fort Knox security on financial transactions (because Google/Facebook/Twitter showed they didn't). Financial institution level security that banks use.

  11. How can a mewe page help promote your business if mewe content is not visible on the internet. Only your mewe contacts can see it.

  12. Martha Magenta Currently they can't.

    And the pages for news organizations? Are not official and have a mouseover showing it's not official.

    The CNN one. Check it's image for a reason I don't believe MeWe's "free speech" rah rah is going to have a stable network for long.

    That they also allow you to change bylines and descriptions of links, it's a troll haven, too. MeWe could become a fake news site that way.

  13. Kevyne Kicklighter I am only there for poetry groups. Generally it seem lacking in many ways for general use.


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