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hello again, some time ago I made a publication asking about platforms similar to g + to be able to move.

hello again, some time ago I made a publication asking about platforms similar to g + to be able to move. I would like you to recommend me according to your experience since I am comfortable with the g + interface and I understand that mewe limits you contacts and does not let you follow someone without their approval. They could recommend something similar to G + with respect to profile and followers.


  1. MeWe or Pluspora. I have accounts on both. Most plussers I know are on MeWe but I like Pluspora better personally. I am using both for the time.

  2. MeWe and Minds, though Minds UI lags considerably behind, it does rest on a theoretically better and near impossible to censor platform.

  3. Wenn das Interesse auf Foto und Kunst aller Art liegt...
    Ich bin inzwischen mit dem kostenlosen Flickr Konto sehr zufrieden!!!
    Flickr ist sehr ähnlich wie G+...
    Falls du es nimmst...
    Da die Möglichkeiten des Flickr Konto so umfangreich sind, erscheint es anfänglich etwas verwirrend...
    Aber wenn du Fragen hast, können wir hier versuchen, die Fragen zu klären. Denn hier haben wir einen gut funktionierenden Übersetzer!! ;)
    Die vollen Möglichkeiten des Flickr Konto bekommst du, wenn du es über PC/Laptop verwendest...
    Die Funktionen sind etwas reduziert, wenn du es über Smartphone/Tablet verwendest...
    Aber nach einiger Zeit wirst du beide Zugangsarten schätzen, denn es hat jeweils unterschiedliche Vorteile! ;)
    Wenn du es über PC/Laptop nutzt...
    Viele verwenden den Chrome Browser und haben Google Translate in Chrome integriert.
    Sie sagen, dass dadurch eine Fremdsprache auch in Flickr übersetzt wird.
    Ich kann es nicht überprüfen, da ich ein Tablet verwende... Und mit Tablet funktioniert das Übersetzen in andere Sprachen bei mir nicht!!!
    Aber keine Sorge...
    Ich kann nur die deutsche Sprache und komme inzwischen trotzdem auf Flickr sehr gut zurecht. ;))
    Das kostenlose Konto ist auf max. 1.000 hochauflösende Fotos/Videos begrenzt.
    Es zählen nur die eigenen Bilder einmalig, die in das eigene Konto hochgeladen werden!!!
    Man kann das eigene Bild ohne erneute Stückzahl Zählung unbesorgt in unterschiedliche Gruppen teilen! Es gibt dort keine Kopien, so wie hier auf G+. ;)
    Wenn man das 1.000 Limit erreicht, kann man alte Fotos löschen, oder in ein unbegreztes Pro Konto [$49,99 Jahresbeitrag] wechseln. Wenn man von kostenlos auf Pro wechselt, kann man eventuell einen reduzierten Jahresbeitrag für das erste Jahr bekommen, denn anscheinend gibt es derartige Aktionen.
    Beste Grüße : ))

    Es gibt dort inzwischen eine Gruppe Google+ Refugees , die versucht alle, die von G+ nach Flickr kommen zu versammeln...
    Damit die Menschen nicht verloren gehen und sich leichter wiederfinden!!

  4. I'm really liking It has an interface similar to here, and I feel very comfortable using it so far. The functionality was slow at first, but they've changed servers and are now running much better.

    The downside is it's really REALLY new and hasn't a ton of members just yet.

    But I'm on Pluspora and MeWe as well, although I've not done much with the latter. -

  5. Lady Morte and all... Same here.
    Dear Wolf - Researching it, I've found there is no one thing , no one platform which offers all that G+ does/did in one place, from public or selective posts by circles to easy sharing of YouTube, promotion/marketing, chatting via "hangouts", promoting, marketing, building communities and friendships... "our home" for so many good things.

    Trying both for about 6 weeks now, preferring Pluspora for display/preview (posting) interface, the quality of discussions and music shares, and photography (my thing). And with "aspects" (what the original G+ Circles were modeled on). Control over "reach" - and public option too. MeWe offers great phone-based emoji-rich chat and disappearing texts, but all within "the walled garden" of desirable contacts and (yes) robots and bad elements too, though avoidable with care.

