So Far: Building Bridges And Getting The Job Done
Love And Struggle And Big Things: Social Outreach / Organizing In Theory And Practice
"Many many men can't see the open road."
Led Zeppelin, Over The Hills And Far Away
"We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, our ravages.
Our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to transform them in
ourselves and others."
Albert Camus
"And all we ever wanted was to come in from the cold."
Joni Mitchell
"Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all."
Chess master Mikhail Chigorin
It is entirely possible that a thousand or more members of this G+ group learned of it from my posts and the scores of reshares for my G+ migration toolkit posts. Of course, we don't know. But that is my reasonable expectation, and I have huge street cred.
The point is that much of the necessary outreach work for G+ migration is now done.
Specifically, I have now completed outreach for G+ migration to over eight million G+ memberships.
I expect to easily reach ten million in the next two weeks, and my goal is twelve million. My reach is very very broad.
Of course, these numbers are very rough and many people are already leaving behind G+.
There remain significant misinformation and misdirections concerning the shutdown that I see even today in front of many, even the claim that G+ shutdown is a hoax, or giving the wrong shutdown date [ which can of course change arbitrarily ].
Five minutes ago I pushed my basic overall outreach communique to G+ WOA Animal, N ~ 433K.
Their managers have already decided to migrate to Fascistbook.
I do not try to "tell people what to do", but in this case as in others I present different options and the two G+ migration communities.
Overall I see large scale movement towards MeWe, as well as some significant movement towards Fascistbook.
I will not present here the big overall list of new MeWe grefugee groups, but these groups are very diverse and international.
Quite a few are Spanish language, as I just learned a couple days back.
I never said MeWe is "the way to go". It does look like MeWe is becoming a big winner in the migrations sweepstakes, and I tell people that this should be a good rendezvous point for this year.
Perhaps in two years there will be a much better alternative. The point is to have some kinda plan, to have a workable next step and sustainability. Not to get married to a platform in the Catholic sense.
I have done literally "global" outreach for G+ migration, including in Thai language, and outreach to very different G+ communities, such as the large G+ Voices Of Africa and G+ Native American, the major G+ western pagan group, many G+ spiritual groups, Buddhist groups, some G+ natural medicine groups, the main counter-jihad group and so forth.
I have employed book recommendations on herbal medicine and teaching articles on Buddhist mysticism as carriers for G+ migration tools outreach on major G+ groups.
F'rinstance G+ Tea Lovers, N ~ 200K.
Clearly I am the [ hard core ] community organizer type. That requires a certain frame of mind that few people ever develop.
It happens to be my job as a professional Buddhist spiritual doctor here in the West. Community organizing is a large set of skills that can be taught and learned.
What platform migration outreach remains for me to do is for some G+ political groups and some general interest groups.
My focus is very much on re-establishing substantial social connectivity, and it looks that MeWe is one of the better options, tho not the kind that works well for me.
I have also done a lot of strategic deep and broad migration type work concerning Buddhist communication following the April shutdown.
Specifically I have already broadcast concerning two major online global Buddhist communications platforms both to Buddhist and non-Buddhist groups.
There are several more such Buddhist communications resources I will put forward.
My Buddhist propaganda / teaching / community work has now reached over four point two million G+ memberships. It will soon reach five million.
Almost all the real and effective Buddhist teaching on this platform in the last several years is by my hand alone. Far more than ninety percent, and in numerous G+ groups often ninety nine percent. I am the entire strength of the Buddhist teaching on this platform, and I was just warming up.
This online work is a major investment and primary social strategy for several key reasons.
For me the loss of this platform is completely disastrous, in particular for my Buddhist teaching and related wisdom culture work.
In addition during this extremely short window I will be pushing out key references for yoga, East Asian mysticism, and psychology and self-development. Altho far less than I wanted to publish. Still, highest quality stuff.
Plus a last round of key resources for counter-jihad.
It's a lot of work, a lot of responsibility.
