Originally shared by Dima Pasechnik
Being kicked off G+
You can find me on
Mastodon: @ dimpase @ functional.cafe (not much there for now)
Twitter: @ dimpase (I tend to lose myself there and engage in flamewars,
so this is used irregularly)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitrii-pasechnik/ (not much there either)
github: http://github.com/dimpase (a lot of my software-related activities are there)
gitlab: http://gitlab.com/dimpase
Being kicked off G+
You can find me on
Mastodon: @ dimpase @ functional.cafe (not much there for now)
Twitter: @ dimpase (I tend to lose myself there and engage in flamewars,
so this is used irregularly)
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitrii-pasechnik/ (not much there either)
github: http://github.com/dimpase (a lot of my software-related activities are there)
gitlab: http://gitlab.com/dimpase