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some more background on MeWe - Tim said in a Reuters event 3 days ago he "fears that someone takes over the web" -...

some more background on MeWe - Tim said in a Reuters event 3 days ago he "fears that someone takes over the web" - see -> 21:50


  1. Ohhh Gosh...l signed in...Said...Session ended...Blocked me immediately....I didn't allow access to my contacts list...

  2. Every social network is infested with nasty vile things because there are millions of nasty vile people. You can't expect a computer platform to change fundamental human nature. Stop blaming it on social networks. These people have always existed.

  3. While he's on the advisory board, I wouldn't call MeWe his 'app'.
    (Also, why does everything have to be called an 'app', especially when it's actually a platform rather than just an app.)

  4. I am on MeWe along with many other soon-to-be-evicted G+ veterans. We are neither neo-Nazis or perverts, nor do we sell guns ...that I know of.

    While I don't associate with these offensive people, I won't deny their existence, they are everywhere ...I don't hang with them in those places either.

    I also don't hang out on Facebook, where they collect and lie about selling your data, while also censoring and terminating accounts of those who point out the human rights violations, ethnic cleansing and illegal occupation of Palestine because it's in conflict of Zuk's narrative.

    Twitter tolerates a president that violates their "acceptable use" policies multiple times on any given day.

    So where does one go from here? MeWe states they are for free speech -- they also say bullying and hate speech and racism won't be tolerated. For now, I'll report and watch how these principles and policies are enforced.

  5. And in other news, YouTube comments contain trolls.

  6. I've been there 3 months. I have not come into contact with thesse people. That said, Apple has apparently dropped their app.

    And I agree. Every single social network has these people.

  7. Mitcy Dupres Many of the "Pages" on Mewe are an open sore full of haters and trolls.

  8. Eric Buijs What do you think that cost Zuk and Co?

  9. John Soanes as are Google+, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter et al.
    I've been on MeWe for over 3 months. There is no difference in the proportion than here.

  10. Tessa Schlesinger Who do you think paid Apple to drop the app?

    I also don't think it a coincidence that as MeWe gains ground the attacks by Bots, Sex and otherwise escalates.

    Think Facebook's credibility attacks on George Soros

  11. John Soanes You mean that mewe became competition for Apple? would it be competition? I do think it's an attack on mewe.

  12. Eric Buijs Yes, I saw that. And Google dropped Amazon when it became competition, etc. We don't know what is going on behind the scenes.

    I do know that there are just as many haters on facebook, google plus, twitter, reddit, etc. If you honestly think that any platform that gets a lot of followers will be without those haters, I'd like to know what it is. Not interested in a platform with 9000 members, i.e.pluspora.

  13. Tessa Schlesinger No, I said WHO do you think paid Apple to drop the Mewe app.

  14. John Soanes as any platform crosses a certain popularity threshold, it'll gain more and more bots and scammers. Like any business, scammers and spammers target the larger audiences where they're more likely to catch some customers victims, and will be more likely to not catch as much attention by the platform's enforcement as they can hide among the numbers.
    This does not necessarily mean it's being targeted by competition.

  15. chuck patenaude You might like to read throught he comments.

  16. Mitcy Dupres I agree, it comes down to who you Follow/Join.

    Most of my interaction on MeWe is photography/travel based, as it is on G+.

    I do follow a few Pages from News orgs which is where I'm exposed to the above mentioned Underbelly of Social Media / Society. I believe MeWe will have to address this bad behavior as they sell Pages for revenue, the owner currently has no control over the comments on the billboard they're paying for.

  17. Filip H.F. Slagter "not necessarily" but highly likely. Facebook has been caught attacking their critics, why not their competition? They have been hemorrhaging users for some time; last thing they want is an alternative that THEY don't own..

    Not dissimilar to a new airline launching, only to find competition selling their routes well below anyone's' cost.

  18. I'm finding MeWe is really good. Like any social network there are idiots there, but it's all about who you choose to connect with. That's true in real life too; eg: there are Nazis in rl, just don't invite them to dinner.

  19. Bryan Ruby I agree. I am a little tired of the Pluspora mob trying to discourage people from going to mewe.

  20. /sound of pitchforks being sharpened

  21. Also, fwiw with MeWe, I'm not a fan of the groups, but I find myself not using them; I just have my main wall/stream, a growing set of personal contacts, and I post publicly. Same way I use G+.