I mean, I could easily spend fifty hours a week doing the wrap up work here for several major categories.
Even in that case, whatever I do will be less than half what is needed.
Nobody else on this platform has that kind of capability.
For example, I decisively won eleven hundred consecutive arguments on Political Islam, mainly in 2016 - 2017. I'm the main counter-jihad guy on this platform.
More generally, I am well-known as the main free speecher and main free society / civic nationalist organizer here.
People who have real capacities and capabilities bear a definite responsibility to make effective social use of these to help others.
This is especially true in a time of increasing social instability, irrationality, dishonesty as policy, brutally divisive propaganda and naked aggression.
[ Many people on this platform and in the universities would be failed by my seventh grade English teacher in Cincinnati.
I will have to give some key references for critical thinking, debate, and negotiation. Maybe some people will listen. ]
This work is very much about consciousness raising in a time of massive barbarism and fundamental threats to western civilization.
Barbarism is not a mere insult but rather has a specific meaning and litmus test.
It is opposition to free speech and fundamental dishonesty.
Fascistbook, Twitter, Nazism, Marxism-Leninism, Cultural Marxism, ethnonationalism and Political Islam. Plus Londonistan, Germany and the EU Parliament.
Five years ago I would not have expected a tenth this much evil.
Today I would be considered a thought criminal and persona non-grata in both the United Kingdom and Germany, no joke.
I study all that political and social stuff. Because it really matters. The future of western civilization looks increasingly dark and dangerous.
We definitely need more good people to fight the good fight, a most difficult challenge now often criminalized and made nearly impossible in many ways.
The basis for the crucial free society work is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, free speech and social connectivity, plus real communication and social skills. It is very much a matter of waking people up.
The fundamental approach is principled and humanitarian, essentially anti-dogmatic, and the archetypal model for my own work is samurai practice and kung fu, meaning discipline, skill, formal combat, determination and responsibility.
Bruce Lee is a huge influence in all aspects of my work. And the Shao Lin kung fu model he inherited emphasizes effort, respect, co-operation, loyalty and teamwork, and the deepest commitment.
I'm on the team and I work alone.
I have done and will do my part. My contribution is completely unique.
Marilyn Ferguson [ whom I met in 1983 ] would be really happy to see what I have accomplished.
Same goes for Rolling Thunder and Wallace Black Elk and my Buddhist lineage father Grandmaster LU Sheng-Yen.
It is common for the muggles and materialists to sneer at wizards, mystics and Buddhist teachers.
In particular, people want to spit on me and abuse me much of the time. For being one of the very very few demonstrably good guys around here. SMH.
I get called a lot of things. I don't actually care.
However I am a Buddhist mystic and teacher and I got the job done on this platform when no one else did.
"There is method in my madness", the modern military systems analyst techie kind, and the ancient Chinese military strategy kind: Sun Tzu is where I live. It's a hybrid approach, a warfare model of politics.
It is a model of risk management, conflict, and war on all levels, literally all levels. And it is extremely practical and rigorous.
Because this is a time of enormous risks and even open calls for violence against noncombatants and police and death threats against high school kids.
Things get worse not better. For this reason honest and effective co-operation is most essential. To get thru times like these what a person needs is a good team.
Plus patience and self-discipline and independent critical thinking.
That is my advice as a [ non-western non-clinical ] Buddhist psychologist and counselor.
One of my Tibetan lamas said this to us in 1987 at a church in Seattle:
"When you can do what others cannot do, THEN you are a bodhisattva."
That is what I teach, and that is always a universal approach. And you can really see it in the concrete example of this post.
A capable Buddhist teacher emphasizes the Big Things. And the Big Picture. I am no different.
In the domain of social platforms my work is to get people to good tools and good resources and functional principles and models.
And some good music, like Joni Mitchell.
Now you know.
I have Kept The Faith.
Carpe Diem. Seize The Day.