    My summary. Been writing/talking a lot. Nothing = Google+, and depending on your wants, it likely takes a few spots to cover all your "wants" and needs, be they privacy or publicity, music/cartoon sharing or a place to "hang out" & peruse or participate in collections and communities. You can find a little of that re-forming in MeWe "groups" (esp. a lot of G+ photographers, who have a group, and "G+ refugees") and many photographers returning to or discovering Flickr - less "social", more serious photo feedback, and exif display etc. And bloggers are heading to the pora*s and exporting Gb's of files to Wordpress/Blogger homes.

    It's good to feel settled in somewhat, as people still are flooding into MeWe, and the pora*s - esp. Pluspora for G+ers. Google's bulldozers may arrive any moment. Save memories you can, and try to hook up with important buddies now, & plan for future life.Not to forget, many are still safely happy on FB, or moving groups there - though I'm not one of them, nor are there likely many "here" running to (or having high regard for) FB. Sorry for the length. Tired, & frazzled.

    My 2 cents +

  6. Pluspora is a bit too nerdy/intellectual oriented. MeWe is sleazier, Mastodon is incredibly cumbersome. It depends on what you're looking for in a social platform.

  7. I want engagement. Not standing on a soapbox and shouting into deafening silence. I blog and have engagement in comments.
    Not a photographer, I want words (content and context) with my 'pretty pictures' - for that, I follow blogs on Feedly.

  8. Note, MeWe is about to add profile following. They just rolled out Open Posts, which can be viewed by anyone on MeWe.

  9. ChaNo Well, geez. When you put it that way, I guess the best social media option is gently applying a cheese grater to my face and rubbing vigorously.

  10. Familiar Purrson Oh, nice! Thank you for the additional option. I detest MeWe thus far. :/

  11. Tony Payson Eh.... The alternatives to G+ aren't too heartening....

  12. Instagram seems to be ok, there are photos videos and following

  13. Dear Wolf The official policy of G+MM is that we do not specifically advocate or recommend platforms. We will, in exceptional cases, recommend against platforms, as is the case with MeWe. Use Community Search to find articles, or a listing as well here:

    Our general recommendations on How To Choose a Platform:

    Discuss or research your contacts', friends' and associates' plans. Where your social group goes will be the most significant determinant, generally.
    Pick a site or platform that exists and is viable *NOW**.* If at all possible, that has some years of proven history.
    Distinguish between "skin" and "bone" factors. It's the deep and integral features of a site, its bones, that have the biggest impact on its long-term trends. Topical skin elements, such as site layout, mobile app, etc., can be improved (if poor) or hide many deeper issues (if flashy).
    Consider the business, business model, trust, reliability, and community. These are all bone factors that can have tremendous impacts on a site or platform. They tend not to change radically, and rarely improve, if not currently good or viable.
    Preserve your future options. Decisions now that don't lock you into a single choice are likely best.
    Think of your own goals. What do you want or need to get out of your social media / online experience? Do you simply need private chat? Public visibility? Microblogging? Social networking? A full blog? Something more complex? Simple tools like SMS chat, instant messenger apps, email, RSS, and blogs remain surprisingly effective.
    Does the option give you control over your own data? Having to move your content, contacts, photos, and other online data is painful, slow, and possibly expensive. Insuring against having to do this again may be valuable.
    Privacy, cost, complexity, accessibility, and usefulness all deserve consideration. Think of what you care for and what you don't want. Add other concerns you may have.

    As you look at your goals, your circle's plans (or lack), the options, and what you do and don't want from them, you should find your options narrowing to a few possibilities. It's all but certain these won't address all your wants. But they should address basic needs and not present showstoppers. - FAQ - PlexodusWiki

    There's no reason to limit yourself to one option, and it's likely that a selection, and a focus on open protocols and standards will maximise flexibility. Picking and announcing 3-5 future sites is probably a good plan. Include some major and well-known options, including email (the universal standard), and possibly one or more of Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or a blog, all likely to be stable and durable options. Explore other possibilities as suits your needs.