  22. If you want social justice gatekeepers on your social media app, go for it. Free people will go elsewhere. shrug

  23. Just an observation from speeches made by Weinstein, There appears to be some bad blood between Zuck and Weinstein and there has been a bit of propaganda and misinformation being spread by FB, to turn people away from MeWe, from what i gather it isn't working.

  24. Anyway, Mewe people, please will you add me on the platform. I"m finding it really difficult to find Plussers there.

  25. Tessa Schlesinger Sent an invitation. I thought I already had you as a contact on MeWe, but I didn't. My contact list on MeWe is set to visible. As far as I know, all are plussers. Feel free to raid it. That's why I have it set visible.

  26. Phillip Landmeier Okay. I haven't looked at that. I will. :) Just accepted you. :)

  27. Tessa Schlesinger Yup. Gotcha. The main reason for the creation of "landing zone" groups on MeWe back in October was so we plussers could find each other and then raid each others' contact lists. I'll drop a few invitations to groups on you that might interest you. Feel free to ignore them. I'll include the largest G+ landing zone group that contains several thousand members.

  28. Phillip Landmeier That will be great. I also opened a Authentic Google Plus group for the same reason, but I'm happy to forward everybody to your group and close mine.

  29. Tessa Schlesinger No need. I only admin a couple of special interest groups like Canon Photography. All the invites I sent are to groups that are well and strictly managed.

  30. Phillip Landmeier I am curious about something. I love photography, and I have spent far too many years of my life with a camera at my fingertips. Those who have seen my photography have thought I'm professional. I'm not. Just years of experience, and an artist's eye. However, I have never really thought of sharing my photography. I don't see the point. There are so many pictures on the web. I would just be adding to the crowd. So I have a quesiton for you. Why are there photographer's sites? What's the point? Does one sell on them?

  31. Tessa Schlesinger One can sell on Flickr. I have about 6,000 pics there. On social media groups it's just a group of photographers appreciating each other's work.

  32. Phillip Landmeier Ah.I have thought of joining a photographer site to sell. Prmarily, I'm interested in selling some ofmy lady father''s photos - from about 1920, and previous family photos fromabout 1890. My photos are predominantly travel, scenic, architecture.

  33. Tessa Schlesinger Im a hobby photographer that enjoys sharing with others and also learning from them, I have some groups on MeWe that you maybe interested in? I do sell some of my work through Redbubble and i have a shop setup on MeWe's "Pages" you may want to check it out for your written work? - MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.

  34. John Phillips Okay. Will join. Thanks. :)

  35. Wait, there are apps that are NOT used by neo-Nazis and perverts? How does the app detect that its user is not neo-Nazi / pervert?

  36. František Fuka thats easy! You take anyone who disagrees with your version of utopianism, or who just personally disagrees with you, and you ban them. You adopt a 1940s model of "decency" and justify it with some social justice or ideological generalization and apply it to people you don't like and... Talk to the 3 people you have left on your network.

  37. John Phillips are you in MeWe ? Checking, I see a John Phillips with an icey smiley, and a John Phillips people picture. Wondering (1) generally, how to get more connections, as in (2) accurately identifying desired intended contacts in MeWe vs blanket inviting the several having the certain name (3) any additional MeWe or Mastodon or Reddit tips... As I learn in Mastodon I am building a tip sheet or a tip thread there in my own ***** and @dassinger@Mastodon.technical and may do the same in MeWe (4)May i contact then follow you on MeWe, or (5) where? Awesome photos. I enjoy scenic, travel images very much, from many photographers, videographers, travelers who generously choose to feature or share great images.Don Dassinger central Phoenix Arizona

  38. Mitcy Dupres OK. Will do. Tomorrow. It's late here.

  39. Tessa Schlesinger it's a meme community mostly, but they're all plussers.

  40. g plus refugees seems like the best g+ group on MeWe

  41. Mitcy Dupres That's for sure. I got trolled last year for a single political comment. The usual thing: I said something mildly left-leaning, and got called names, in the FOX News (sic) manner. It was just one person, but still offensive.

  42. There are some excellent comments on here about the MeWe "right-wing" controversy. I'm left-leaning, and I've been on MeWe for ages now. I haven't had a single right-wing nut-job accost me in any way, nor have I seen a pile of sex-spam. I have had "contact requests" from obvious sex-spammers, but I always just block and move on. Absolutely no trouble whatsoever. Maybe I'm lucky. Maybe it's maybelline.