"We are here to help others. What the others are here for I do not know."
Love And Struggle And Big Things: Social Outreach / Organizing In Theory And Practice
"Many many men can't see the open road."
Led Zeppelin, Over The Hills And Far Away
"We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, our ravages.
Our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to transform them in
ourselves and others."
Albert Camus
"And all we ever wanted was to come in from the cold."
Joni Mitchell
"Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all."
Chess master Mikhail Chigorin
It is entirely possible that a thousand or more members of this G+ group learned of it from my posts and the scores of reshares for my G+ migration toolkit posts. Of course, we don't know. But that is my reasonable expectation, and I have huge street cred.
The point is that much of the necessary outreach work for G+ migration is now done.
Specifically, I have now completed outreach for G+ migration to over eight million G+ memberships.
I expect to easily reach ten million in the next two weeks, and my goal is twelve million. My reach is very very broad.
Of course, these numbers are very rough and many people are already leaving behind G+.
There remain significant misinformation and misdirections concerning the shutdown that I see even today in front of many, even the claim that G+ shutdown is a hoax, or giving the wrong shutdown date [ which can of course change arbitrarily ].
Five minutes ago I pushed my basic overall outreach communique to G+ WOA Animal, N ~ 433K.
Their managers have already decided to migrate to Fascistbook.
I do not try to "tell people what to do", but in this case as in others I present different options and the two G+ migration communities.
Overall I see large scale movement towards MeWe, as well as some significant movement towards Fascistbook.
I will not present here the big overall list of new MeWe grefugee groups, but these groups are very diverse and international.
Quite a few are Spanish language, as I just learned a couple days back.
I never said MeWe is "the way to go". It does look like MeWe is becoming a big winner in the migrations sweepstakes, and I tell people that this should be a good rendezvous point for this year.
Perhaps in two years there will be a much better alternative. The point is to have some kinda plan, to have a workable next step and sustainability. Not to get married to a platform in the Catholic sense.
I have done literally "global" outreach for G+ migration, including in Thai language, and outreach to very different G+ communities, such as the large G+ Voices Of Africa and G+ Native American, the major G+ western pagan group, many G+ spiritual groups, Buddhist groups, some G+ natural medicine groups, the main counter-jihad group and so forth.
I have employed book recommendations on herbal medicine and teaching articles on Buddhist mysticism as carriers for G+ migration tools outreach on major G+ groups.
F'rinstance G+ Tea Lovers, N ~ 200K.
Clearly I am the [ hard core ] community organizer type. That requires a certain frame of mind that few people ever develop.
It happens to be my job as a professional Buddhist spiritual doctor here in the West. Community organizing is a large set of skills that can be taught and learned.
What platform migration outreach remains for me to do is for some G+ political groups and some general interest groups.
My focus is very much on re-establishing substantial social connectivity, and it looks that MeWe is one of the better options, tho not the kind that works well for me.
I have also done a lot of strategic deep and broad migration type work concerning Buddhist communication following the April shutdown.
Specifically I have already broadcast concerning two major online global Buddhist communications platforms both to Buddhist and non-Buddhist groups.
There are several more such Buddhist communications resources I will put forward.
My Buddhist propaganda / teaching / community work has now reached over four point two million G+ memberships. It will soon reach five million.
Almost all the real and effective Buddhist teaching on this platform in the last several years is by my hand alone. Far more than ninety percent, and in numerous G+ groups often ninety nine percent. I am the entire strength of the Buddhist teaching on this platform, and I was just warming up.
This online work is a major investment and primary social strategy for several key reasons.
For me the loss of this platform is completely disastrous, in particular for my Buddhist teaching and related wisdom culture work.
In addition during this extremely short window I will be pushing out key references for yoga, East Asian mysticism, and psychology and self-development. Altho far less than I wanted to publish. Still, highest quality stuff.
Plus a last round of key resources for counter-jihad.
It's a lot of work, a lot of responsibility.