    And set up a presence on at least one of the larger G+ Exodus Communities so you can stay in touch with others:

  14. Michael Fenichel​ und Alle!!!
    Meine Erfahrung zeigt, Flickr kann auch gut als soziales verwendet werden.
    Ich kann in den Kommentaren unter dem jeweiligen Bild, mit Flickr Freunden hin und her kommentieren...
    Es funktioniert sehr gut, wenn man es will.
    Einige machen es, andere machen es nicht. ;)

    Und einige nutzen auch die integrierte FlickrMail Funktion... Um sich mit den Flickr Freunden privat auszutauschen!!
    Die Funktionen kann man erkennen, wenn man PC/Laptop verwendet.
    Wenn man PC/Laptop verwendet, hat man sehr umfangreiche Möglichkeiten der Konto Nutzung...
    Wenn man Smartphone/Tablet verwendet, sind die Möglichkeiten etwas eingeschränkt!!

    In Flickr gibt es alle Arten der Fotoliebhaber... Anfänger Fotos, Hobby Fotografen und Profis. Alle Fotoqualitäten sind dort zu sehen!!
    Und es gibt für alle Bereiche Gruppen [Community's]. ;)

    Tatsächlich, wenn man die Möglichkeiten des Flickr Konto kennen gelernt hat...
    Wenn man es über PC/Laptop verwendet...
    Das Flickr Konto ist sehr, sehr ähnlich, wie hier auf G+...
    Man kann Kreise einrichten [öffentlich, privat, Familie und Freunde], man kann eigene Alben [wie Sammlungen auf G+] erstellen, man kann Gruppen [Community's] beitreten. Und es ist empfehlenswert die eigenen Bilder in Gruppen zu teilen!!! Man kann Favorisieren [wie das "+" hier auf G+], man kann lange oder kurze Kommentare unter die Bilder schreiben... ;))
    Wenn man den Tipp vieler Flickr Nutzer berücksichtigt, dann soll es sogar mit der Sprachübersetzung einfach sein!
    Viele verwenden den PC/Laptop für ihr Flickr Konto...
    Viele verwenden den Chrome Browser und haben Google Translate darin integriert...
    Dadurch können sie dann die Fremdsprachen übersetzen!!
    Bei mir funktioniert das leider nicht, denn ich verwende ein Tablet.
    Aber inzwischen wissen das einige Flickr Freunde...
    Und diese sind so nett, sie übersetzen ihren Kommentar und schreiben es für mich in deutsch.
    Schon daran kann man erkennen, dass auch Flickr ein sehr nettes, soziales Netzwerk sein kann. :))

  15. Andi Droid What you say is "spot on" (via translation, that would be "perfectly stated"). Isn't Google translation wonderful? Missing it, elsewhere.

    I do agree with all you say about flickr, being among its earliest users who still uses it, though with less posting during the realm of Google + (because on G+ I combine photography with music sharing, pure "social", 'hangouts', etc.)

    I love Flickr. Even with some changes and the loss of some active members there, it endures as one of the best places there is for exploring and sharing the joys of photography. So I am a little "protective" of keeping it a wonderful haven for true photo enthusiasts, and would not be happy to start seeing cat emojis and animated .gifs popping up, like FB or MeWe. That's just not my thing, though that's the preferred online lifestyle of many.

    I agree - as both a user and a social scientist- Flickr has a "social" component , in the commenting, messages, etc. I like the "groups", now exploding in numbers; They are oriented towards display, sharing, getting feedback (by way of "faves" and comments), and "following" other photographers, some of whom (for me) have become longtime friends.

    Edward Morbius provides a good list of practical priorities and choices to consider, re: platform. My own "context and perspective" (my mantra) is that no two people have the exact experience or desires for "social" hanging out online. Some tap into the constant flow of real-time chat and/or tweets and/or FB. Some do like that on MeWe too (which IMM is very similar to FB, but I'll skip the comparison for now). Others are busy with blogs or posting art work ( too, for that, aside from Instagram, etc.)

    I've been preaching a long, long time that to be most content with a platform or online population (or anything!) , there needs to be a good match on individual needs and preferences. And then, some places and circumstances allow for little choice, given limited Internet, or access to phones-only, e.g.)