  43. Michael Ireland I'm trying to add you on mewe, but there are three Michael Ireland's. Which are you? :)

  44. Tessa Schlesinger I'll grab my link ...

  45. Tessa Schlesinger For many of the photographers I associate with on the Plus, the purpose of sharing our work is to learn from each other, improve our own work, and sometimes collaborate on group projects and themes. Since joining G+ during the beta days, that's become my main activity here, and losing our communities when this place shuts down is something we will mourn. (We're recreating a lot of our communities on Facebook and the Flickr photo service - not because we love those platforms, but because they at least appear relatively stable for the foreseeable future.) Some of us are also developing our own photoblogs so we won't have to rely on any social network to still be there in the future.

  46. Pat Kight Thank you What is your facebook photography group called?

  47. What is the URL for Google Plus Expats. I left by mistake. (Sorry, still tryingto work out a lot of stuff). When I do a search for it, I can't find it. This is why I opened up another Google group because when I searched for Google groups I couldn't find any.

  48. Tessa Schlesinger I just sent you a MeWe invite

  49. Michael Ireland I just sent you a MeWe invite, simply because of your comment above that I plussed.

  50. MeWe is used by neo-Nazis and perverts

    Yet another 'Fake News' story by the Mainstream Media... deeply threatened by those of us seeking peer to peer contact rather than getting 'the straight goods' from "the Thought Police". Anyone wondering why The Sunday Times needs a paywall while MeWe, Pluspora, Friendica, Hubzilla, Mastodon et al are free and growing daily in popularity?

  51. Tessa Schlesinger re: tired of the Pluspora mob?
    In my case, the giant social media monolith that is dumping us out in the cold has successfully been replaced by a couple of micro social media sites to great new advantage. By joining MeWe and a Fediverse site, I'm having as much fun as I've ever had on G+ (Please note that a Fediverse site like Pluspora 'Federates' (connects with) Friendica, Hubzilla, Mastodon etc) If G+'ers are not on MeWe, they can likely be found in the Fediverse. Instead of one G+ account, I now have two accounts; MeWe and Pluspora. Im finding the same people and more with greater diversity in location, language and ideology. May I suggest you join Pluspora or Friendica as well?

  52. Wayne Brander Nope. I tried Pluspora. I didn't like the GUI. Also, there was a sort of cult bragadocia about it that put me off.

    As I have lived and worked and traveled on four continents and been to many countries, I am not short of diversity.

    Aldo, I am already spread too thin. If you google me, you'll see just how many places I am!

    But thanks for your kind thought.

  53. Wayne Brander From what I've read here, Pluspora sounds very confusing, and I'm not clear on how one connects with other G+'ers: whether one needs to do something in particular, or join some particular group, or whatnot.

  54. Steve Vasta Thanks for your comment Steve.
    Pluspora is a pod of Diaspora... it's full of Google-PlusPORA refugees.
    Instead of forming G+ GROUPS, Pluspora locates similar interests with hashtags:

    1. Open an account with Pluspora
    2. Click on Streams > Followed Tags
    3. Where it says Add a Tag, type #googleplusrefugee, press Enter
    4. When you see your new Tag in the list, click on it
    5. Pluspora will currently reveal 105 G+ refugees
    6. Next try some of the tags shown beneath the people listed
    7. Want to add private contact with Family or Friends? click on My Aspects

    Yes, Pluspora is different from G+ but really easy when you get the hang of it.
    If you still dislike Pluspora, click your account at top right > Settings, Close Account at bottom.
    Good luck Steve

  55. Wayne Brander Pluspora has 9000 members and 105 Google plus members? Ah. you have 59 followers on G+. I have somewhere between 25,000 and 37,000 followers (most of them not active), but I can assure you, a site with those kind of numbers doesn't interest me. Mewe has in exess of 60,000 groups... and a lot more Plussers.

  56. Tessa Schlesinger Doesn't the fact (as reported herein) that what is posted inside Mewe is visible only within Mewe's gardened wall but lost to anyone else bother you?

  57. Tessa Schlesinger (sorry for the delay, just saw your comment above)... The Facebook G+ refugee photographers' groups I'm aware of are:
    Scavenger Hunts -
    The B&W Project -
    Global Photographers of G+ -
    Movie Mashup Tuesday -

    I'm sure there are more, I just haven't tracked them all down yet.

  58. Pat Kight Which one do you think is the best one for me to join. Bear in mind,my specialties buildings, landscapes, and seascapes. :)


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