I mean, I could easily spend fifty hours a week doing the wrap up work here for several major categories.
Even in that case, whatever I do will be less than half what is needed.
Nobody else on this platform has that kind of capability.
For example, I decisively won eleven hundred consecutive arguments on Political Islam, mainly in 2016 - 2017. I'm the main counter-jihad guy on this platform.
More generally, I am well-known as the main free speecher and main free society / civic nationalist organizer here.
People who have real capacities and capabilities bear a definite responsibility to make effective social use of these to help others.
This is especially true in a time of increasing social instability, irrationality, dishonesty as policy, brutally divisive propaganda and naked aggression.
[ Many people on this platform and in the universities would be failed by my seventh grade English teacher in Cincinnati.
I will have to give some key references for critical thinking, debate, and negotiation. Maybe some people will listen. ]
This work is very much about consciousness raising in a time of massive barbarism and fundamental threats to western civilization.
Barbarism is not a mere insult but rather has a specific meaning and litmus test.
It is opposition to free speech and fundamental dishonesty.
Fascistbook, Twitter, Nazism, Marxism-Leninism, Cultural Marxism, ethnonationalism and Political Islam. Plus Londonistan, Germany and the EU Parliament.
Five years ago I would not have expected a tenth this much evil.
Today I would be considered a thought criminal and persona non-grata in both the United Kingdom and Germany, no joke.
I study all that political and social stuff. Because it really matters. The future of western civilization looks increasingly dark and dangerous.
We definitely need more good people to fight the good fight, a most difficult challenge now often criminalized and made nearly impossible in many ways.
The basis for the crucial free society work is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, free speech and social connectivity, plus real communication and social skills. It is very much a matter of waking people up.
The fundamental approach is principled and humanitarian, essentially anti-dogmatic, and the archetypal model for my own work is samurai practice and kung fu, meaning discipline, skill, formal combat, determination and responsibility.
Bruce Lee is a huge influence in all aspects of my work. And the Shao Lin kung fu model he inherited emphasizes effort, respect, co-operation, loyalty and teamwork, and the deepest commitment.
I'm on the team and I work alone.
I have done and will do my part. My contribution is completely unique.
Marilyn Ferguson [ whom I met in 1983 ] would be really happy to see what I have accomplished.
Same goes for Rolling Thunder and Wallace Black Elk and my Buddhist lineage father Grandmaster LU Sheng-Yen.
It is common for the muggles and materialists to sneer at wizards, mystics and Buddhist teachers.
In particular, people want to spit on me and abuse me much of the time. For being one of the very very few demonstrably good guys around here. SMH.
I get called a lot of things. I don't actually care.
However I am a Buddhist mystic and teacher and I got the job done on this platform when no one else did.
"There is method in my madness", the modern military systems analyst techie kind, and the ancient Chinese military strategy kind: Sun Tzu is where I live. It's a hybrid approach, a warfare model of politics.
It is a model of risk management, conflict, and war on all levels, literally all levels. And it is extremely practical and rigorous.
Because this is a time of enormous risks and even open calls for violence against noncombatants and police and death threats against high school kids.
Things get worse not better. For this reason honest and effective co-operation is most essential. To get thru times like these what a person needs is a good team.
Plus patience and self-discipline and independent critical thinking.
That is my advice as a [ non-western non-clinical ] Buddhist psychologist and counselor.
One of my Tibetan lamas said this to us in 1987 at a church in Seattle:
"When you can do what others cannot do, THEN you are a bodhisattva."
That is what I teach, and that is always a universal approach. And you can really see it in the concrete example of this post.
A capable Buddhist teacher emphasizes the Big Things. And the Big Picture. I am no different.
In the domain of social platforms my work is to get people to good tools and good resources and functional principles and models.
And some good music, like Joni Mitchell.
Now you know.
I have Kept The Faith.
Carpe Diem. Seize The Day.
"We are here to help others. What the others are here for I do not know."
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