The Green Party Community
418 members.
Apparently, they're migrating elsewhere, too; viz.:
> If interested, please download the Discord client for computer or the
> Discord app for phone (or both) here:
> and make an account. If you prefer to use it in your browser, just make
> an account. I won't be able to offer much support for the browser
> version, however, as I never use it.
> Once you've made an account, you may apply to my server ("Liv's
> Livestreams & Vids") by clicking this link:
> You'll be faced with an NSFW warning to enter the lobby, but don't be
> dismayed, as that's merely a safety precaution. There is no NSFW
> channel on my server (at this time, and there hasn't been much interest
> from my server members in having one, so I doubt there ever will be one;
> however, I'm not a prude and won't rule it out, if there be enough interest,
> but server members have the ability to mute a channel in the server, so if
> you don't want to see that sort of thing, you could mute that channel if it
> were ever created). Once you click through that (assuming you are of
> legal age), you'll be met with a bot welcoming message instructing you
> how to get the attention of Mods or myself, and then you will be vetted
> before being admitted to the rest of the server.
> If, however, you'd prefer to join a Facebook group, I've set one up this
> evening, called "Progressive Fire." You can find it here:
> If you'd like to join both, that's fine, too. I will reiterate, though, that I'd
> prefer you join my Discord server, as we don't have to worry abut Mark
> Zuckerberg's pro-establishment censorship efforts there.
418 members.
Apparently, they're migrating elsewhere, too; viz.:
> If interested, please download the Discord client for computer or the
> Discord app for phone (or both) here:
> and make an account. If you prefer to use it in your browser, just make
> an account. I won't be able to offer much support for the browser
> version, however, as I never use it.
> Once you've made an account, you may apply to my server ("Liv's
> Livestreams & Vids") by clicking this link:
> You'll be faced with an NSFW warning to enter the lobby, but don't be
> dismayed, as that's merely a safety precaution. There is no NSFW
> channel on my server (at this time, and there hasn't been much interest
> from my server members in having one, so I doubt there ever will be one;
> however, I'm not a prude and won't rule it out, if there be enough interest,
> but server members have the ability to mute a channel in the server, so if
> you don't want to see that sort of thing, you could mute that channel if it
> were ever created). Once you click through that (assuming you are of
> legal age), you'll be met with a bot welcoming message instructing you
> how to get the attention of Mods or myself, and then you will be vetted
> before being admitted to the rest of the server.
> If, however, you'd prefer to join a Facebook group, I've set one up this
> evening, called "Progressive Fire." You can find it here:
> If you'd like to join both, that's fine, too. I will reiterate, though, that I'd
> prefer you join my Discord server, as we don't have to worry abut Mark
> Zuckerberg's pro-establishment censorship efforts there.
A reminder: Please do not discuss politics. This post is solely about migration, not politics.
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