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I've been thinking about the Alternatives spreadsheet.

I've been thinking about the Alternatives spreadsheet. It seems to me that for the kind of data it contains, form entry would probably not be ideal. We'd get lots of duplicate entries, and the editors would have to spend a lot of time trying to reconcile them. That wouldn't be at all efficient, and I don't think it would serve the purpose of the sheet - which is to assemble an objective list of the features all all available alternatives.

So I'd like to leave things as they are for that one. You can ask me for editing access by emailing me at my Gmail address, which is my first initial and my last name, with no spaces or other characters.

However, what if I created a form to assemble impressions and feelings about alternatives? They'd feed into a spreadsheet that would be publicly viewable, and it would give people the chance to see how G+ users feel about various alternatives overall.

What do you think?


  1. Dupes should be reasonably straightforward to consolidate. If there were a detection of a collision that would help, e.g., someone enters a domain or URL and a dialog says "that appears to mach , would you like to edit or update it?"

    Crowdsourcing information has this problem regardless. I face a similar issue with the Wiki, though there's been somewhat less contribution (in terms of people), a substantial amount in terms of text.

  2. The "impressions" bit seems a better fit for the #PlexodusWiki.

    I've been working to provide the structure for that to happen.


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