Current AMA (Ask me Anything) request / contact status
Red: Not yet contacted
Yellow: Attempting, no address
Blue: Contacted
Green: Booked/scheduled.
Solid have replied (within minutes).
Google have not.
1. I'm aware of R-G blindness. The coding is additional signal to the displayed information, not required ;-)
While we're at it: any preferences for timing of AMAs?
ReplyDeletePlease specify time in UTC if possible. Otherwise, give your international timezone. "Eastern time" is not international -- that could apply to Australia, Europe, Asia, the United States, or probably a few other TZs. Generally "Country/City" works, e.g., "Germany/Berlin".
Whenever is OK by me. I'm retired, and often up half the night in US/Pacific time zone thanks to insomnia...
ReplyDeleteWhat is an AMA request?
ReplyDeleteWhat is an AMA ?
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's an "Ask Me Anything" event, Olivier Malinur.
ReplyDeleteThese tend to happen on Reddit.
Too much of this nerdy vocabulary!
ReplyDelete"AMA" is explained both at and in the link provided. Just sayin.
ReplyDeleteEdward Morbius bad practice. Acronyms must be avoided in links.
ReplyDeleteOlivier Malinur Edward Morbius Just FYI, I am one of those here without any interest in technical details. All I want to do is to create great posts for the pleasure and education of the general public.
ReplyDeleteThis process has been interrupted by Google corporate dimwits. I am hoping to absorb only just enough technical knowledge to make some informed decisions and nothing more, then get back in my groove.
That said, please use acronyms sparingly and be aware that my corner of your audience is positively allergic to the technical how-to that so fascinates geeks. I just want to get my work done.
Your summary spreadsheets and visual aids are great, Ed! Thanks!
Jeff Diver Understood. I've edited the original post, and do try to expand acronyms on first use, a standard personal practice.
ReplyDeleteEdward Morbius Thanks, Ed! I need all the help I can get!
ReplyDeleteJeff Diver Like you, I just want to keep posting -- preferably somewhere that people will actually see the posts.
ReplyDeleteI have quite a few followers, but, oddly, few of them -- or, at least, of the active followers -- are people I actually know! So that consideration is not so strong for me as it is for others.