    So, in sum, "do what feels best for YOU" - and seek whatever makes Google+ rewarding to you - be it the easy global social platform with posting & chat, or groups / communities, or making & sharing albums and collections, exchanging music or poetry, participating in technical/ developer forums or projects, whatever..... Google+ was an integrated platform where people could use all or any of the features in "one stop browsing" - with search indexing, easy translation (yes, esp. with Chrome) and the once-lovely "circle" system, allowing for varying level of public vs. targeted posts.

    I'll spare all my thoughts on the tone-deafness and "be evil" attitude at Google. ;)

  16. Try LifeCloud. There's a Google+ data importer allowing you to easily import your posts, communities, and collections: - Google+ Data Importer - LifeCloud

  17. The biggest factor for me is where are my current friends going. That's about 50% mewe, 25% pluspora, 10% other, 2% Livejournal, 1% Facebook, and the rest seem like they're just going to drop off social media. Personally I don't think there's a good replacement for G+.

  18. Leonard Harris try this: - - LifeCloud

    And imported Google+ community

  19. Leonard Harris Sometimes you've got to be the beacon.

    Consider this: MeWe and Facebook are effectively black holes. Content goes in, but little or anything comes out. Those who go there will simply disappear.

    LiveJournal is actually part of the Open Web, by way of RSS. Most blogging platforms are, as is Reddit and Pluspora (as well as Diaspora, Friendica, Hubzilla, etc.). These are places to be seen.

    I've also been thinking that to a large extent social media simply doesn't really serve people's needs. It, or a limited form of it, is attractive (if not actually useful) for teens, who tend to socialise hyperactively, but don't have to do it in front of the whole world. Marketers, propagandists, and fascists certainly seem to benefit by it.

    There's a set of participants who've wound up on social media mostly because the more epistemic systems they'd prefer (including blogs and the like) simply weren't sufficiently in vogue, or holding enough traction.

    On G+, what I noticed fairly early on was that activity tended to centre on people, most especially good hosts. People like +Yonatan Zunger (who built the damned site), or John Baez, or David Brin, or the now-departed Meep, who just had damned good conversations. Sometimes deep, sometimes fun, often both. And they drew a crowd.

    Google tried a few other routes. "Pages" (which I still don't understand). "Communities" (which can work -- see this here, though they often didn't). "Collections" (a way for hosts to more clearly indicate topics). But it was mostly the hosts model that seemed to work best so far as I could tell.

    Have you considered throwing some parties? Maybe you should?

  20. Lady Morte I have both MeWe and Pluspora as well. I like the UI of Pluspora, MeWe, not so much. Same user name on both?

  21. Michael Fenichel
    ... ;))
    Tatsächlich denke ich, ein integrierter Übersetzer, so wie es hier bei G+ ist...
    In unserer Zeit sollte eine integrierte Übersetzer-Funktion ganz grundsätzlich Standard sein!
    Und das auf allen Plattformen!! Völlig egal ob soziale Netzwerke, Informationsseiten oder Marktplätze...
    Da das www die Menschen weltweit verbindet, darf es nicht als normal angesehen werden, dass nur eine Sprache für die Kommunikation verwendet wird.
    Die fehlende Übersetzer Funktion teilt die Menschen in zwei Gruppen... In eine privilegierte Gruppe der Teilhaber und in eine zweite Gruppe. Die Gruppe der von Teilhabe ausgeschlossenen Menschen, die nicht die gleiche Sprache sprechen. Und so etwas sollte es in unserer Zeit wirklich nicht mehr geben!!!

    Ah!,... ja, ich verstehe... und falls du einmal auf meinem Flickr Konto vorbeikommen solltest, dann wirst du sehen, dass einiges auch nicht "mein" Ding ist! ;)
    Allzeit eine gute Zeit, für dich und... Beste Grüße : ))

  22. Michael Fenichel one of the things I will miss from G+ is being able to tell the GIFs to freeze, unless, I ask you to move. HATE things animated on my screen.
    Can you not block people on Flickr if they only offer emojis and GIFs?

  23. Leonard Harris that distribution means you need to feed and follow many streams. I have burnout!


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