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Board Games community are looking at MeWe

Board Games community are looking at MeWe

Originally shared by Ben Gerber

Hey everyone, here's the deal as it stands right now.

We're going to be experimenting with MeWe - and have set up our group there. It's not G+ but it's the closest compatible platform we've come across. It's got some decent image management, a built in chat feature which is nice, and will be fairly familiar to everyone here.

We wish it had built in integration to Google Photos - but not yet. Perhaps if enough of us suggest this, they'll adopt it as a feature. is the link.

Also, if there are any seasoned Discord mods here in the wild, hit me up. We're toying with the idea of also having a Discord up and running at the same time. The only real reason not to is lack of knowledge/moderation for it.

Right now, we're going to be looking at and moderating two communities. This one and the MeWe one (with Discord being a possible third). So please bear with us as we explore MeWe and see if it really is a good fit.

We know not everyone will love this but truth is, there's no single platform that everyone was pointing too. So we've got to pick what works best in terms of the community as a whole and see where that takes us.

Lastly, this group isn't going anywhere until G+ shuts down. So feel free to continue posting here and enjoying each other until that happens.


  1. Well said, the Norwegian G+ community moved to MeWe. And it is not G+ but close enough, and in terms of privacy far better. But sure miss some of the other G+ communities and some of the features.

  2. I didn't read any mention of MeWe fees in your post. You are committing your members to potentially deal with the MeWe fees which are individually assessed. Chat is NOT free past the free trial. MeWe is free until images and gifs you post reach 8 gigs of space. Click on the Cloud button at the top of your MeWe account to see the monthly fees. Then you either move to a new social media site, delete content or pay a monthly fee for increased storage. It might take 3 years or so to reach the limit if you don't post images but then what? Who knows what the fees will be then. Will you pay the monthly fees or start over someplace else?

  3. Kathie Gifford Where do you get that chat isn't free? There is an extra chat option you can purchase for encryption features if you want that, but general chat is free afaik

  4. Kathie Gifford NB: it's hard to run up 8GB storage in text alone. Images or video might get you there.

    All this stuff costs ... somehow. The question is the pricing model used and where/how that transitions.

    The curious thing about Pluspora's experience with hosting costs is that it literally makes no sense to charge for hosting until you reach about 100 - 1000 users ($25 - $250/yr). Which is to say that some sort of bundled model will likely have to be used.

    I've been mulling that over the past few days and suspect that charging by group is probably in the cards, and that larger groups might rate higher fees. Unaffiliated users might be permitted to free-ride or somehow latch on to a group, and groups could build their hosting costs into any other cost structure or fundraisers they run.

    The other end is fully self-hosted, though unless that changes markedly (and there's some prospect of this) I don't see it being viable, long-term. To many unattended servers with PII on them, as well as magnets for just about everything.

    Another image that's floated through my mind: when living things die, they tend to decay and get consumed by various carrion eaters and decomposers. Spam, malware, scammers, etc., are something of the social equivalent of maggots, swarming over still-viable technical infrastructure and channels, sucking what remaining life there is to be consumed from them.

    Pardon the imagery ;-)

  5. Edward Morbius Kathie GiffordIn front of my PC now and a little easier to elaborate. One thing is for sure, the feeling of excitement G+ offered the first years is not present in MeWe. But things work, you might stay there for free (until the 8 limit), you might buy extras (as the crypted-chat) if you are not happy with the standard chat, which to my understanding offers better privacy than Hangouts or (sigh!) Messenger.
    The Mass Migration conversations has (most of it) been very readable/enjoyable and presented a plethoria of other "social's" which were totally unknown to me. Personally a big take-out. The Mass Migration (thanks Edward Morbius and the rest) has revealed a lot of the pros and cons around. MeWe for me, mostly caused by the Norwegian community taking an early choice. I am hoping for some of my other interests to follow at MeWe. If not - well there is always possible to get new friends (just one day it is too late for that :) )

  6. I really appreciate this site; these informative and research rich, thoughtful posts. You are each, in your own way, making this difficult and decidedly dissapointing forced adaptation much easier to bear. Many heartfelt thanks. TNQ

  7. Edward Morbius MeWe charges people for customization features. Extra emoticons (they have a lot!); profile trinkets; encrypted chat; etc. Something a kin to the Pay For Free model in gaming.

    It's not what I prefer as a social media site (no post Ids to link offsite), but it doesn't require credit card details for posting, like G+ didn't.


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