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29-Jan-2019. G+ Notifications are broken. The account button top right is behaving strangely with no mention of the G+ Profile any more.

Previously the API announcement said, On March 7, 2019, all Google+ APIs will be shut down. This will be a progressive shutdown beginning in late January, with calls to these APIs starting to intermittently fail as early as January 28, 2019



  1. apis are developer tools, it isn’t meant to affect us in any way

  2. I know it shouldn't. So it's either coincidence or Google has an internal project plan that involved changes to the API and to the UI at the same time.

  3. Yes can no longer access G+ profile directly as of today. not good. About time to close down profiles. Big question here is , will this affect linked Youtube channels & gmail?

  4. Interesting (not good). I've seen increasing quirkiness for a few weeks now - noting (not sure about others) that I use only computers (desktop/laptop), not phone.

    For weeks now notifications have been acting odd - sporadic, and some come to the little bell top right but not the "notifications" bar on the left, and vice versa. (I was wondering if the upper right is specific to comments/ pluses made by phone vs PC.)

    I've been dreading the disconnection or crippling of the upper right tic-tac-toe grid, which includes the link to translation and G+ home pages, probably my 2 most-used links of all. Whew, they're both still there. (What will they do to this "master control", and when?) I just checked and going to a poster's profile works as always. So... YMMV?

  5. Q: Are other Google services, such as Gmail, affected by this shutdown?
    A: To the limited extent we understand Google Product offerings, the logic by which they are interrelated, and the frequency with which they are sent to their death in gladiatorial combat: NO.

    As information becomes available, certain linked Google+ features are affected. Check with the support resources for the specific product(s) involved, though many of these concern Google+ APIs (next question).

  6. In the desktop version (the only one I use, really) there's a menu on the left with "Home", "Discover", "Communities", "Profile", "People", and "Notifications". The "Profile" selection continues to work.

  7. There are a lot of posts on this to the Google+ Help community. Upshot:

    The Notifications blackout is a bug and will be fixed. There's no ETA that I'm aware of. Several G+H mods are suggesting sending feedback, if it makes you feel better....

    Clicking on your Google Profile Avatar within G+ no longer presents your Profile page. This is apparently an intentional, but unannounced change. You can still reach your profile through the "Profile" link (left hand sidebar, desktop Web client), or at

  8. Ragestation I'm still unbearably pleased with myself at that particular FAQ answer :)

  9. Google plus is running off the api. All issues that affect the api are likely to affect us.

  10. Alex Far more likely is that there was an unintended interaction between parts of the G+ web app that caused this glitch. It may or may not have been related to the APIs. Without a specific statement from Google there's no way to be certain.

    Please do not post unfounded knowledge.

  11. it was a strange coincidence.
    I could still click my Google profile and bring it up as much as I want in fact that's how I knew some people want plus the bunch of my post today I didn't get any notifications but when I went to my feed through my profile and scroll through my feed I seen all my post had one pluses...
    show there for some of these other numbnuts I'm going to ignore their comments because I have no idea what they're talking about they're talking through their ass.
    it has nothing to do with the stupid API as far as the regular Google Plus working

  12. Atm I'm still only sporadically getting notifications... the notifications I do get, seem to be mostly of reshares and some mentions...


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