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How about, instead of a blank-slate "ask me anything" interactive Q&A format, we put together a sheet of baseline...

How about, instead of a blank-slate "ask me anything" interactive Q&A format, we put together a sheet of baseline questions and have each rep fill out that questionnaire first? That will not only save time, but give us more of an apples-to-apples basis of comparison.


  1. I'm game. What questions do you have in mind?

    (I've got a few lists squirrelled away.)

  2. All the ones that have been asked so far, for starters.

  3. This recent article might be a good source for questions, and inspiring other questions not asked.

  4. You don't need to do individual interviews to get answers. Formulate the questions, put it in a survey, invite them to answer, give them a deadline. Publish comparative results. (League of Women Voters has been doing this for many years prior to major elections.)

  5. Shelenn Ayres Agreed, and that's a format I'd considered. AMAs have the useful side effect of building (and tessting) Community engaagement.

    All of this is an experiment. We went from "should we do AMAs?" to doing them in a couple of days.

    If that's not working, let's tweak o change it. But for now, we want and need questions, not formats.

  6. Edward Morbius The columns on the spreadsheet comparing alternatives to G+ were developed as a community effort. Perhaps use those columns as a guideline to build questions since those are obvious concerns of the community.

  7. Here are questions I've suggested to date, in AMA request emails.

    To Google:

    ∙ Instructions for making Google Data Takeout exports

    ∙ Storage and securing of those exports. We're recommending Google Drive presently, or offline Flash/Disk storage.

    ∙ Tools for importing Google+ data to new services or platforms.

    ∙ Respecting of privacy scope of original data creation.

    ∙ Online/integrated tools for management. It seems a Google Drive integration, data explorer, and search capability, would be useful. We're not sure that that's feasible.

    ∙ Post-sunset availability of the present Google+ site, and/or Google+ data.

    ∙ Impacts and interactions on other Google products and services. Given the ... in retrospect, extraordinarily unfortunate forced integration presented in multiple cases ... there is considerable uncertainty and concern.

    ∙ Options for ongoing use of Google+ by corporate or noncommercial entities. There's been some interest in this though it's difficult to gauge.

    ∙ Rough numbers on actively-engaged Google+ users, for which a sense of those posting and commenting actively on the site, excluding bots and spam actors, would be a useful proxy.

    To others:

    ∙ A clear statement of what is and offers.

    ∙ Approaches / policies for disruptive behaviours and technical attacks.

    ∙ Costs, either to , or for self-hosting.

    ∙ General platform comparisons.

    ∙ Group and moderation tools, if any, ranging from user to content management, automation, and more.

    ∙ Group management, if any

    ∙ Topic-oriented support, if any.

    ∙ Integration with social management tools, APIs, third-party sites/platforms, etc.

    ∙ Issues concerning history of controversial content, groups, individuals, and activities on .

    ∙ Legal considerations for self- or group-hosting, in the US, EU, and elsewhere.

    ∙ Mobile support: Web and/or apps.

    ∙ Policies concerning group/forum ownership and transfer.

    ∙ Policies: spam, commercial content, harassment, abuse, intolerance, free speech.

    ∙ Support for image, video, and audio formats, present and future plans.

    ∙ The potential for uploading or integrating legacy content to , with Google Data Takeout rehosting a principle interest.

  8. For cake specifically, regarding section 18 of their TOS:
    18. Some of the Service may display advertisements and promotions. You hereby agree that Cake may place advertising and promotions on the Service or in conjunction with your Content. The manner, mode and extent of such advertising and promotions are subject to change without specific notice to you.

    Can you please explain this? It looks to me as if my content is going to get used to enhance ads that I neither control nor get paid for.

  9. Bill Pusztai You may want to put that to the Cake AMA (if you haven't already).

  10. Edward Morbius I left a comment in that thread, is that the way to do it?

  11. Bill Pusztai Yep. I've got too much going on right now to keep track of what's happening where ;-)


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